Mac OS X is a powerful platform for Java development. While the Java development environment is fully integrated into Mac OS X, the Eclipse integrated development environment brings a fully integrated Java development environment to Mac OS X that provides a consistent cross-platform experience. This article shows you how to use this environment to import existing Xcode projects into Eclipse, tweak key bindings, and integrate Eclipse with the Mac OS X-bundled Concurrent Versions System.
…but on Mac OS X, it still looks like an ugly duckling. I really can’t bring myself to use it for anything serious—TextMate + Terminal just seems to win consistently.
Well, I use it daily on mac and it works pretty fine and doesn’t look that ugly.
I use Textmate too but hum… how do you do refactoring in TextMate exactly?
Don’t hate me…read this on Slashdot:
“Saying that Java is good because it works on all platforms is like saying anal sex is good because it works on all genders.”
So that’s a ringing endorsement then.
I have to get behind this post
That only works for people who uses the same criteria to judge sex and software 🙂
It isn’t?
Aren’t the Java cocoa bindings deprecated as of 10.4?
Yes, this is true. But what is your point?
I found it really strange to mix up Java and the Cocoa Widgets. Because you loose the platform independency (wasn’t this what Java is for?) and the Swing Widgets with the OS X Look-and-Feel are looking goot and they are working well.
Edited 2007-07-27 21:52
> Aren’t the Java cocoa bindings deprecated as of
> 10.4?
Eclipse doesn’t use the Java cocoa bindings. It uses SWT, which is written using Carbon.
>> Aren’t the Java cocoa bindings deprecated as of
>> 10.4?
> Eclipse doesn’t use the Java cocoa bindings. It uses
> SWT, which is written using Carbon.
That same Carbon that won’t have a 64 bit version? That sounds like it could be fun going forward.
> the Swing Widgets with the OS X Look-and-Feel are
> looking goo(d) and they are working well.
Sort of. I mean they don’t look bad, but they aren’t seemless. And I don’t like being stuck with aqua pinstripes only (the brushed metal look is a hack and apparently not a priority: the resize thumb at the bottom right is still an Aqua thumb etc.) I wonder how/if things will change with the more uniform UI I hear rumours of for Leopard
Edited 2007-07-28 22:09
For WebObjects developers, the WOLips project and Eclipse are part of the WebObjects Transition.
Did they ever get the Eclipse preferred UI development tools working under Mac OS X? Last I checked they were not functional. They are also based on Carbon which is even a worse situation. I like Eclipse and have used it for a few projects but if you ask me as of 3.x they had a long way to go before it was good to go.
I work with Eclipse on the Mac almost daily and I cant fault it in terms of UI fidelity. It looks good, feels better than Netbeans and works better with Java than Xcode.
Browser: SonyEricssonW810i/R4EA Browser/NetFront/3.3 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1
Well XCode while probably being the best environment for ObjectiveC development definitely lacks behind significantly once you touch the realm of java, there is no way apple really can catch up to Netbeans and a fully configured well packed Eclipse distro in that area!
Sorry for sounding so trollish, while I like the work Apple constantly has put into OSXs java, their Swing implementation integrates really nicely, I cannot say Apples work nowadays really helps OSX as java development platform. There is only one reason for that. Their java implementation lacks in terms of being on time currently more than a year. Java6 has been out for more than a year now and yet OSX still does not have it and wont have until their next os version update.
The main problem with this approach is, while it is not critical for deployment, since the server deployments often are half a decade behind the development, it often is critical for development.
Add to that that Eclipse and other platforms are noticably slower on OSX than any other platform and you will get the problem that I prefer to develop under Windows or Linux running in a VM than osx natively.