“Apple has begun preparatory measures for significant announcements to take place during the last full week of October, AppleInsider has been told. While sources have requested that we not go into detail regarding the specific measures being put into place, they say the announcements are likely to arrive any time between the 22nd and 27th of the month. Obviously, such a timeframe would coincide with Apple’s self-imposed release schedule for Mac OS X Leopard, which the company – after having delayed the software once – has promised for ‘October’.” Think Secret thinks the same.
Can anyone who has access to the beta confirm Checkpoints VPN client works or not please
No because they are under NDA.
I don’t think that most de facto Leopard users ever signed a NDA
Personally, I use the latest Beta – and if it goes to the Release the way it is now – this is gonna be a disaster.
Accidental crashes, a lot of software doesn’t work.
Would be really disappointed with Apple…
How about some specifics about what software doesn’t work? I have not heard of anyone else having these issues.
A lot of problems with Carbon framework. Most of the problems i have are with applications that are based on Trolltech Qt (framework that utilises Carbon) – but Trolltech QA claims that these are the problems with Carbon itself.
You can browse for Trolltech Qt library Bugtracker to see how many issues they have with incompatibility of Carbon between Tiger/Leopard.
Since a lot of applications are written with Carbon – this is probably a problem…
Edited 2007-10-05 17:43
Funny — one of the few press releases from Apple that would make me want to get a new Mac NOW rather than wait, just to avoid being an early adopter.
I run 10.3 on my wifes G3 iBook, and 10.4 on my MacPro, and I have no real intent on upgrading any time soon. I’m happy with what I have. And I was lightly thinking about getting another notebook…
Unless Adobe or Microsoft’s Carbon apps are accidentally crashing, Trolltech better check itself and work with Apple on the issue(s). Otherwise, the release will occur with Trolltech’s frameworks crashing.
Qt 4.4 will use Cocoa to fully support 64bit apps. See http://aseigo.blogspot.com/2007/10/qt-roadmap.html
That’s fantastic news!
Do I smell a KDE-Cocoa? Or say working with the GNUStep folks on ObjC/Openstep/Cocoa? [One can wish.]
Full Resolution Independence in the UI for Qt 4.4/4.5?
I’ll place my bet on Qt 4.5, at the earliest for this to happen.
OS X 10.5 will have RI out by then, but to see Linux and OS X ahead of Vista, once more will fantastic.
Accidental crashes
I love that
Have you found any ‘planned’ crashes yet
Just back when MS was intentionally breaking 3rd party software. Of course they don’t do that any more… right?
Right… do you have something from after the DOS days, or are you just repeating the conventional wisdom?
Not that funny, actually.
When application crashes in random places at the random moments, during the heavy load system calls…
If you have some experience with Mac development, do the following: create a simple BSD-like application with heavy PIPE I/O – you will be really surprised with the whole system behavior of Leopard and will dream about ‘planned’ crashes
Is it just me, or does this upgrade feel like its not ambitious enough?
Comparatively, progression in FOSS and vista seem take more of a daring leap than the advancements from tiger to leopard.
I actually think they’re adding a very standard amount of features to this generation. A revisioned filesystem and resolution independence are all it took to convince me to upgrade, evn though they’re making the UI hideous just for the “it looks different” factor.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but the latest betas of Leopard do not feature resolution independence.
from: http://www.thinksecret.com/news/0706leopard9a4559gallery.html
“Support for resolution independence, which has rudimentary support in Tiger and had been rumored to be arriving with full support in Leopard, remains no where to be found.”
from: http://arstechnica.com/journals/apple.ars/2007/09/22/rumor-mac-os-x…
“not to mention the absence of “secret features” like resolution independence.“
Sorry to burst yours:
I can deal with the new dock and to less extent the new menu bar even thought it doesn’t make that much sense from a usability view. But what is up with Preview 4.0 toolbar buttons? They removed rotate buttons on images which is sort of annoying, but also the new kind of buttons are way harder to tell what they actually do, and less contrast then the old aqua ones. Sure they LOOK better, but they are harder to see, tell what they do and you miss the rotate functionality (I hate rotate in menues since I sometimes rotate the wrong way, with an icon it’s rather obvious what way it will rotate in.)
(Which tells me now that CCW probably means counter clock wise and so on.. but anyway ;D. Menues takes longer time if nothing else.)
Edited 2007-10-05 21:59
Just edit the toolbar and add it back.
Editing toolbars in OS X is one of the most overlooked features that too many people don’t even know about.
The new features in Preview 4.0 are great IMHO.
On the screenshots I saw those two item (rotate in each way) wasn’t there longer, you could add more sorts of zoom and so on but not rotate.
Too bad the in-depth look at Preview 4.0 isn’t up any longer. It was available under http://www.appleinsider.com/article.php?id=3253
It pretty much said that Preview became a little image editing programm with lots of tools — even featuring iWork’s instant alpha.
Ahh, here comes the Job’s Imperial Guard of Mac apologists.
I don’t want my OS on which I and my buisiness depend to be ‘daring’!!!
I want a stable system that will let me get work done quickly and efficently
Then don’t upgrade. If it’s critical and it isn’t broken… then don’t fix it.
But then Vista was 6 years after the last consumer OS upgrade wasn’t it? Leopard is 1.5 after tiger and they where more often earlier?
I don’t see the huge FOSS progression either, not much have happened in KDE lately, 4.0 will proably bring something new. 3D effects in X looks cool but it’s like what will make or break Linux on the desktop ..
I said it before, and got laughed at. There really isn’t much to improve in the desktop world. Ok, you can add search to everything, but after that, people are really straining to find something innovative to do, and companies are too timid to go looking for truly revolutionary changes in the desktop model. Maybe we’ll have to wait for multitouch interfaces to become ubiquitous before anything new will hit the desktop.
But… But… The Office Ribbon!
Well, Apple HAVE done innovative stuff with the desktop earlier, others not so much ..
Also I would have appreciated if people came up with new ideas and ways to do stuff than just copy the same old.
Gnome and KDE are sooo like Windows, I understand how that would be important from a usability-to-noobs-used-to-Windows and omg-what-about-the-marketplace-of-companies-and-schools ways, but it’s not anything cool or new.
It would be more fun if people came up with new ideas, whatever those might be, I’m not Jobs so don’t ask me
Edited 2007-10-06 06:11
Actually, the improvements in Leopard seem ok to me, since they are upgrading from 10.4.x to 10.5, not 10.4 to 11.0. So I’d guess that the changelog looks radical enough.
Yea, since Apple releases OS Updates every six years and all.
Hmm, it’s very late so forgive a tetchy, throwaway remark (with apologies to one B. Dylan) – ‘I ain’t gonna work on Stevie’s farm no more…’
I feel Apple is under pressure to release a less mature 10.5 OS to the public. I can Understand this situation which reminds me of Microsoft being forced to release Vista even if it doesn’t contain features promised or taught.
Apple Now is 135 Billion worth on Market Capital which means that It has beaten HP/Compaq monster and they are on their way up to beat IBM, which looks scary to users of OSX, if they uderstand that their OS decisions are now in the hands of their shareholders who can push the product to the market in a specific time to compete with others even if it is not 100% mature.
I wish I am wrong, but I have read a lot of articles stating that Apple Quality is declining recently especially with the news about ATI chipset freezing the new imacs under gaming and heavy GPU usage.
Seriously, freezing of ATI GPUs have been a feature of theirs for long, on Windows aswell.
They where only good during 9xxx-series and that was because the 3DFX people had designs Nvidias GPUs during that time, but my friend had one of them and the drivers told him that the GPU had been restarted or whatever to prevent a crash more or less the whole time.
Nothing new ..
They should stay with Nvidia thought.
And only use non-TN-panels.
And get that noise out of my headphones on the latest macbook pro
And not cripple the lowend modell just because you have no other choice and HAVE o buy their own more expensive modell if you want something else. (Unless you run a hack of course.)
A lot of baseless fud around, anyway Leopard comes with Gui independent resolution:
And it is a major upgrade.
Just so you know, the docs have said that for a year or so and it is reported that the recent releases do NOT have resolution independence featured. So it may “support” it like Tiger does (via a “defaults write” issued command at the terminal) but not actually have it turned on.
also, that page you linked to was last updated 29/11/2006 .. almost a whole YEAR ago.
You don’t need the command line to set the DPI scaling, Quartz Debug bundled with the Leopard developer tools has a nice slider that does just that.
And considering all the icons are now 512×512 pixels, Leopard does indeed support a resolution independent GUI, it’s just not visible at first to the end user.
When Apple ships displays with higher DPI, expect this to either be a visible option in System Preferences, or automatically decided by OS X depending on the current monitor DPI.
I’ll put my money on the last one.
Edited 2007-10-06 19:57
An Apple guy said in a WWDC session (can’t remember if it was 2006 or 2007) that Apple expects all apps to be resolution independend in mid-2008. I think that an update will ship (maybe 10.5.3?) that will just turn that feature on and not-updated apps will suddenly become ugly.