AndandTech has thoroughly reviewed the new Penryn-based MacBooks and MacBook Pros and concludes: “The biggest improvement by far comes in the battery life department. Just as we had seen earlier, you can expect these new models to outlast their predecessors by a good 7 – 15%. The performance side of things is more of a mixed bag. There are some situations where Penryn is clearly faster than Merom while others show the two with equal performance. It’s for this reason that we say the biggest improvement lies in battery life, not performance.” This puts to rest any uncertainty over the new laptops’ battery life.
Woo it’s better and last longer
I was thinking about whether to get a new Macbook Pro, and the news of this refresh was what I needed to push me over the edge. After a long time eyeing Macs enviously, I will soon be initiated into the cult.
Still looking for the cult and this mysteriously urban legened Kool-Aid =) (what flavour is it?)
Seriously though, put a 17″ LED hi res screen one on order with the 512MB high speed VRAM. I want to do an occasional game now. I have an original Mac mini with PPC processor as my toe-dipping tiny foray into all Mac goodness and you know what, I tried it and I like it! — but an old PPC processor isn’t actually a screaming deamon nor good for the occasional PC game.
I would have waited for the yet-rumour-mongered again update to occur in June (which means more like August or late in the year for Apple to get around to implementing) it update.
It is a minor update but I’m now in and playing the waiting game for the box to show up because I get a tax break and income tax is done midyear here and August is unfortunately too late to get in this years return…
Give me one without CPU Whine and I will purchase it tomorrow!
To tell the truth, since Apple introduced their new Penryn-based MacBooks, life has been so much better.
The water’s cleaner, the air’s fresher, and I do believe that food just tastes better. And much like their previous offerings I’m sure that these new Apple models are faster than any other computer in the world ever created by any company, ever!
I love Apple.
Truthfully, I would love to have one of these. I’m jealous that I don’t and won’t have the funds to obtain one for a long while.
Edited 2008-03-01 02:36 UTC
A refresh had been due for a while and when the new CPUs were announced it was almost a certainty.
I’m considering getting a laptop soon so this is good timing…