Linux Library Loader Stirs Borland Complaint

“It certainly would not be a surprise for friction to occur when Windows and Linux developers are confined in close quarters. Now a recent post on a Borland community message board by Danny Thorpe, a well-known Borland engineer who has been involved with the Kylix project from the beginning, has stirred the pot. Thorpe, rightly or wrongly, criticized both Linux and open source in explaining why Kylix wasn’t working exactly as intended at library load time.” LinuxWorld features the full article. Our Take: The timing for Mr. Thorpe to publish such an article was probably a bit wrong from a marketing point of view: Kylix 2 was announced just today and such an open technical disagreement can have some negative impact at its sales in the Linux market.

One Response

  1. 2001-10-24 5:42 pm