The new release of the objC GNUstep API, 0.8.3, contains preliminary support for OpenGL. Other improvements include simple printing, print previewing, and more documentation. Also recently, the C++ APIs of Fox Toolkit and wxWindows had new releases too. Update: FLTK had a new version too.
Glad GNUstep is moving along. Now I need gnustep.h so I can run GNUstep programs on my Mac OS X box (AKA my NeXTstep/Linux replacement box). The link on the site wasn’t running last time I checked — anyone have an updated link w/ the file actually attached to it?
Squidgee, the script “” is part of gnustep-make. You can download and install it under OS X w/o any problem.
>Squidgee, the script “” is part of gnustep-make. >You can download and install it under OS X w/o any problem.
Yes, I know that. I don’t need the script; I need the .h file that can be used in compiling sources. It’s just like STDIO.h. The site says I can #INCLUDE it in the source to compile GNUstep programs on Mac OS X. I son’t need the makefile generator. I need the .h file, heh.
Good to know it seems that I may not need the .h file to compile under Mac OS X, though…
FLTK is just excellent. That Bill Spitzak guy is a great software designer.
That said, there’s the problem with 1.1 and 2.0 versions and programs with yet special versions — like the one with cute GTK-like widgets, the other with Unicode, yet other used in a new desktop environment… kind of a dll hell, when you want to try several programs (check Links, Software on the FLTK page).
Sorry I misread “gnustep.h” for “”. No, you don’t need to install any GNUstep stuff (base,make,gui or back) in order to compile your app under Mac OS X. Under OS X, you simply use Cocoa.
I searched the wxWindows site for comments on the BeOS port. It seems that someone made inquires early this November on the status of this port. Apparently not much was ever done on this, and there were only a few people who signed on to it (it was begun in 1999).
Anyone know of anyone who might be interested in continuing this port? Does anyone think it would be worth it? I’m not a programmer, I’m just interested in the possibility of a universal synth editor called “SynthEd” (which uses wxWindows and XML) being ported to BeOS. (see ). It looks like a very promising project and BeOS needs something like this badly to make it a more viable OS for MIDI.