I would like to thank everyone for your support this 1,5 years after the OSNews relaunch on August 2001. I worked really hard all that time, designed and coded OSNews, writting a huge number of articles etc. I brought OSNews from 700 impressions per day to 92,000 per day, for last month. But this is exactly what will also make me leave my baby (OSNews :). Too much work.Being a part of a huge site, is not easy. It is not something you can do it in your spare time anymore. Sending a trackload of emails to companies or other individuals daily, being the webmaster, the co-moderator in the forums, the main editor who needs to collect news every day and even expected to write 1-3 big articles per week… OSNews takes 90% of my time everyday, it feels like a real job. But when a hobby (I was never meant to be paid for any of my work here) becomes a real “job”, it stops being a pleasure exactly.
Being big, it means that companies like SGI, Sun, Red Hat, Apple to name a few, are expecting certain articles (reviews, interviews etc) at certain times from us. This adds to my stress, because I have to do something “now” and not when I might feel like doing so.
[Explanation (it seems necessary as people misunderstood the above paragraph): The articles are decided and written by me, but to write some of the articles, I need to have some review loaned hardware. When company “A” sends me over a $X,000 or even a $XX,000 machine for a review, they expect me to have the machine back in a week, for example. This gives me a “window” of one week or so to learn the whole system and write the article (while at the same time I have a backlog of other articles and other responsibilities). And all that adds up to my stress. It is not that “they” decide for the content. I don’t ‘take crap’ from any company, at least I am well known for that. :D]
And the fact that some people do not appreciate all this work I have put into, to deliver something fresh on the web, well it doesn’t help the situation.
The main reason why I am leaving is because I need more time for myself. The last 12 months I had no time to do anything else other than OSNews stuff. I want to read, watch… TV, go outside more, have more time with my husband, plan to have a baby in the family for the future and other very simple pleasures like these.
I will be “working” full time on OSNews as I always had until December 12th, then for a month I will keep my work to a minimal and after that time I will keep my partiticipation to OSNews to not more than 5-6 hours per month (today, it can varry from 10 to 15 hours per day). I will still might be sending 1-2 articles per month for publication as a contributing editor, but I won’t be doing anything more than that. In fact, I have promised some articles to 2-3 companies for the future, so I will be doing these when the right time comes even if I won’t be here full time. A promise is a promise. 🙂
I hope that OSNews will continue to have the same rate of daily updates in the future, as David Adams, owner of OSNews.com, and the contributing writers will be taking over the maintenance of the site.
Again, thank you all for your support all this time! I would like to thank also David Adams and Jon Jensen, who gave me the opportunity to ressurect OSNews in the first place, supporting me and working with me all this time. It has been a great ride! 🙂
I am sad to hear that you are leaving, but I can understand why. Thanks for all they great work you have done with OSNews. OSNews has become a wonderfull news site becuase of all the hard work and effort you put into it. Your articles will always be welcome here, so whenever you get a chance send one our way.
…and the renewed OSNews. I am a fairly big OS junkie. I just wish I could combine a 486-120, a K63+/500 and a T-Bird 1400 all in one case so I can run DOS to OS/2 Warp to Win9x-2000 to Linux all in one comp.
I think most of the ppl that read OSNews appreciate you, and the morons that don’t are just a little more vocal. I wish you success in whatever you do with yourself now.
gg Eugenia.
P.S. You are really into computing and OSes in a way that Very Few chicks are. I didn’t realize you are a woman until a couple of months ago You have done a really nice job.
I have been visiting OSnews since August 2001 (i guess i was one of the 700 impressions). I don’t have any knowledge of programming or heavier technical stuff but I still find this site very interesting. Thanks for making it that way! Good luck in all your future endevours.
A very big thank you for all of your contributions. Never regret the effort you have put into OSNews. Now, go outside and feel the sun on your face, in the morning, walk barefoot through the dew-covered grass. Live your life with your family. There are more important things than computers. Long life and much happiness.
Thanks for the great contribution. hope all of us will keep osnews up
You have really impressed me over the years, be as a news editor during the times of BeNews or much later on here on OSNews. You have also been very consistent and clear with your reporting.
Considering your enormous efforts you have been unfairly treated by some individuals in the past (but there are lunatics within any community , but overall I believe you are very well respected among the entire OS industry.
I wish you and JBQ the very best, for the future.
Thanks for your contributions. I continue to be an avid reader of the OSNews site. Good fortune in your new endeavors.
I discovered OSNews about 2 months ago and have visited everyday ever since and plan to do so forever. Thanks.
in the whole world wide web, you are one of the very few persons which I never met face to face, but I will really miss you, like a person who I know for many years (I read your articles since BeNews days) personally. OSNews is much more than a technically advanced news side but it is already a community around it and you are the most important member of it (like Torwalds is the most important member of Linux kernel developers group).
You made this site the one of my four have-to-visit-every-day-site, I really like your style of writing articles and moderating the discussions. By the way I want to thank also a lot of the comment writers, who are really very competent on their topics. The level of commitments is very high here, not like on the other sides.
Maybe we meet some day, when you are in Europe (perhaps at the CeBIT in March?)
I´ll miss you. Greetings from Anton
Thank you all. You are all so sweet.
[heart… is… breaking…]
Thank you for all your efforts, especially the objective reviews.
Referring to a website as your baby , that’s definitely an indication that a person needs a break.
Life has so much more to offer, and hope you have a wonderful time experiencing it.
>Referring to a website as your baby…
Well, I coded it from scratch in less than a week last year and that put me in the hospital for a night… 😮
There was definately a “give birth” process over there.
Until you learn some common decency and respect for other people, please leave OSNews and do not return.
I really hope this have nothing to do with us less informed not reading up on posting rules, like with the UFO news post…
I’ve stalked you all the way from the BeOS days (loved your sdl game ports) then a couple of months ago I noticed OSnews and I must say it’s not a half-bad legacy you leave behind.
All best wishes from Sweden – Cyco Entertainment.
Thanks for all the work you have done. I have watched you progress from being a person curious about computing and operating systems to a darn good reviewer. I know because I have found myself waiting for your reviews on some various releases. You seem more accurate and more thorough than most reviewers. I am sure it is a lot of work and I have marveled at the obvious significant amount of time you put into this site.
I hope to see your work in the future and I especially hope you stay in touch with the BeOS community. Get some well deserved rest and enjoy the holidays.
Kind regards,
*** Ben
Hey Eugenia,
I want to let you know that OSNews is one of my favorite websites and its in no small part to your involvement.
You will be GREATLY MISSED!!!!
PLEASE DON’t LEAVE, I’ll give you beautiful wallpapers of books and trees and tvs and babys and even husbands :p
This is really sad, i don’t think anyone will be as dedicated to this great site as you were and that makes me sad. Id oubt we will ever see someone with so much wit and honesty, no matter what people will think.
Good Luck and I hope you will spend more htan 5-6 hours on OS news per month (I spend at least 40 hours per month on this site)
I’ve been reading OSNews.com for over a year now, and became a totally must-see website. Everyday.
Thank you very much, and please, be happy with your family and your new spare-time. You deserve it.
Always yours,
It’s such a pity that you are leaving Eugenia.
Looking at the amount of articles you put in I can’t help to think that OSNews will be in rough times. Who’s is going to take over? You put in 90 percent of the articles…
‘Being big, it means that companies like SGI, Sun, Red Hat, Apple to name a few, are expecting certain articles (reviews, interviews etc) at certain times from us.’
This is a bit of a disappointment for me, I didn’t know that the contents of articles are driven by companies.
Seems I have to take it with a pinch of salt what you think is important…
All the best!
First i have to thank u for all the effort u put into OSNews (set as my browser’s home by the way) and i have to tell u that i’ll miss u for the second time (BeNews comes to mind) i wish u all the luck , and all the luck to JBQ too.
one question, do u still have JBQ as your desktop background?
As a linux developer I really apreciate your unbiased reviews! Too many reviewers are either too harsh just because it isn’t mainstream or too easy on the software because it is open source!
Also I really liked your articles where you worked on GUI details! the devil is in the details and you dove in and showed us what needs done! I hope that we can see more of the ideas/details from you in the future!
Best of luck in future engagements!
You will be miss! I started visit here so often in around three months ago. Because of your wonderful intereviews, reviews and etc. I don’t think, anyone can take your place at this moment, but who knows.
At least, life comes first as always. So, I wish for you the good luck for family future of your and etc.
Here’s my huge thank you!
Good luck with “Real life” 🙂
I am a recent convert, having started to read OSNews six months ago. Even in the short time I am here I’ve seen this site explode and change. It has been amazing!
Eugenia, you’ve been a pleasure to read and debate with and I will miss you. I wish you the very best!
Catch you on the funway!
Wow. I just recently found OSNews, and have loved it ever since. Better than Slashdot, better than all technology news sites. I loved the fact that you were so active and that you participated in almost ever discussion (I wish we could say that much for CmdrTaco). I can’t seem to remember where I found this site, but I am so very thankful for it.
This site has given me so much news (you beat me to figuring out that Opera 7 Beta was out) and given me something to do (yes, I am one of those obsessive-reloaders, it’s no longer a surprise when I come upon an article published less than five minutes earlier).
Thank you so very very much, and I’m glad that you aren’t leaving OSNews completely.
Really appreciated all your work. Enjoy life
… is there anything we can do to make you change you mind?
Hi Eugenia,
Osnews.com is one of my favorite sites on the web, and is usually the first site I hit each day. That is due to the work you put into the site. I enjoy your reviews, and value your opinion, even when I don’t agree with it. :^)
I feel your observations were fair and honest, and you stick to your guns when the feedback gets harsh.
You will be missed.
I’ve been reading osnews for just over a year now and have always loved the articles. It’s been hard to find a site that covers all angles of the OS field without bias. And who cares if you have to cover certain operating systems for certain companies. You have always stayed true and reported what you felt about them. One look at your comments on Yast2 will tell you that your not being swayed. Good luck in everything that you do.
Wow, this isn’t supposed to happen. I must be living under a rock because I never see these things comming. I don’t have anything clever to say because someone most likely has already said it.
Thanks for your past efforts. Your unique personality & dedication will be missed.
PS: I still want to read that story on carrot seeds though.
Thank you Eugenia, for your excellent work, dedication, and commitement to this site, and to the very core of good reporting.
I feel personally that you have been a shining example after which I’ve tried to mold my own site The BeOSJournal from, and I want to thank you for that.
I have followed your articles from as far back as the BeNews days, and you’ve remained fairly consistant across that time period. Cudos on doing such a great job.
I wish you well in your life now that you’ve taken the momentious decision to step down the pace of activity, and hope that you and JBQ produce a gazillion offspring. 😉
If you ever come back to European ground again, please let me know, as the lattes will be on me.
Take care girl, and all the best. You deserve it.
-Chris Simmons,
Avid BeOS User.
The BeOSJournal.
My first post since one year:
Danke! Thanks!
Sad to hear your leaving but you did a great job and hopefully this site will continue to provide accurate news for all us os junkies.
Eug…..would you marry me?
I don’t think there is anything that could change Eugenia’s mind – as she said, 10-15 hours a day as a volunteer for a project of this enormity is way too much – time to live life!
Eugenia, I used to pretty much lurk at BeNews and surfaced here. A poster above, I think, misunderstood what you said about companies expecting articles, etc. One of the paramount reasons, among the very many, that you’ve made OS News a huge success, is that you’ve had the strict policy of taking absolutely zero crap from anybody. I think for OS News to continue to be successful, that policy must stay intact (although I don’t know who could do it with as much flair as you have :-).
One of the funniest things that’s happened over all this time is that you’ve been accused of favoring practially every OS or being anti every OS there is. It is so funny because it is impossible. How can you be pro-Windows and anti-Windows, pro-OS X and anti-OS X, pro-Linux and anti-Linux, all at the same time?? The fact is, you have always called them as you’ve seen them, no matter how the cards fell. That integrity is another paramount reason for the success of OS News. There are big shoes to fill here.
Making the site interesting with both bombast and humor has been another key ingedient. Who can forget the release of Gnome 2? Or that draconian law in Greece? A strong personality has been a big part of the success of OS News. Your personality, Eugenia, you inserted yourself right into the middle of this whole thing and that fact, perhaps even more than the actual endless hours you’ve spent, surely has you ready for having “a life” again.
I also wanted to say how I have seen your command of the English language grow exponentially over the past year. And, I don’t mean just in articles, where you have said you have someone proofread them sometimes, but I can tell, just in your regular posts, talking as you would in a normal conversation – that is something to be proud of! I can read Spanish and French pretty well, but the very idea of taking over a Spanish speaking or French speaking website is beyond my imagination. Courage has made OS News what it is today.
Thank God you’ll be doing articles still! The best always to you and JBQ – live long and prosper 🙂
Eugenia, as a newcomer to OS News I haven’t had the chance to know you that well. OSNews.com has made its place on my Favorites list because of the perspective you bring to the site and the forums.
With the vast number of tech websites run by and, essentially, for men (there are just NOT enough women in tech/IT/IS) there is the great risk of tunnel vision. We beat our chests as we stand over our beige boxes, optical mouse clutched in our mighty hands. When – not if – there are more women like you on the Web running sites or even just posting, it will be a better place for all of us.
Who will, I wonder, take your place?
Though I am deeply saddend by your departure from my favorite website, I can fully underestand your situation. This is just a BIG THANK YOU, I wish I could do more than that. Just don’t forget, you are always welcomed around here! We will miss you EUG.
Osnews definitely is one of my must see sites everyday. Tnx for the great effort you put into it.
i am a old osnews reader and i which you all the best in your future.
i hope osnews will continue to deliver the same quality of information as it did in the last.
Does this mean that benews lives again?
I’ve been reading OSNews alot lately and even though i havn’t had the same opinions all the time I’ve always appreciated your articles.
Sad to see you go…
We are going to miss you Eugenia!!! Take care and don’t be a stranger!!!
I couldn’t believe what I read so I went back and read twice. Eugenia is the soul of OSNews; is OSNews (with all the respect to other people contributing!). Is there a way to make her stay?
Posting more articles will take the load off her. Maybe a way to pay her a minimum amount of $ by donating, help her build her wish lists 🙂 etc is the least we can do.
Perhaps I’m going too far, well I’m Greek as Eugenia – it’s our genes I guess, but I can’t stand the fact she’s living. Come on people, let’s keep OSNews what it is. A great site, Eugenia’s effort for the best, for information, for knowledge, for us!
<on_my_knees> Please don’t go </on_my_knees>
It seem that you succesfully throw away your favouritism on any OS during your past involvement with OSNEWS. Well, I think since last year, I keep on coming to this site several times a day, at work and at home. The main reason might be duae to your works that keep on this site full with latest news about OS.
I’m hoping that you will be happy with you family.
I guess I was one of those 700 impressions also. I got my iBook in July 2001 and starting visiting OSNews on a daily basis shortly thereafter.
I haven’t always agreed with you, but I have great respect for your work. This is one of the few sites which I could count on being up to the minute with the latest news, and it is the only site that I have found that covers the diverse world of operating systems; even obscure and unknown varieties.
You have done an excellent job, and I am one reader who has appreciated your efforts. Good luck in the future, and I hope you enjoy your time away from OSNews.
P.S> I’ll be surpirised if anyone can maintain the standard you have set.
I was shocked to read the headline! (The journalistic side of you put that one down!)
OSNews, a daily for most of us, is only so popular because of your dedication.
I wish there was a way for us, the community, to do more to help maintain the site and lift the weight off your shoulders. Perhaps there’s a way for you to delegate some of the more menial / less enjoyable tasks (eg forum moderation)?
Whatever happens, good luck in the future and enjoy family life. I have a son, and it’ll be the best decision you ever made.
A few months ago I found this wonderfull site. Now, I read it everyday. I learned a great deal here. Thank you for that.
I’ve done volunteer work for almost 30 years. It can be very hard and stressing. I prefer my “normal” job 🙂
So thank you, thank you very much for your contribution.
Greetings from Antwerp, Belgium
Thank you for volunteering to work on this informative site. Although I do not always agree with the opinion in your posts, your effort is truly appreciated.
As much as the OS wars will probably reach at the climax in 2003(or 2004), and hence the info of this site will be even more in need by most of us, I think taking a leave would still be a good thing, to re-energize and to refresh the perspective once again. Good luck with whatever plans you have later on.
…for all the nice news and impressions.
Thanks for all of these days of good reading and please, reload your bateries and come soon!! 🙂
Thanks again.
Grà cies per tots aquests dies de bona lectura i si us plau, recarrega les teves bateries i torna aviat!! 🙂
Grà cies de nou.
I love babies too, but bringing up one is not a pleasure, actually it is harder than OsNews. Believe me. I don’t have any child myself, but from everybody I heard that it is one of the hardest things in the world. Worse, you can not give up like you can in OsNews. As a matter of fact, as the child gets older and older it does not get any easier. For example with OsNews, as you learn more you can automate certain things by writing scripts and automating the work, but with children there is no such solution. They always demand attention, 10 hours a day is not enough for very young ones, and sometimes they don’t even care if you are sleeping. They wake you up, but with OsNews, the worst happens is that the server is down, but the next morning you wake up and fix the problem. It doesn’t wake up you up in the middle of the night. There may be monthly server bills, but at least it does not exceed its allowence, it is always responsible. Furthermore you can put ads on it to recover some costs. You can not put banners on your child, even if you do they will throw the banners away, but worse probably you can not find any company to give ads on your child, because it is considered to be immoral. My advice is stick with OsNews.
… is there anything we can do to make you change you mind?
It’s possible by pay her to do the work on OSNews.com. It has to be pay what she can afford for her life, like a real job. But, don’t know if she wants this nor OSNews.com can afford. 😉
Well you deserve a normal life, everyone does, thanks for all the hard work!
I hope you know that your hard work was not in vain. Since the re-launch, OSNews has been one of my primary sources of computing news and I know that I’m not alone.
Good luck with all your plans.
Thanks for all those reviews, moderations, and all the related work you’ve done. OS News is a very well respected site that I appreciate daily.
May the future carry the fruit of your efforts.
Thanks for all the hard work you have done with this site and for all of your honest and unbiased reviews. You have raised the level of the discussion regarding GUI issues and I think we have all benefited from that.
You will be sorely missed. Good luck with everything, Eugenia.
I came to osnews when trying to find some info about *bsd about a year ago. I don’t remember where I got the link, maybe ./, but I remember finding people talking about beos, atheos, dos, solaris, amiga, and some exotic and obscure stuff I never heard of. I remember thinking that it was difficult to find a place where instead of the usual “my os is bigger than yours” people were talking about GUI’s, file systems, package management, many times in a historical perspective.
So I learned a lot here… Well I also formatted the wrong partition twice killed a lot of GRUBs, but that’s not your fault.
Thank you for your dedication and hard work.
There should be more women multibooting!
Your objective works will be missed. Two thumbs up for a job well done.
I always thought you have to do a full time job with osnews, this amount of articles from one person was unbelievable.
I started to read osnews over a yeat ago and I expect it will get quite boring next year…
But understand your decision and this is the right thing to do…
thanks for all you put in on osnews, I really enjoyed it :-))) now I have also more time for doing non computer things, because I cannot read your articles anymore
Dear Eugenia,
We will miss you. All those who fight against the power of The Matrix will miss the many facets of your efforts and contributions, your energy and forthrightness, your verve and your zest.
Just in case you get tired of what the machines are feeding you, we will keep track of your trace pattern.
For now, sweet dreams,
Red Pill
all that you have said it’s reasonable and true, and I hope you will have many children and a happy life…. but :|…. sigh …..you are a reference figure for many of us (at least for me).
Your point of view is rare goods and your articles are precious gems, we cannot lose you!!!
Also i thank God you’ll be doing articles still!
PS:(an italian expression) – Tu si che ci stai dentro.
I was surprised by just reading the post header.
And I thought “Oh, is it the 1st of April?”
But after reading the detail, I could nod my head.
Anyway a promise is a promise I hope to see Eugenia’s posts often in the near future. It can be OS related, sci-fi, one’s life or anything that may interest some/all OSNews readers. I also hope Eugenia to enjoy her private life (be happy) that she couldn’t previously ’cause of the load of OSNews works.
Thanks Eugenia for which she have put into this woderful, have-to-visit-everyday site to pleasure people around the world reading worthy information! Thank you!
I will keep visit everyday anyway
I have spent many mornings reading the articles on osnews (maybe too many i think they call it addiction) and there has always been something interesting .. something that got me thinking… ive learned quite a bit from it and found inspiration for some of my own personal projects..
I hope you have a wonderful time.. and wish you all the best of luck.
Being self-employed I know how you must be feeling right now.
I understand and respect your decision, it takes a lot to leave “behind” something you created.
Thanks for the hard work and your opinions, good luck with the family plans too.
I still hope you will write about UI issues from time to time.
Best wishes
I’m not a programmer or a sysad, but since I discovered OSnews I kept reading it each day and I really enjoied it.
I also learned a lot from it.
Thank you for your great work.
Best luck to you and JBQ.
that you are leaving this wonderful website.
Oreillynet, slashdot and osnews are the only websites that I visit many times a day.. and you are the only name that has been branded in my small brain.
Don’t leave us alone in this cold and dark universe… 😉
Big kiss from Germany to Greece.
At the next Eurovision I vote for you..
Thank you all for your very kind comments!
> This is a bit of a disappointment for me, I didn’t know that the contents of articles are driven by companies. Seems I have to take it with a pinch of salt what you think is important…
You misunderstood I am afraid. The articles are decided and written by me, but to write some of the articles, I need to have some review loaned hardware. When SGI sends me over a $20,000 machine for a review, they expect me to have the machine back in a week, for example. This gives me a “window” of one week to learn the whole system and write the article (while at the same time I have a backlog of other articles and other responsibilities).
And all that adds up to my stress. It is not that “they” decide for the content. I don’t take crap from companies, at least I am known for that.
I have great interest in different operating systems and user interfaces and I did used many of them in past 19 years except one from Redmond. OSNews site is my first stop every morning and will be so in the future.
Thank You for your great work! Your most valuable contribution and opinion will be missed!
Good luck in the future!
osnews will not be shut down will it?
this is a site that i visit everyday, and im gonna miss it.
thanks for all intressting news!
goodluck in the future.
– Thanks for the great job you did here
– We’ll miss you.
– What will you be doing after Dec 12?
– Don’t do it! Don’t leave OSNews!! OSNews=Eugenia !!!
>osnews will not be shut down will it?
No, David and the contributing writers will take over the maintance of the site. I just hope they will be… active enough. 😉
I have been reading your articles since the benews days.
I haven’t always agreed with you but I respect your opinion none the less.
I hope to read your opinion again soon.
Thanks for your contributions to the BeOS community as well as the OS community in general.
I hope you enjoy your “real” life as much as we enjoyed your “virtual” one.
Just so you know, your work was appriciated by virtually everyone who read the site. Why do you think there were such High hits? I frequented this site ’cause of the new storys just about everytime I refreshed. It is obvious you worked your tail off. Though it’s such a shame the sqeaky wheel always gets the oil, and by that I mean the vocal few who are looking for negitive attention (I’m sure you know the type). Maybe you could just cut it down to say 6 hours a day with weekends off
Anyway, I wish you the best. Take that overdue vacation and go make some babies.
>- What will you be doing after Dec 12?
France… ski…
>- Don’t do it! Don’t leave OSNews!! OSNews=Eugenia !!!
Hm. I’m kinda speechless.
Good look, Eugenia. It was a great time while it lasted.
I understand the reasons but surely we all here will miss your hard work and the objectiveness you always have shown, which sadly it’s not very usual in this industry.
Best wishes, from Madrid, Spain.
— Andres
I thought the least I could do was leave my own humble 2 cents:
Very sorry to see you leave, best of luck with your future endeavors.
love and peace, smiles & sunshine
smooth from Gent, Belgium
We had some arguments in the past but i wish you and
your family all the best.
Take care.
I wasn’t expecting such a change but I guess (or I am counting on it) you won’t be leaving us for good.
I read OSNews for a long time now and it has really gain a new life since you took it on your sholders.
It has gain a stronger, friendly, comunity world wide, meanwhile, around different but rather interesting OS subjects that it didn’t had before. The comunity will not go away but will be expecting news from you now and then, so … come back (with news I mean) when you feel like it.
I was a little sad at first but now I am happy for you, that are leaving the editor position and going to a colaboartive one … because it’s a mature decision when a person has enough clarity to distanciate for a while after 12 months and seek other important personal projects like family and kids, this can only be a good choice. Well done.
I wish you good luck for booth, be happy Eugenia. See you soon.
Just wanted to say a big Thank You for all your great articles and reviews I read almost every day here on OSNews.
Good luck!
My best wishes to both You and JBQ, Eugenia.
Yes,look deeply. You are getting sleepy. Yes you can no longer keep your eyes open. Now, when you wake up you will retract this foolish editorial and have no rememberance of ever thinking such a thought. Your only desire till the last computer fizzles out in some dark unthinkable infinity is to provide your readers with techno savvy in the passionate style that only you have been able to do.
… has said nearly everything there is to be said, but thanks so much for everything.
I check OSNews daily, and it’s always interesting. Eugenia, you’re probably the best webmistress of a news site I’ve seen – you actually have an informed opinion, and if an item is interesting it’s on the site.
I’ll be looking forward to your contributions, no matter how irregular, and enjoy your life away from the site. You’ll miss things (I’ve been through much the same thing in the past with previous projects), but it’s worth it in the end.
Thanks again.
Good Luck
Thanks!, Eugenia.
Muchas gracias, Eugenia.
becasue you are a very good tech columnist. you should have the ability to get paid for that gift by doing some freelance work for variouse mags and websights.
good luck, I will be looking forward to your monthly articles 🙂
If you spend 8+ hours a day working on a website, it’s pretty much a given that you’re going to get burned out eventually. But, 8+ hours a day to 5-6 hours a month is quite a stretch, yes? Spending time with husband and having a kid is already, but watching TV? Bleh, throw that f**king thing in the trash where it belongs.
As for the lamers go, when you work on something as hard as this, there are always people who are not going to appreciate your work – I could’ve told you that before you even started.
I too wonder about the fate of OSNews, considering you were doing most of the work.
Anyway, as many others have said, thanks for all your hard work. It was fun while it lasted
In the last post, already = alright!
Thanks for all the great work. I really like visiting every day and learning. Have some fun and take time for yourself and your family. You deserve it and have some ice cream also if you like it.
Really, thank you for keeping us informed, even sometimes before /. =)
Thank you for all the quality news and articles, and sorry for the numerous trolls we started here
I wish you best luck Eugenia, take care.
…I’ve been reading osnews daily since.. I believe.. I read some article or another on benews.com that mentioned this site. It’s obvious you’re the one who makes this place run, although completely understandable, it’s a shame you’re leaving. I don’t know if anyone will be able to take your place or even put as much effort in to this site as you have. Anyhow, just thought you might want to know that there’s at least one more silent person out there who appreciates what you’ve done for this site and the BeOS community. I do hope we continue to get updates on the BeOS spin offs.
Thank you for all the effort. I stop by once a day to get my news and I have always enjoyed your articles, especially the ones with a little bit of attitude. Please take the time to enjoy your life and family.
You will be missed.
been reading your articles since the benews days – almost never posted, as i lack the understanding of some of the technical details (though i think i understand the big picture).
all the best for your future.
> France… ski…
Why dont you come to Utah instead? We’re not as fancy as France, but we do have the ‘greatest snow on earth!’
…and take off AS MUCH TIME AS POSSIBLE from all things computer-related so that when you return you will be refreshed and rarin’ to go!! 5-6 hours/month is still tooo much…get away from it all!
Growing up alone or the object of parental obsession as the sole child is no fun…so please have lots of children!
Good luck.
thanks for osnews – one of the most worthy sites on the net
really appeciated