Leaving OSNews

I would like to thank everyone for your support this 1,5 years after the OSNews relaunch on August 2001. I worked really hard all that time, designed and coded OSNews, writting a huge number of articles etc. I brought OSNews from 700 impressions per day to 92,000 per day, for last month. But this is exactly what will also make me leave my baby (OSNews :). Too much work.Being a part of a huge site, is not easy. It is not something you can do it in your spare time anymore. Sending a trackload of emails to companies or other individuals daily, being the webmaster, the co-moderator in the forums, the main editor who needs to collect news every day and even expected to write 1-3 big articles per week… OSNews takes 90% of my time everyday, it feels like a real job. But when a hobby (I was never meant to be paid for any of my work here) becomes a real “job”, it stops being a pleasure exactly.

Being big, it means that companies like SGI, Sun, Red Hat, Apple to name a few, are expecting certain articles (reviews, interviews etc) at certain times from us. This adds to my stress, because I have to do something “now” and not when I might feel like doing so.
[Explanation (it seems necessary as people misunderstood the above paragraph): The articles are decided and written by me, but to write some of the articles, I need to have some review loaned hardware. When company “A” sends me over a $X,000 or even a $XX,000 machine for a review, they expect me to have the machine back in a week, for example. This gives me a “window” of one week or so to learn the whole system and write the article (while at the same time I have a backlog of other articles and other responsibilities). And all that adds up to my stress. It is not that “they” decide for the content. I don’t ‘take crap’ from any company, at least I am well known for that. :D]

And the fact that some people do not appreciate all this work I have put into, to deliver something fresh on the web, well it doesn’t help the situation.

The main reason why I am leaving is because I need more time for myself. The last 12 months I had no time to do anything else other than OSNews stuff. I want to read, watch… TV, go outside more, have more time with my husband, plan to have a baby in the family for the future and other very simple pleasures like these.

I will be “working” full time on OSNews as I always had until December 12th, then for a month I will keep my work to a minimal and after that time I will keep my partiticipation to OSNews to not more than 5-6 hours per month (today, it can varry from 10 to 15 hours per day). I will still might be sending 1-2 articles per month for publication as a contributing editor, but I won’t be doing anything more than that. In fact, I have promised some articles to 2-3 companies for the future, so I will be doing these when the right time comes even if I won’t be here full time. A promise is a promise. 🙂

I hope that OSNews will continue to have the same rate of daily updates in the future, as David Adams, owner of OSNews.com, and the contributing writers will be taking over the maintenance of the site.

Again, thank you all for your support all this time! I would like to thank also David Adams and Jon Jensen, who gave me the opportunity to ressurect OSNews in the first place, supporting me and working with me all this time. It has been a great ride! 🙂


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