“Duke Nukem Forever was announced in 1997, after its predecessor, Duke Nukem 3D, had rocked the PC market with a hero who liked kicking ass, hanging out with strippers, and murdering alien police officers that were, literally, pigs. It was inappropriate, raunchy, and amazing. It was also one of the games that gave 3D Realms the success that brought its destruction. Duke Nukem Forever began life as a completely self-funded game; its developer wanted nothing less than perfection, and would chase every update in technology in order to deliver it. The game saw monumental delays, suffered the slings and arrows of a gaming world that was first angry and then tolerant of its favorite whipping boy, had its home taken away, and has since risen from the dead. Is the public still interested in Duke Nukem? Hell yes it is. This is the story of the gaming industry’s favorite joke, and how Duke may finally have the last laugh.”
The Duke is dead, long live the Duke!
I’ve been wondering certain things like the transfer of what seemed like the whole series (and not just DNF) to Gearbox. This article not only goes into that, but even has quotes from the two main 3DR guys about the situation. IMO, it was worth reading for that alone. Oh, and all the trailers, in case anyone has yet to see them.
Amazing. E3 1998. That’s when the first trailer was shown. It’s been so many years… and I must’ve watched that one a million times. Awesome music, and IMO, it’s still the best trailer released for the game.
Edited 2010-09-09 02:52 UTC
“The following things have been accomplished between Duke Nukem Forever’s announcement on April 28th, 1997 and its death on May 6th, 2009…”
“Steve Jobs was still running NeXT when Duke Nukem Forever was announced.”
“Every peer to peer file sharing program including Napster was developed.”
“The entire Harry Potter series as well as five movies”
Things that have taken less time than Duke Nukem Forever’s Development:
“The Beatles formed, released every single one of their albums and broke up. During this time they also toured the world several times.”
“The United States’ entire program to put a man on the moon, from Kennedy’s challenge to the landing”
“World War II and the entire Manhattan Project. Yes, even the complete development of the atomic bomb took less time.”
Wow. This is epic procrastination. It had better be better than just a game! I expect nothing less than DNF to end world hunger, stop all wars and provide cheap and easy transport to Mars.
“The Beatles formed, released every single one of their albums and broke up. During this time they also toured the world several times.”
That’s incorrect. The Beatles were formed in the mid-50’es though with a number of different names and several variations on the “Beetles”-theme before settling on “Beatles” (after a visit from a man on a flaming pie – or John simply liking ‘beat’ since Beatles was about beat-music – two versions of the history exists
I wonder how many Duke fans didn’t make it; how many thosands(?) won’t ever see what they were promised again and again…