Obligement has an interview with Pavel Fedin (the original French version is also available), a key AROS developer. “Current pace of AROS’ development can be perceived on www.ohloh.net/p/aros. Though as can be seen here, the Russian developer Pavel ‘Sonic’ Fedin is alone responsible for more than 3400 commits in eleven years, while the other four most important AROS contributors are inactive or almost since five years (apart of Georg Steger who was still active one year ago)… One can then see how much Pavel is important in current AROS evolution.” Note that the English version is a translation by a non-native speaker.
Pavel was a real shot in the arm for AROS when he join the project (5 or 6 years ago I think), this is a great interview, I recommend all the interviews done on this site if you have any interest in operating system design!