Documention from 2010 on next Xbox leaks

“A newly leaked 56-page document sheds some light on the company’s plans, for what it calls the ‘Xbox 720’. The presentation appears to be from August 2010, and references future improvements like SmartGlass, a Metro dashboard, and Xbox TV apps. Alongside its incremental Xbox 360 updates, Microsoft has a clear vision for its next-generation Xbox 720 console – we’ve dug into its plans to bring you the best bits.” It’s important to note the documentation is already two years old – a lifetime in the technology world. Still interesting, though. Now if you don’t mind – back to Half-Life 2 on my plain old soon-to-be-outdated Xbox 360.


  1. 2012-06-16 12:52 pm
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  5. 2012-06-17 2:19 am