“The NetBSD Project is pleased to announce NetBSD 6.1, the first feature update of the NetBSD 6 release branch. It represents a selected subset of fixes deemed important for security or stability reasons, as well as new features and enhancements. Please note that all fixes in the prior security/bugfix updates (NetBSD 6.0.1 and 6.0.2) are also in 6.1.”
Glad to see that the Raspberry Pi support is coming along, I’ll have to try it out.
Yep, been holding out on getting one until BSD support. I find NetBSD infinitely preferable to Linux when I want to try creating something stable. Both the APIs and ABI of *BSD tend to remain stable across upgrades, something I consider essential.
Yeah I know what you mean, it’s too bad though that most packages are built on 3rd party libs that love breaking the hell out of some API/ABIs, I mean it shouldn’t break going from v1.2.3.4 to v1.2.3.5 but they do it anyway!