And this is the second part of the future of KDE. We already covered part one.
This is the second half of the ‘where KDE is going’ write-up. Last week, I discussed what is happening with KDE’s technologies: Platform is turning modular in Frameworks, Plasma is moving to new technologies and the Applications change their release schedule. In this post, I will discuss the social and organizational aspects: our governance.
I tried the latest beta (The oficial one) and was crashing all over the place, I feel that we are going to see the KDE4 fiasco all over again.
May I ask you, with the intention to have a fair interpretation of your comment, what is your Linux desktop preference?
OBS.: I have many times disclosed that I am a KDE user and really like it.
I would say that Fedora with GNOME Shell right now, but I’m often trying and evaluating other options, like Elementary with Panteon, Zorin, XFCE, Cinammont and even, God forbit, Unity.
Every news site has that kind of people like him. They end up been caught, what he really uses… brings Internet Explorer
It isn’t the first time.
There applies what it was said about him in
and was modded “Score: 6”.
because, if we didn’t knew it, he’s the king of the world and rules it.
You did all that for me? I feel flattered, but how that change the fact that the latest KDE beta was crashing all over the place?
Um, it’s a beta! They are allowed to be buggy. Hell .0 releases get to have bugs too!
I know that, but since they are marketing the jump from KDE4 to KDE5 as a very smooth experience, I find intrigued that a beta that is close to the release day gives a very buggy experience.
Edited 2014-07-03 17:32 UTC
So you think they won’t push the release date back? I’m a dev, things happen that I didn’t expect, debugging takes longer, in other words shit happens. If shit happens I have to push back the release. So unless they’ve released something already all dates are wishful thinking in my book.
You are aware of the definition of “beta” when applied to software, right?
Well, for KDE that goes double.
“KDE is becoming a meta organization. Perhaps you can call it an Eclipse for GUI or end user software”
Abandon ship!
I agree, that was a bad call.
Well, bad simili anyway. The direction is good enough, but no one wants to become Eclipse.
So KDE wants to become synonymous with unusable bloat? I still had some hope… not any more.
Eclipse is an organization (the Eclipse Foundation), that’s the simil Jos Pootvliet was impling.
But when the beta has bugs that it is obvious that can’t be fixed in a short time period then you know that the release is in trouble, so they better pospone it to have more time to fix them or they reléase it with the bugs.
My guest is that they are going to do the second.
Edited 2014-07-03 13:49 UTC
I’m not sure what they will do with the release. The last Beta was put out June 10th so its almost been a month.
In any case, they are releasing it before it reaches feature parity with 4. So for that reason alone, I’d agree that most casual users would be better off waiting.
Now users that enjoy bug hunts to improve software? Those should install when released, if not sooner.
It would be nice to say that this was an open source only issue, but with Microsoft, Apple, and Google providing early access to operating systems its becoming much more common for users to decide when software is ready for them.
KDE 4.14 will get a few more bug fix releases thna usual and will be supported a bit longer till KF5 is stable enough for everyone to migrate. It won’t be a KDE3 to KDE4 situation.
I wouldn’t be surprised if we get supported kde4 releases for another two years.
By then KF5 should be good enough.
No need to worry about current state of KF5 stability
Edited 2014-07-05 00:01 UTC