When I thought about what motivated me to lob this snarkbomb, I realized I was looking for a reaction. I wanted some kind of defiant response to questions that’ve recently bugged me - What’s going on with Google+? Where is it headed? What the fuck is it for, anyway?
Good question.
I certainly would not be buying any stocks in any social networking companies at this point in time, if you get the gist.
I was a member of an online forum for about a decade, and for god only knows what reason, all of the members decided to migrate to G+, so that’s why I post there.
The only thing I really want from it, and the only thing I’ve ever really wanted from it, is the ability to auto-hide posts based on a hashtag or keyword. It seems like such a basic, common sense feature that why it hasn’t been implemented is beyond me.
Meanwhile, we get useless shit like auto awesome snowflakes in photos Seems like they tried to cater to the Facebook crowd and failed miserably. AFAIK, about the only people who use it are geeks, so they SHOULD be catering it to geeks, and stop trying to turn it into a photo editor, for christ’s sake.
Other than that, I hope they leave the web version alone, because every time they re-design it, they make it worse. First, there was #whitespace. Now it’s just a multi-colum monstrosity that’s a pain to look at, unless you turn on single column mode.
I’ve been going by my moniker since the days of Fidonet (pre-internet). Facebook at least didn’t conduct purges, but G+ until recently insisted on your drivers’ license name and had a python script patrolling.
Facebigot only allows LGBTQs to have pseudonyms. But it has no patrol except for users who wish to troll in their own way.
Google outs transexuals by “correcting” the contact info, so jane becomes john or vice versa.
http://www.zdnet.com/google-outed-me-7000025416/ Maybe they need an “It won’t ever get better” true video.
After becoming irrelevant and spinning off features (hangouts), it finally relented. But there is nothing there left. And I don’t really trust them not to give into the SJW bots.
Had to look that one up. I was thinking:
Scientific Javafication Wizard
Stop Journalist Women
Standard Jewish Women
Society of Jesuit Wonks
So, after googling, I find Social Justice Warrior. I like sound of that. From now on I am Tom D. SJW!
In my company (50000+ multinational) Google is pitching + as an intracorp cloud communications platform for blogging / ideas sharing / contact info etc.
Compared to myriad of inconsistent solutions (mostly from MS) it replaces it actually does a pretty good job.
Just another disgruntled former Google employee. G+ turned out to be a decent solution for parts of the techies community (Linus et. al is on). So I guess that’s what it turned out to be “for”. That’s maybe a problem for Google, but it’s liked and useful for those guys, so move on.
Google+ is a thing that you are forced to get in order to post comments on youtube videos.
Yes, that is where most g+ accounts came from.
It is forced on all new google (gmail) accounts.
It is also necessary to rate/comment on the play store.
Seriously, what’s the point? It’s not a validation thingy, the comment is tied to a google account who confirmed having the app installed…
I feel bad for not leaving good ratings on apps I enjoy, but I’d feel worse giving up in front of Google’s “intimidation”.
Wow that was long winded. Almost pointless…
Well, clearly G+ isn’t for posting blog articles, even if you used to work for Google. Medium’s got to be happy about that?
I agree though, G+ never turned into anything I want to use. By aping Facebook, they’ve imported all of the reasons why I don’t use Facebook…
Judging by Thom’s feed, its used for providing links to youtube video game walk thorough.
But I really like it for the content that people I have in my circles post. Its a nice place for things that are less formal than blog posts ( specifically for those in charge of specific projects), but more broadly distributed to the public than mailing lists.
There are some terrible things in there, like the rest of the internet: Horribly ignorant political posts, scientifically dubious health claims, Religious spam, inspirational quotes, Stupid pictures, etc. But, you can do a little better job filtering only things that you care about with circles.