Terra Soft Debuts Yellow Dog Linux 3.0, YDL.net Enhanced

Macminute reports: Terra Soft Solutions today announced Yellow Dog Linux 3.0, a new version of its Red Hat and RPM-based operating system for PowerPC computers. Version 3.0 offers a completely rebuilt Installer, 1300 packages on 6 CDs (3 Install, 3 Source), a unified KDE and GNOME desktop environment featuring shared menus, applications, and user interface.The company also announced the launch of YDL.Net Enhanced, an extension to the Yellow Dog Linux online community. For US$5 per month, YDL.Net Enhanced members receive: personal webspace at members.ydl.net, FTP access to 10MB storage, direct access to Yellow Dog Linux ISOs, and direct access to Yellow Dog Linux errata. Yellow Dog Linux 3.0 is immediately available from the private YDL.net Enhanced server (3 Install ISOs, 3 source ISOs) with the shipping product slated for the week of April 16.


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