The popular Linux distro Knoppix which can be fully operated by simply booting it off a CD, has just released version 3.2 and it includes a number of new features.
The popular Linux distro Knoppix which can be fully operated by simply booting it off a CD, has just released version 3.2 and it includes a number of new features.
Download is painfully slow, at this rate I’ll only be able to test it this evening
[it’s 0916AM, greetz from Belgium
Use a Mirror:
At least from my place this link is 10x faster
is osnews the new /.?
cant osnews *wait* so things can hit the mirrors before announcing to the masses? it was done to slackware and now knoppix.
I posted a 10 pages review here:
(It in Portuguese, but have a lot of screenshots).
Eugenia, for the love of God, please never ever link straight to an ISO. With something this big, you only want a link to a list of mirrors. I’m downloading Knoppix now because I found a mirror just a few blocks away from me here in Madrid, and it’s lightning fast, but users who click on the ISO link are wasting bandwidth and enduring incredibly slow speeds when it isn’t necessary.
btw. the faq and some nice artwork:
In the changelog it’s still called 3.1 (as always)
Besides ftp and http you can also download it with rsync ( ) Rsync checks every block and if one block is damaged, rsync will fetch it again.
Just tried this on my vmware and I have to say I am very impressed. Go Knoppix, bringing debian to the linux n00b masses (like me…!)
In case the mirrors get too saturated, you can also download the ISO from a P2P network (they had the ISO from a CeBit CD before it was officialy released on the mirrors).
Here is a message in barrapunto (spanish slashdot) with all the links:…
Anyway, the elink for mldonkey is ed2k://|file|Knoppix-3.2_from_CeBit-18-03-2003.iso|722808832|709198394 3220C67420787BB26AEBD86| and the BitTorrent links are in
The defualt UK desktop has the German version of….? Anyone know how to change the language? I’m not up on my German….!
finaly! i am just downloading it from switch and i have a good 100kb/s.
i hope this time the ntfs module is with read/write support (i know, i know… it is dangerous… but i need it from time to time and i am not affraid to take the risk. however… in the past i remastered the cd to have a ntfs-driver with r/w support. hope this time i don’t have to do that)
“Possibility to create a persistent homedir with personal data and desktop settings on a memory stick or similar, optional with AES encryption. ”
You only need a CD and an USB-stick to work anywhere with your standard desktop environment.
Eugenia–it’s common courtesy/decency to link to a mirror download list instead of a direct link to one server.
Saturating one server of the many available is not only rude but expensive for the mirror owner.
And there are some people who says linux is difficult for “joe” users… True joe users don’t know install Windows but any idiot can put a bootable CD on your drive.
And you can use it do distribute totally self-contained software that you make. Thre are no version problems, service packs, etc.
Carefull guys!!!!
Apparently the English version is still in German….
There is on some mirrors a “b”-version of the English version but that one has 100MB less…
So maybe better wait some more… I certainly will.
(Got the info of the Knoppix webforum
I just tried this for the first time and it really rocks! I wish Redhat would make a cd like this and mail it the same way AOL markets their crap!
It would be nice to get a cd that was really useful in the mail. I think the best thing about this distro is the simplification of a debian install. Also, it makes me wonder what you could do with with a bootable dvd. You could probably fit 3 or 4 complete bootable distros on one dvd…
Here’s a link to download with Shareaza:
magnet:?xt=urn:bitprint:5HW5KMY2W4VM7URBABMV6XNBR5I5MAH7.CHD6XSR7I7BHI L24GIR6RCW32XJHUV6MPGZBVSA&dn=KNOPPIX_V3.2-2003-03-21-EN.iso
gnutella://urn:bitprint:5HW5KMY2W4VM7URBABMV6XNBR5I5MAH7.CHD6XSR7I7BHI L24GIR6RCW32XJHUV6MPGZBVSA/KNOPPIX_V3.2-2003-03-21-EN.iso/
Wow… This is really nice! I’m yet to really explore but aesthetically Knoppix 3.2 looks superb! Want to sell someone on linux? This is a hell of a way to do it, expecially without hurting their system! I mean, hey – you can show that it works on their computer and how it works without touching the hard drive! WTG Knoppix. And besides that, knoppix has been an absolute godsend for all the times I’ve %&%!ed up my system:) Also great for fixing other systems without having to sift through the setup on their computer! Great great great. The only snag is the mem requirements… Not bad really – but if I’m working with an older system I have to work from the command line… which, while easy and great enough for me – when I do so I only succeed in looking like some sort of computer god to anyone who watches me… and the plot to sell the person on linux goes out the window. *sigh* Owell;) At least they get their system fixed! Maybe I should try harder to convince them to upgrade, eh? *snicker* Anyway, I talk too much!
i’ve always always thawt BitTorrent wd be a great way to distribute Linux distros. combined benefits of dedicated server and swarmed p2p downloading at less cost to the folks bringing us this software for free.
BTW does anyone know if the Cebit edition (as at ) is in German or English?
i finally got this version to boot.. and freeking WOW!!! Had adsl configured in 2 minutes..havent tried printing yet but i must say.. definately has me thinking of dumping RH andfinally figuring out how to get debian installed
There should be an hdinstall script included in Knoppix (it was in 3.1) that essentially installs Knoppix to your hard drive. Granted the automagic hardware detection and configuration is no longer there, but it will attempt to use everything after the CD boot detects and configures devices. So, you’ll be left with a bleeding-edge Debian install.
Of course, you could just copy the CD’s KNOPPIX directory somewhere on your hard drive and have fun from there with only a boot floppy.
I finally downloaded it and tried it out. It’s really cool! it would be nice to istall it as it is a really good distro of KDE 3.x with no real frills or big mods.
You can change the language to English in Konqueror. You also get a message there that you can change the language in all programs. I’m trying to remember…I think you select that option and then log out and log back in again.
A new based version of knoppix (called flonix), is in preparation. It will only take 210 Mo on the cd (about 700 on a hard drive), and wont belong 2 or more programs that do sames things (as in knoppix).
Find more informations on, the french site for knoppix.