Microsoft’s .NET strategy and framework have done more to raise the industry’s awareness of Web services and XML (extensible markup language) than any product or public relations campaign. They also saved Microsoft’s keister just as enterprises were beginning to realize the company’s previous Web platforms were not going to work as advertised, and the mood was turning sour. Read the article at NewsFactor.
Even though .Net as the umbrella “brand” for MS’s networked services has been dropped for MS Server Systems people keep talking about .Net.
I guess it is only fair since they have also dropped the name Palladium but everyone keeps using it.
.Net is dead !
Long live .Net !
Seems to me the Fog of War has nothing on MS marketing
they bumble, they stumble but they continue to fix things and rework strategies and move ahead. They have this luxury because the competition (Sun, IBM and Open Source as a whole) isn’t any faster in bringing superior new technologies to the market. With the economy moving along sluggishly it is a good time for Microsoft to take stock in its products and improve them rather than race ahead with introducing radically new products that no one can afford to buy. I like the fact that the latest Server introduction was low key.
Right now, the marketplace is just evolving along and .NET appears not to be bringing about a revolution but rather just enabling people to jump on a different evolutionary thread if they don’t want to follow along the Java thread.
it is easy to move from asp to If all you want is the better OS, with a few tweaks here and there, your asp stuff will be up ‘n running in no time.
What I do find disappointing is SUN’s complete lack of advertising that they sell a competing ASP compatible server formally known as Chill!soft. What SUN need to do is start saying, “hey, we’ve got a better OS with better tools, and whats even more cool, all you have to do is move all your data across and you won’t need to re-write a thing”.
Whether the customer is using ASP, JSP, SUN shouldn’t give a flying continental, ultimately, if the customer is buying SUN hardware, software and services, who gives a stuff what technology they’re using.