Joe Barr decided to put his Red Hat Network subscription to greater use. He normally uses RHN to run up2date at least weekly so he can keep up with the latest security fixes and updates. This week, he decided to download the iso images of ‘shrike’ (Red Hat’s code-word for its new release) and upgrade his desktop from Red Hat Linux 8 to Red Hat Linux 9.
I kind of thought this was a really pointless article. Basically all he did was download the iso’s off of the redhat network, move his home directory and upgrade (as I’m sure thousands of people have done in the last month). I mean it’s like he just discovered that you didn’t have to install redhat from the retail box. He says it was a”low cost” upgrade, but he was still paying throught he redhat network.
I figured this was at least going to be a story about how he upgraded by using up2date or apt4rpm by just downloading the newest redhat release rpm, as I’ve heard you can. I’ve been curious if either of these approaches would actually work.
Really a non article, because if he wanted to move his home directory to the new drive, he didn’t have to upgrade to do so. Basically could have used either dump or tar to do it if he’d booted to a rescue disk (knoppix? -best maintence disk ever). Then it’s just a matter of a simple change in /etc/fstab and you’re good to go. Linux would have never known the difference. Sounds to me like he’s been using too much of that OS that’s infamous for reinstalling being the only way to can fix anything. 😉
he decided to download the iso images of ‘shrike’ and upgrade his desktop from Red Hat Linux 8 to Red Hat Linux 9
Devilishly devious!
How many more of these do we have to take. Yeah, I guess I should write an article about how I strugled to download Slackware 9.0 30 minures after it was officially released.
Nah, don’t wanna look crazy so that people can tell me 2 go see a shrink…or maybe Shrike?(!)
Is Microsoft still in business? I’m surprised that they are able to stay alive in the computer industry. Good Show. Well done.
“These are tight economic times. One of the things I can’t afford to do any longer is to run out and buy the latest distribution of Linux to hit the shelves, whether it be from Mandrake, SuSE, Xandros or Red Hat.”
Just cancel your $49.00 per month subscription to DSL or cable, since you obviously don’t download OS’s a whole lot and you can buy RedHat and SuSE (about every 6 months) and save a ton of money! You could even throw in every other release of mandrake too! That took a whole 2 seconds of thought. Man,I hope you don’t run any kind of business….I also hear that Mandrake is hiring! You could get a free copy of their latest release…one week before the next release is out!!!! What a deal!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I thought OSNews was back to normal with good news yesterday…
Look, I love Galeon, but with that old looking GTK1 Gnome 1.4 look, how can you use that over Mozilla? Or even Konqueror?
Use skins !!!
You can make it look like IE,or Konqueror,or Mozilla,or…
Galeon is Mozilla, but simpler.
I have already upgraded from Red Hat Linux 8.0 to 9. I didn’t have any problem. I like Red Hat Linux 9 except my little problem with my mouse; when loading a Web page on Mozilla or closing an application, the pointer goes slower as if there were many things loading on my system. I don’t know if this happens to more people.
Bluecurve looks really nice. What I don’t like about it is that loads too many things. My Slackware 9.0 runs faster and it doesn’t load unwanted stuff. And GNOME Dropline keeps your system up2date.
Red Hat users: if you can download/buy Red Hat Linux 9, it’s worth; if not, you can wait to the next release.
I encourage people to try both Red Hat 9 (3 CDs) and Slackware 9.0 (just 1 CD) and decide themselves if they like’em/it or not. It’s a shame; many Linux users don’t know what Slackware is and/or have never tried it. Slackware was the first Linux distribution and remains as always – simple, stable, secure-.
Were are the skins, and how do I install them?
Thank you,
The only thing I don’t like about galeon is bookmarks.
Look, I love Galeon, but with that old looking GTK1 Gnome 1.4 look, how can you use that over Mozilla? Or even Konqueror?
I use Lynx over Konqueror (hell, I’d telnet :80 before I used Konqueror barring webdesign, and no, you won’t be able to convince me of it’s wonders; I just don’t like it, same as I just don’t like Windows), but that aside, Galeon 1.3 is stable enough for my tastes, complete with GTK2!
I did a clean install of RH 9, removing my RH 8 system. Not much has changed. SoundBlaster card does not work, TFT monitor is not recognized, so screen is out of range. Nvidia driver requires X to be killed (I don’t know how a “normal” user should accomplish this) for installation (at least this fixes the monitor problem). Tons of apps, but not the one I need: DVD player, movie editor. Bluecurve looks really clean, I like this approach. SuSE seems to be better suited for my hardware (sound works, monitor recognized), but the default theme looks like crap.
Guess, I have to stick to my 12″ PowerBook 😉
I use Lynx over Konqueror (hell, I’d telnet :80 before I used Konqueror barring webdesign, and no, you won’t be able to convince me of it’s wonders; I just don’t like it, same as I just don’t like Windows), but that aside, Galeon 1.3 is stable enough for my tastes, complete with GTK2!
Seriously? Why? I agree excessive graphics are a pain, but to go totally text….
I agree Marc. I just upgraded my Gentoo from RC2 to 3 and recently to RC4. All it takes is an emerge sync followed by an emerge -up world right before I got to bed….whallaa new version 🙂
Nvidia driver requires X to be killed (I don’t know how a “normal” user should accomplish this)
Well like a lot of problems in linux this is solved by a quick bit of googling, to find out how to change the runlevel in this case. I don’t think this is beyond a ‘normal’ linux user but I concede it’s probably too much to ask of someone who has just switched from windows and finds linux pretty alien.
“Seriously? Why? I agree excessive graphics are a pain, but to go totally text….”
It cut’s down on some of the noise that’s the web. Besides W3M can display images as well.
I submitted a little piece of info earlier this month. It went something like this…
After using RH 8.x Phoebe for a while, I wanted to use the latest Shrike. I wasn’t really interested in downloading ISOs so I figured I would use apt to upgrade. Approximately 30 minutes after issuing the “apt-get upgrade” command, a quick logout and login, and violins! Upgrade complete.
Very nice indeed. To use the newer kernel would’ve required a reboot which I deemed unecessary so I waited to try the updated kernel another time.
Ciao ~
Approximately 30 minutes after issuing the “apt-get upgrade” command, a quick logout and login, and violins! Upgrade complete.
Was it really that easy? I heard there was more to it than that. I’ve been following the apt and yum mailing lists and it sounds like it’s easier to upgrade to rh 9 with yum. That’s what I’m planning to do this weekend. If it works, then I’ll prolly make the switch to yum over apt.
Galeon is Mozilla, without the updates