The software giant’s latest operating system saves data to tape using a slightly different format than earlier versions of Windows, a Microsoft representative said Thursday. While older tapes can be read by Windows Server 2003, the opposite isn’t true for the new OS. A patch will be finished soon.
Backup Flaw Found in Windows 2003 Server
About The Author
Eugenia Loli
Ex-programmer, ex-editor in chief at, now a visual artist/filmmaker.
Follow me on Twitter @EugeniaLoli
Windoze 2003 is just another fresh skin of M$ marketing ploy. It has same issues as before just watch as the bug list gets bigger day by day. We are now using linux servers and JBOSS/weblogic appserver at our IT shop.
The days of rebooting and security patches are over for us.
If you are paying M$ for Windoze 2003 and .Not you are wasting your money.
The fact that a LOT of RedHat’s errata are fixes for applications that they don’t make, they just bundle it with their OS. So if we wanted to make a more accurate comparison between the two (MS and RedHat) we should also include all of the errata, security fixes, etc. for Windows based apps like Winzip, Adobe apps, MS Office, Wordperfect, games, etc.
RedHat’s errata for version 9.0 mostly includes fixes for apps. Just 2 or 3 for the core kernel or OS itself.
Strange how there haven’t been any security problems with Windows Server 2003, plus it’s kicking Linux’s ass in the TPC-C benchmarks, and the trolls still say it sucks. All the while new exploits in Linux distros appear nearly every day, but they are too blind to see them.
Right, it’s only been out for a few weeks. Geez, what a shocker that there are no published problems.
If you believe the military is using their own software…think again. Most of the DOD uses Microsoft Windows for day to day business and MacOS X, Solaris, Linux, HP-UX, AIX, and other *nixes for their mission critical stuff.
See, this is the kind of stuff that starts flame wars. Red Hat 9, out less than a month. Windows 200, out since 1999.
You compare apples to oranges and then expect people to be swayed.
I just decided I’m never reading another comment that uses the words: Windoze, Winblows, .NOT, or Micro$oft, or Microshaft. Nearly every one of them is written by someone making some ridiculous argument.
I’m not especially pro-Microsoft, but reading these forums, I feel a strange need to represent them against the brainwashed mass, who hates to be cool. Most of you wouldn’t know a decent product if it jumped up and bit you on the ass.
Microsoft was a company operating at CMM Level 4 or 5? I mean can you imagine how much better their software would be?
ah, wasn’t this the same issue when burning cds with xp, older versions of windows (or other os’s) couldn’t read them? Where’s the QA?
I would first like to point out that both windows and linux along with any other OS has some flaw somewhere. There is no totaly 100% secure OS.
My main beef with Microsoft is that fact they are so damned expensive and yet so buggy. Companies and litterly spend millions just to try and stay legit.
I don’t know that I would really consider this a flaw even in Windows 2003. If you have a good backup strategy and you have more than one server you are most likely not using MS Backup anyhow.
Windows 2003 I can’t see any great thing about it right now mainly for the fact most applications will not even run on it. You can run exchange, sms, etc etc.
Why not realsise the product when they have software to run on it???????????????
Personaly I think Microsoft has a great GUI very easy for people to understand and use. However whats under the hood is just bloaded and sucks. Clean it up already.
Not everyone makes and much as billy boy so lower your PRICE Microsft
I hate to tell you this, but Bill Gates’ salery is only like $250,000 a year… he doesn’t make his money off of working for MS…
Tell me, how do you know what is under the hood of Windows? Have you ever seen the source code?
Heck, have you ever used Win2k3?
Didn’t think so.
I love linux, don’t get me wrong. HOWEVER reading these comments every day makes me realise that most of it’s users are a bunch of immature tossers.
like I said earlier, go be productive, write that missing help file, write some drivers, try planning a bit, make the OS coherent. that being why Windows is popular, coherency, everything fits together, everything operates in a similar manner, everything has help which pops up when you press F1, and the help is relevant to what you clicked on.
like I said I love linux, I’m a geek, but you people just give the OS a bad name!
When a new version of software is released there’s almost always backwards compatibility issues like this.
It’s not even really backwards compatibility. Basically what’s being called a bug, is that Windows 2000, didn’t predict and allow for the design of Windows 2003. Damn. Their crystal balls must have been in the shop that day.
C’mon now guys. When applications add features, and whatnot it’s almost expected that back versions of the application won’t be able to open the “new” save-files. Just like Office 97 can’t open Office XP saves.
Well said. That’s why I use Windows. It doesn’t matter what OS is better. I just got tired of the community of Linux.
Actually in answers to your questions.
First off yes I have used Win2kSP3 as well as just about every single OS Microsoft has ever published.
As far as source code is concerned. No i have not seen all of the source code but bits and peaces of code here and there. how you ask. Simple. Ex Employee
Coocoo Puffs wrote:
“Maybe you missed the point. No one is going to take you seriously. Just as if you had said Microsoft is a ca-ca head, or a doodey face. It doesn’t instill confidence.”
Perhaps, but I was trying to get accross the lunicy that some here are showing with regards M$. OMG!!! M$’s built in backup system doesn’t work with older versions of the OS… They must die like the dogs they are!!!! kinda crap. It’s utterly rediculous.
Honestly, I’d like to see M$ get some serious competition on the desktop market, and I don’t think Linux ever will be, quite simply its not being pushed by its developers into that direction, and the vocal side of its userbase does the platform disservice after disservice by replies like the ones seen on this board.
As far as first find problems go with previous Windows versions, this has got to be the most minor so far. But then again, its new and as we have found on countless occations with previous releases, there maybe are many problems yet to be found.
I stick with my first comment on all of this:
Of all the legitimate claims the Linux crowd could make against M$, why pick this one? It just hurts there own cause as far as I can see.
I wrote an editorial where I lambasted the Linux crowd for just this type of behaviour, and was told sternly that I was wrong, that I was looking in the wrong places, that I was taking in the hype, it was the media portrayal of the group. Not the group themselves that were doing it but outsiders… I formally appologised for having written what I had because of the massive amount of nastygrams I recieved on just that issue alone (the article covered many other groups). Yet today I see this very thing happening!!!
I formally retract my appology to the Linux user group regarding the statements made in my editorial. Your members have proven that I was right first time.
Sort yourselves out people, because I’m totally sick of reading some of this crap. M$ bashing in itself I have no problem with, but the extent of bashing I’ve seen regarding this article is unjustified and inapropriate for the pathetically small problem that has cropped up.
You guyz beefing windowz, little do you know that Microsoft has come to stay. You guyz’ll see how they’re gonna bounce mac out of the market.
Dude, you are soooo l337, I mean, look at the use of those Z’s. Wow, you must be an amazing hacker, because you use Z’s instead of S’s.
at least it’s not a security hole ;-).
W2K3: read older NT/W2K tapes = YES
NT4/W2K: read new W2K3 tapes = NO
Effects only the cheesy built in backup app, so only cheap-asses need to worry.
And when the list grows really long and Microsoft puts out a service pack which also manages to add new bug-ridden features and make stuff that used to work stop working… and of course the service pack cannot be uninstalled or selectively uninstalled.
We will still have Microsoft worshippers saying that “we need closed source from a software monopoly, dammit!”.
Why pay so much money for a operating system that lacks quality?
Ok, I’m hardly a Windows advocate (in fact, just the opposite), but – come on. This isn’t exactly the kind of flaw you throw an OS in the trash for. I’m surprised it’s even being reported. I wouldn’t install WinAnything on my machine if you payed me, but really — if you have to resort to this kind of nit-picky-ness in order to criticize a product, why do you even bother? It’s pure trolling.
This attitude makes me laugh. Have you ever seen Red Hat’s errata list? There’s a new flawed package nearly every day.
I’m not defending Microsoft, I’m just saying, the comments in this thread are typical of people who want to hate Microsoft. First off, it’s not a big deal unless you have a mixed environment. Secondly, it’s not a security risk. Thirdly, there’s a patch in the works (note: patch, not fix).
This is only notable as it’s the first issue with Server 2003.
1) I’ve been modded down, however, I certainly don’t take it personally. If you were an adult you’d look back and realise what you wrote was in the “heat of the moment”. All of us have done that.
2) I am surprised this wasn’t caught during the beta testing as I would have expected atleast a reasonable number of people testing Windows 2003 in a mixed environment.
3) Most tape drives I know come with VERY good builtin tape back up software, especially the likes of Seagate and Onstream. The only time I could see when one would want to use the builtin back up tool is when the bundled backup software doesn’t work with the operating system they’re using.
Is it necessary for you to do this in every windows thread? Believe me, we know you’d rather have sex with a porqupine than use windows. Its clear already. You can stop it now.
Ast least they have identifed a problem, and are in the process of fixing it. But why oh why would u want to read tapes created by Windows 2003 Server in a W2K server or even a NT Server is a bit weird, although I think if the 2003 server install went smothly, you would not need to access tapes in an older system.
I’ve only been reading the discussions here for a short while but its very old already.
Its almost like some people in the world need to criticise other OSes just to make themselves feel better in their own mind that they HAVE actually made a good decision that wasn’t totally influenced by frenzied ideology. “This is it!” they think to themselves, “you see, I DID make the right decision to use this OS!”
I had forgotten to post in your review about 2003 server. Someone had told me that it did not come with IE. I don’t know if they based this on quickly looking at the start menu or not, but I don’t have a trial copy to verify it.
then you don’t have a worry …
Adam’s comment comparing RH’s errate to MS’s, is right on the mark. You don’t want to hear about it and that’s your problem.
BOTTOM line is, all consumer OSes have bugs and problems and they suck in more than one ways, deal with it. If you want 100% bug-free software, you better talk to NASA or to the military to send you a copy of their OSes.
It comes with IE version 6.0.3790.0
I have not seen NASA code, but I doubt it’s 100% bug free, but I get your point(I’m just messing with ya).
“Adam’s comment comparing RH’s errate to MS’s, is right on the mark. You don’t want to hear about it and that’s your problem.”
On the contrary, I’d love to hear about it. I can’t wait for the next article about Red Hat, so that we can bash it as well
I agree that the comparison was accurate, I just disagreed upon the appropriateness of the comparison in the given context. Again, I didn’t think this flaw was a big deal either.
The comment that OS’s “suck in more than one ways” is also accurate, but it really sounds depressing when said like that!
Unlike some folks at MS, RH and other OS professionals actively invite people to suggest improvements and to point out bugs. That why there are new bugs every day. Microsoft uses a marketing model that very often puts profit ahead of quality. Think: Business works this way! Linux is not a business it is an open source OS made by volunteers. Microsoft is just fine and so is Red Hat
Richard: And guess how these companies make proffit? Oh, that’s right, by satisfying their customers… well gee, who would have thought that?
Microsoft runs a big system for suggesting improvements or new features for anything on their product line… I guess you just never bothered to look, what a suprise.…
Isn’t NTBackup a waste of time and effort for the true enterprise type stuff? Like backing up all your servers onto 1 or 2 tapes? And also useless for rapid disaster recovery (thinking like BackupExec IDR Agent)…
Adam’s comment comparing RH’s errate to MS’s, is right on the mark. You don’t want to hear about it and that’s your problem.
No it was not, RedHat is open-source/free software so bugs a faster found, made public and easier repaired. Microsoft Software is closed software, you never know how many bugs/holes it containes.Besides that Microsoft has a very long history of shortcming, very serious bugs, lying, cheating and holding back information. Windows in general is a product that always contains very very seroius bugs and security issues no matter how often you change the name, box or marketing campaign.
OpenBSD, Only one remote hole in the default install, in more than 7 years! (and thats because its fee and open software!) Windows NEVER will get there NEVER!
If you don’t want to hear about it and that’s your problem.
Yes, for enterprise it is a waste of time, however, it is there for small businesses who don’t require the super-duper high end features that a seperate backup tool will provide.
A piece of software WITH A BUG ??? That’s definitelly a first. Hey, let’s kill the front, we have the scoop of the century….
I don’t think you can make any comparison between number of bugs in Red Hat Linux and Windows. Such a comparison is far too subjective and inaccurate. For one, Red Hat includes far more in their distribution than the base Windows release (…flogging dead horse, nothing to see here, etc.)
I am a Linux advocate myself, but I would also agree that such a small bug as this is nothing to be crying “damn Microsoft to hell!” about all over again.
… stupid idiots…
Please show be that stupid guy who restores under 2000/XP things what backuped under 2003!
How about restore backups from linux under 2003?! Huge problem i think!
)) This is bug in 2003 (or Linux?)!
god forbid they improve the backup program! just like a brand new document from any brand new software will not be read from older versions. This is not a bug, it’s a feature. At least they are working on a patch, which more than likely is for server 2000 not 2003.
At least this is what I hope is the case. Backups are important, just like filesystems. Redhat 6 would not be able to read a reiserFS partition without a patch.
now stop bitching and wait for a real bug, security hole or whatever, you geeks will not convince anyone on here that MS are evil since most people reading this already use linux anyway! If it really annoys you that much that MS are successful put your effort into some useablility apps for linux instead of bitching on here all day every day. Maybe a system wide context sensitive help system. or even a help file that doesn’t say “todo: write help file”
Not really, I’d say Amoral, their sole concern is making sure that there income is always greater than their expendasure…
But this leads to serious problems when faced with OS faults, basically, they’re not fixed untill a big customer or big media forum breaks the news. Just how many MSN accounts have been infiltrated as a result of their wait till the last minute fix ideal…
I must admit that of all of the first big problems that their OS’s have had since 95 came out, this has got to be the smallest so far. Just why would someone want to read a tape written by 2003 in 2kpro or XPpro anyway??? Pretty pathetic on the grand scale of M$ screw ups, even on the top ten this year list this doesn’t get a lookin
Of all the legitimate claims the Linux crowd could make against M$, why pick this one? It just hurts there own cause as far as I can see.
Oh and I use M$ deliberately, I don’t care if its not seen as “cool”. I personally see it as a protest to their way of doing “buissness”, but there you go.
Is micro$oft an evil empire?
Don’t worry, everyone else stopped reading right there.
Coocoo Puffs Wrote:
Don’t worry, everyone else stopped reading right there.
I note that you couldn’t attack the post in any constructive way, never mind. I’m sure you’ll think of something someday.
Maybe you missed the point. No one is going to take you seriously. Just as if you had said Microsoft is a ca-ca head, or a doodey face. It doesn’t instill confidence.
I have one for you, apply the hisec template. Now apply the basic template. Yeah, reinstall. Worked on 2K, why not 2K3?
The same thing exists with DLT 4000 which was replaced with DLT 7000 mechanisms
DLT 7000 can read DLT4000, but not the other way around. Did anyone say that DLT7000 was flawed?
LOL! Lets compare W2K’s errata to RedHat 8 or 9’s and paint an honest picture. There are over 100 “fixes” in SP2 alone.