According to a source in the handheld industry, Pocket PC 2003, the upcoming version of Microsoft’s operating system for handheld devices, will be launched on June 23. According to information leaked on several websites and newsgroups, many of the changes in Pocket PC 2003, codenamed Ozone, will be related to improving its wireless capabilities.
I noticed that the article talks about all the MS software that the new pocket OS will support. What about software from other vendors? What about open source software? Does anyone know how this compared to Palm OS?
Isn’t all that Palm/PocketPC crap finally dead? All those little timewasters were just dotcom toys. The future is cell phones with computers, not PDA’s.
You obviously don’t work in a large company or if you do you gotta get one of these things. My pda keeps track of all of my users and configs for everything on the network. Invaluable…not to mention great for reading a book, listening to some mp3’s or playing some quake when I get stuck in a waiting room
..but you’re right, everything’s moving toward merging phones and pda’s and that’s what this update to pocketpc is all about…connectivity.
I don’t think there is one phone for the US market that uses Pocket PC, right? I’ve seen a couple big PDA’s that run Pocket PC and that’s it.
And isn’t Microsoft in court because they stole the designs for how to make cell phones with Pocket PC from a small mobile phone company?
The lack of Pocket PC phones may have something to do with every large mobile telephone company hating Microsoft…
there are several PDA/phones in the US market that run PocketPC, though it’s true that they’re mostly PDAs with a little phone capabilty taked on. See <a href=”….