The 2nd Syllable developers’ IRC meeting recently concluded, and the logs can be found here.
Our first one can be read here with a summary here. According to Shawn, “We are throwing around ideas of what we’d like to see in Syllable 1.0.”
I haven’t used Syllable since it was AtheOS, but it looks like they’ve made progress. I wish them the best. They have an ambitious goal ahead of them. Still, if I were to venture a guess, I’d say they’ll “get there” before any of the neo-Beos projects.
to read about such hobby OS projects.
Where did these people get the time and power to do such nice work in their spare-time? This is cool.
lol! Shawn, care to post it on the mailing list before submitting it here next time?
Bram, my bad
. I figured the original never got posted and that Vanders would announce it on the list. *shrugs*
I haven’t used Syllable since it was AtheOS, but it looks like they’ve made progress. I wish them the best. They have an ambitious goal ahead of them. Still, if I were to venture a guess, I’d say they’ll “get there” before any of the neo-Beos projects.