Pixelglow Software announced the availability of macstl 0.1 — a new C++ source library. macstl gives you the elegance and efficiency of programming with templates and it offers a new implementation of std::valarray optimized for the Altivec. It runs inline arithmetic 7.76x faster than gcc 3.1 and inline transcendentals 14.21x faster than gcc 3.1, achieved by ruthlessly rooting out redundant loads and stores. And Altivec programmers get to use a clear, natural syntax without sacrificing speed or portability. With the imminent release of the Power Macintosh G5 and the PowerPC 970, now is the time to unleash the true potential of the Altivec execution engine, PixelGlow says.
I used to think documentation was irrelevant, but having great docs sometimes makes up for having a a mediocre product, in fact I would choose a product that is slight inferior if the company spends more time documenting what it can and _can not_ do.
If this site puts up something as good at this I will be impressed, and may even start using it, but until then, I will stick with SGI stl (stlport)
I must agree. To this point, this is why so many people love to use java compared to .net due partl to documentation:
Just my 2 cents
That MSDN link just hung IE6 running on this XP can I got in front of me at work. Man, I wish more companies would go for Opera at work…
SCO owns C++…… buyer beware.
Patience anuj, macstl is a work in progress. I felt it more essential to get it out into the wild quickly after the Power Macintosh G5 announcements than fully documented, but I assure you I am working on it.
What particular things were you looking for?
>SCO owns C++…… buyer beware.
Where did you hear this nonsense? SCO owns its own version of Unix, period. That has nothing to do with C++, which isn’t owned by anyone. C++ has a totally independent standardization committee but the committee doesn’t own the language either. Check the facts before embarrassing yourself in public.