Today it was reported that IE6’s global usage share continues to rise. Internet Explorer 6 has shown a fast adoptation rate with a global usage share of 66.3% and it has a total global usage share of 95.4%.Netscape’s total global usage share has decreased 0.4 percent the last 2 months. Netscape’s total global usage share is 2.5 percent at the moment.
The global usage share of Apple’s Safari browser has increased with 0.14 percent from 0.11 to 0.25 percent since February 2003.
The global usage share of Mozilla has increased with 0.4 percent from 1.2 to 1.6 percent since February 2003.
I find it hard to believe that IE usage is at 95%. I mean, I don’t think MS really has 95% market share. Lets see, Apple has maybe 3-4%, and linux must be at least 5-6%. Then maybe 2-3% for other OSs.
It just seems too high.
Actually, Windows does have about 94-95% market share.
As for Apple, you see that Safari has barely 0.25% in these stats. Overall, the 6-7 available Mac browsers, don’t make more than 1% according to OneStat. Many people have Macs, but they might be using their windows box mostly. I have two Macs here, for example, but I mostly use my PCs.
Actually, Windows does have about 94-95% market share.
How many times do people have to have the difference between “market share” and “installed base” pounded into their heads?
As for Apple, you see that Safari has barely 0.25% in these stats. Overall, the 6-7 available Mac browsers, don’t make more than 1% according to OneStat.
Google Zeitgeist gives the Mac platform 3%:
The saddest part of all with these numbers is that the vast majority of people are using non-web standard compliant browsers. Standards on the web are a joke as long as people continue to use IE and web designers code their pages for IE only. It is a truly sad situation and I don’t know that there is an easy fix for this as long as MS monopolizes the market like this.
I can believe that 94-95% of new OEM systems ship with Windows, but some of those systems later get other OS installed. Also according to some statistics, the installed base of desktop systems is more like 80% for Windows with Macs and Linux splitting most of the difference because they run so long without requirng replacements. In addition, many web browsers lie about their identity. They claim to be IE so poorly designed web sites won’t reject them. No one has convinced me that the methods used to determine web browser market share are not fooled by this. If you have solid evidence, please provide it.
It’s hard to swallow that this is correct, but not really surprising. There are so many browsers with better functionality than IE.
So much for the theory that if you build a better mousetrap the world will beat a path to your door.
Safari keeps getting better and better
Well, I’m not a very big fan of IE (I use Opera7 in both Windows and MDK) but it does what it is supposed to do:render web pages.
The average user doesn’t need more.
Steve Jobs at WWDC said there were 7 million OS X users, giving Apple about 0.5% *current* installed base.
Google numbers do not represent “installed base”, only the portion of active Internet users who use Google.
It would seem about 1/2 of the OS X users are using Safari to surf the web, for 0.25%.
Safari 1.0 still has lots of bugs. And most companies with websites are not up to speed on Safari. Some of them are even going as far as to say “we will not support Safari”.
So it makes sense that many OS X users are still using IE as they need to work with existing sites that mostly support only IE.
Overall, it goes to show that Mac is quickly moving down the page towards the footnote section.
> How many times do people have to have the difference between “market share” and “installed base” pounded into their heads?
Just watch your mouth Bascule.
Plus, you like it as “install base”? Probably then it is even higher than 95%.
How much of that share is *really* IE 6. And how much of it are browsers such as Opera set to appear as IE just so they can read web pages at that site?
While it makes me sick to do so. There are some sites where I have to make Opera “appear” to be IE in order to view the page. Then I change it back to show as Opera for the rest of the sites. That is, when I’m using my PC Linux. Most of the time I’m using my Mac with Jaguar now with Safari. It is able to read most sites without too much problems.
Internet Explorer is also available on MacOS and MacOS X. I know a lot of Mac People who use IE as browser on their Macs.
This just doesn’t sound right. I mean as someone mentioned other OS’s equal atleast that %5 and quite often when I fix someones computer they still use netscape. Alot of ppl out there started using netscape during the browser wars and never felt a reason to change.
I would accept %90 but this number just doesn’t feel right.
I think this is a sad conclusion for roughly 95% of the internet users out there. I’m glad to be part of the 5% who have figured out that IE is a feature-lacking pile of poo.
When IE supports ad blocking, tabs, and other modern functionality, I may consider using it again, but right now accessing the internet via IE is a very lackluster, frustrating experience.
“Also according to some statistics, the installed base of desktop systems is more like 80% for Windows with Macs and Linux splitting most of the difference because they run so long without requirng replacements.”
According to “some statistics”
Like the ones you just made up? Problem with techies is they only talk to other techies since they have no social skills and start to actually think they are representative of the general population. Average schmoes don’t use Linux. A few use Macs. Hold on a bit and I’ll find you some real stats, not “some statistics.”
Jesus people are stupid.
Most people just use what’s on the PC when they buy. Or better yet, what comes up when the click on a link in there email…
There are so many browsers with better functionality than IE.
I agree one hundred percent… I don’t know what I’d do without tab browsing… I have nightmares think about windows, windows everywhere!!!
Eugenia, have you ever thought about changing the comments engine to also display browser/OS as well as ip? Just a thought…
Sometimes you don’t have a choice over which browser you can use… there are still alot of sites out there that don’t work at all on Mozilla, Opera, or Konqueror/Safari
In addition, a lot of intranet sites require Internet Explorer due to usage of NTLM authentication (such as a site that I need for my Job). Only recently has Mozilla supported this functionality, and it’s still a Windows-only feature.
Unbelievable, since IE is The Worst Web Browser On Earth. Popups, bugs, no-tabs, no mouse gestures, that’s The Worst Web Browser On Earth.
> Eugenia, have you ever thought about changing the comments engine to also display browser/OS as well as ip? Just a thought.
I don’t want to overload the design with mostly useless geek nitpicks. Get our stats here and be happy:
Eugenia, have you ever thought about changing the comments engine to also display browser/OS as well as ip? Just a thought…
I agree, that would be a very nice feature. Well, at least I would find it interesting.
umm…IE and Moz say nothing as to what platform they are running on, so since they are the widest used browsers, AND that most apple computers right now run OS 9 since they are the legasy installed base, and that IE and Mozilla are the major browsers on OS 9, you cannot tell just from browser stats what platform is being run.
almost twice as many mozilla users than MSIE users. i would have figured opera would make a better showing. way up from last year.
anyways my experience with “regular” users and alternate browsers are that they dont know that anything else exists. when i show them usually they like what they see sometimes not and that is ok.
<lamejoke action=”maybe we should use unleaded users” />
What does an AOL user’s browser show up as? (I ask this because I don’t use AOL). There are a boat-load of folks on the net that don’t know beans about what browser they use, just that it came with AOL.
As we have seen from Microsoft’s decision to drop IE for the Mac and Adobe’s decision to drop Premiere, Apple is alienating their ISV’s.
SAN JOSE, Calif. — In countless aspects, Apple Computer Inc. is vastly different than longtime rival Microsoft Corp. But, recently, Apple has been accused of similarly ostracizing software developers who would rather not go head-to-head with Apple’s growing stock of applications.
Intentionally or not, “Apple is pursuing a strategy that locks out their third-party software vendors,” said Avi Greengart, analyst with Jupiter Research.