Arno Klenke has recently checked in the media framework to Syllable CVS. Functionality of this initial checkin is impressive, with video and audio playback in many common formats via the FFMpeg codec plugin, the ability to play multiple audio streams with stream mixing and video playback with video overlays or playback with a bitmap display on systems which do not support overlays. You can check out some screenshots of the Media Player and ColdFish in action.
Does this mean I can now play my mp3’s in Syllable? The last time I tried to play Mp3’s in syllable the sound skipped when I moved the mouse!!!
This project is looking better and better everyday, looks like I’ll have to get my ass in gear and burn a Syllable ISO next release.
Great work Syllable project team.
I had no problems playing back those 5 MP3’s simultaniously with minimal CPU usage. Your problems could have been due to any number of things (E.g. having to use Vesa mode on a slower CPU and playing back an MP3 at the same time could chew up a lot of your CPU) or even hardware related (IRQ problems created by your soundcard and mouse raising interupts at the same time) Without more details it’s hard to say.
syllable looks impressive, SkyOs, MenuetOs and now Syllable i’ve gone alternative mad, lol, looks good guys keep up the good work
Congrat Syllable team!
How hard would it be to port audio apps from BeOS to Syllable? ( APlayer for example )? How is the performance compared to BeOS when it comes to Media Experience? Audio/Video?
Is there a guide ( porting apps from Be to Syllable/AtheOS )or any other OS?
GStreamer is a pretty cool multimedia framework, that also uses FFmpeg. Why reinvent the wheel here? Just for fun? If so, more power to them.
Personally, I’d be more interested in seeing <a href=”“>UCI doing some progress, but it seems that the project is moving rather slowly. Alongside with MCF (or matroska) it could end all the problems there are with AVI as a video container (MPEG-4 B-frames in AVI is an ugly hack, and VBR audio is possbibly even uglier) and allow for far greater portability of codecs.
>Is there a guide ( porting apps from Be to Syllable/AtheOS )or any other OS?
No, there isn’t any docs for porting applications from Be to Syllable, but I have done a little of BeOS programming and I think I can help you a little. When I mean a little, I can probably help you set up the gui.
Should I really need to say more????
They still miss a great distinctive graphic theme (instead of this mix of KDE/Gnome/Be/Windows/Mac look) but it begins to be really good!
I’m not Arno (Who wrote almost every single line of code of this himself) but it is partly just for fun, partly because we can integrate our framework a lot closer to the rest of the Syllable API than we could GStreamer, and partly because GStreamer is pretty closely tied to things like Glib and the GNOME libraries which are dependencies we don’t really want.
By the way, those screenshots of ColdFish are already out of date now that Arno has changed some of the usability issues.
This project is really shaping up. keep going syllable and you will have one new user soon![;)](
XP blows the pants off this ugly stepchild of an OS. Oh yeah and zero useful apps ain’t going to help this OS other then leave it as a niche OS to whether and die.
then MacOS X blows pants off XP, an ugly stepchild
I really mean it. IMHO XP looks just like a toy. There are lots of useful apps for XP? Well, there are also lots of goodies coming with MacOS X, and more on the Internet (unix and non-unix tools) and on the shelves of local shops. Development Tools are also coming along with MacOS X, therefore easier to get into developing your own apps or compile your favourite unix tools from the Internet. the list goes on!..
Agreed! XP looks like it belongs in preschool.
The Sylable GUI actually looks like somthing that one would do actual work in.![;)](
You have to put this into some sort of perspective. Windows XP has a large codebase going back to the 80s, developed by thousands of people in the most successful software company in the world and has enjoyed a decade of market dominance.
Syllable is a fork of a one-man project. It is so much newer and has no financial support. And yet it has come so far with a fraction of the man-hours that Windows has had.
Please let’s not turn this into an argument about x OS is better than y OS and talk about the posibilities Syllable could bring.
Niche OS’s are a complete waste of time. Linux, BSd, SkyOS and now this ugly piece of crap will never get anywhere besides being run on some old ass geek’s pc in his parents basement. The real world needs and depends on companies like Microsoft to put out “REAL” and “USEFUL” OS’s. This is just a waste of time like so many other worthless homegrown os’s. Do we need yet another worthless grassroot OS ? I and the rest of the world in the U.S. say NO ! 99% of all desktop owners have spoken and they want MS !
These facts about Windows you point out could point to a great advantage of Sylable. Windows is one of the most complex code bases ever and at times the development lacked direction – like security concerns for a glareing example.
Sylable is a fresh start (not unlike BeOS) that offers a break away from legacy and accumulated complexity.
And I do like the grey, business like, default UI. And, remember, it will be themeable!
Yes, we do need a good grass-roots OS for the desktop/appliance/workstation!
We have Linux and BSD that are kicking M$ A$$ in the server market. With the right OS designed for desktop and media usage why not go after the next logical target?
No, I think you are the one who “don’t get it”. And what you don’t get is that technology progresses through experimentation. In every science out there people are poking and prodding, and yes, creating things which might only have immediate benefit to 1% or less of the population. But the people doing this are learning new things, demonstrating new ways of doing things, and creating potential which might be later adopted to the benefit of that other 99% – even if the original work doesn’t.
Hehe, we need those crapOSes in order to have such sites as
Or you prefer to write for WindowsNews? But i’m afraid that there isn’t free place in that niche:)
Niche OS’s are a complete waste of time. Linux, BSd, SkyOS and now this ugly piece of crap will never get anywhere besides being run on some old ass geek’s pc in his parents basement…
GO AWAY, this website is called OSNews, IT IS ABOUT OPERATING SYSTEMS. If you want to live in your MS only world, do that and don’t come here Flaming other operating systems. This goes for all of you like this.
Sorry… Mod me down if you must.
Stop smoking that GPL ganja and wake up mon ! Linux and BSD are on used by cheap as software pirates and by geeks. No serious legitimate business owner would ever use those freaking IP stealing OS’s. Just like no serious desktop user is going to put up with a one man, dog and pony show of an OS like Sylable. You losers need to get back to reality. Windows is a real world OS that people want to use. People do not want choice in the OS world, no matter how much they bitch and moan about it. What people want is to be lead or steered in the right direction and MS is the company that is doing that today.
I’m gald I work in the only major growth area of the Windows software industry. I work for a major anti-virus company.
Rome didn’t fall all in one day ether.
Can we have some moderation in here? Please?
Yeah I guess you Lin-Zealots don’t like debate. Especially when you know you are WRONG !
The real issue is the freedom to think for one’s self and the ability to invent and strech the limits of imiagition. Thanks to visonaries like Stallman and Tuvolds Gates does not and will never have total control of the computing industry.
Perhaps, just perhaps I’m afraid, we can avoid a DRM Dark Age.
Lets get back to the topic of this thread
It is very exciting to see an OSS system mature into a sleek media orientated OS!
Same troll, same ISP; and same pathetic arguments. If every person was banned, I’ll promise you the noise to signal ratio would drop through the floor.
Because god only knows you can’t bann the loud mouthe OSS and Lin-Zealots around here.
Umm. Much as I agree with 99% of what I’ve read of your posts, I’m not so sure that’s a good idea. While it might indeed have the intended effect, that being the removal of a chunk of the troll/flamer population, it would also probably remove myself, seeing as how I’m a Comcast (nee AT&T) customer. You don’t really think _I_ deserve to be banned for the idiocy of some who share my broadband provider, do you?
More on-topic, I’m very pleased to see alternative OSs like this make such progress. Kind of makes me hopeful for the state of computer science in general.
I spend a lot of time reading the discussions on this site, but I feel like the lack of moderation is pulling us (as a community) a part. It seems that there are a few individuals here who cannot leave their adolescent fantasies at school, and have a nice discussion. I propose you few simple-minded buffoons take your trolling elsewhere.
Perhaps a compromising solution: Optional login accounts for serious people to post (not necessary to read). When we visit the website (even annonymously), we can click a button that filters out all “Annonymous” postings for the duration of that session. If someone is serious about OS-related news, then that person should be willing to log in and stand behind your opinion. *THAT* is what freedom is all about.
Karrick S. McDermott
I second that
It sounds like a nice compramise with what we got now and trying to use SlashCode.
I’m sorry, but “wrong” is completely subjective. Many businesses decide to use BSD or Linux for their servers. People here seem to be trying to create a stereotype that free/open source software advocates are software pirates or deadbeats. Well as usual, stereotypes are horrible and do not even begin to reflect of the diversity of what it is trying to “describe”. We are not software pirates, or else we would be using windows. We are not IP theieves, because we believe on creating our own ideas, and our own IP, for everyone to use. The people in our community recognize this, and I doubt that anyone in our community would want to risk everything we have to add some small features.
If only we could ban *.au, we wouldn’t have to listen to your silly ideas.
Why do you think Linux and BSD are unneccesary, and please give me logical reasons.
Thanks in advance.
You can’t reason with him. Just ignore him. It’s called “Don’t feed the trolls!” He finds it amusing to see you react, so just ignore him. It’s not that hard.
Totally agree!
Can we start a poll on this?
Something to show the admins of the site that it may be the will of the viewers.
Installed the newest Syllable stuff on a P200 with 96MB ram, but:
1.) got no internet connection
2.) when I moved some windows around the desktop, than some artifacts remain of the older window, and they need a few seconds to be overdrawn (deleted). This looks really ugly. Tryed the same with ‘Morphix LightGUI’ and had no problems at all.
I thought Linux should be slower than Syllable because of X…
So drivers are needed and more work.
Still a long way to go…
I’m wondering, how much work is involved in converting Linux drivers to work on Syllable? Would it be possible to create a compatibility layer so that only small modifications are required? I’m guessing this would be quite an undertaking, but it would save a lot of time creating Syllable-native drivers.
I agree also. It has been brought up many times, but Eugenia has not seemed interested. If you want to start a poll, I suggest you do it in the forums, specifically in the OSNews feedback section.
I also agree. Although it is quite amusing sometimes to see little kids ticking people off, I would like to have the freedom of not reading troll postings. It’s a pain when you actually care about a project, or Computer Science in general and want to know what other people think *intellectually* about the topic. is about Computer Science and discovering new and exciting ideas. It should be considered a priviledge to post and share your opinion with others. So, let’s get a system where we can revoke that priviledge from those who act like morons. Otherwise, I’m going to have to find my news somewhere else…
with all this bs going on in these comments with that troll around this os is not getting the proper respect it deserves
From reading the Syllable mailing list, I can tell you that several drivers have been ported from their Linux cousins. I have seen a ittle discussion about what you suggest, but I don’t think it will fly with the controllers of Syllable because it would work against he simplicity they seek. I have not contributed code to Syllable yet, so don’t take this as the final word. But, it is the impression I get.
Sure, give it a try. Syllable looks the closest to being useful to me. I hope to have a machine running it fulltime soon.
As regards the troll, just ignore him. I can’t believe those are serious posts and I would rather discuss the relative merits of this OS than feed the troll.
Good night.
True, I accept that that majority shouldn’t suffer because of a minority, however, with that being said there needs to be a way to more effectively weed out trouble makers, for example, manditory registration as one example another would be to have an *EFFECTIVE* troll patrol. The moderation so far sucks worse than ever.
I want to have the iron lady back, and willing to snap down those who continuely distrupt this little utopia.
As for people with different opinions, I have no issues, you are entitled to them, however, what I can’t stand are those who diliberately provoke a flame war or simply say something that is completely and utterly unfounded.
Sure, I make mistakes and where possible, I correct myself, however, I certainly don’t go out of my way to piss people off.
I also agree that it needs some kind of registration system. So ppl need to log in to post something. Even it is quite annoying sometimes but i guess it is the only way to control trolls.
Anyway, I hope soon to setup a fully working Syllable machine from cel533+m/b which i got for nothing from a friend
Syllable is getting better and better.
…I certainly don’t go out of my way to piss people off.
I found this really interesting. Here is a quick sampling of some your posts. With links of course in case you think I am making this up.
then grab your wallet and buy the bloody commercial solution that is apparently superior or would that actuallt require moving out of your parents basement, get a job and actually be responsible for something once in your misserable and pathetic little life.
Submitt stories from Kuro5hin? I might as well post the latest issue of the North Korean Daily times relating to the “great leaders” attitude to the west.
The reason why a large number of people don’t realise is because the majority of people are moronic simpletons.
As for Word, are you joking? are you really that stupid?
Why are you such a clueless moron.
Please, someone buy this lady a clue
where have you been? hiding under a rock?
By another clue lady (jeepers, two clue orders within one post, must be a record).
I really couldn’t believe someone would be as stupid Ana O´Neemus unless they were a troll.
I can’t believe people actually believe that Rotor is a full implementation of .NET. Are people here THAT stupid?…
Blame the idiot who made the first post and some how tried to relate it to X.
Nothing is worse than a company b*astardising a great design for the yuppy generation who have more dollars than sense or style.
what the hell do you think is going to run on the server which these applications will need to interact with? think about that sunshine before making such stupid remarks.
Confronted with his wrongness:
Oh, your[sic] such a guru. A genius amongst the unwashed masses, how could I ever question such wisdom
it says they live with their mum and dad. When they get out into the big band world I beat they won’t be able to afford broadband let alone dial up on a wage from KFC as the garbage changer and table cleaner.
Yep – really – it’s a good work. My only problem is that I really do not like C++. Of course an OS is mainly an API that you can use with a lot of langages, but here it’s not yet the case.
Really, if you wan’t a good idea, make a JS engine for syllable (with access to the OS API, as with SashXB). I think applications will comes more quickly.
Im’ not a fantastic developer… Anyway this week end I made 3 full software (little but usefull tools) with a simple langage (RealBasic). I like this tool because I prefer to “travel” inside my ideas than inside my code. A good scripting langage is a very good starting point for the stupid developers like me…
Each time I use Syllable I say “OK, but I cannot yet do a lot of things on it, and I cannot develop anything for it”. And I’m sure that there are other people like me.
Keep it up, Syllable guys!
I may just decide to change my mind about Linux as my main, desktop OS after all.
1.) got no internet connection
Do you have a network card and a broadband connection? If so, what network card do you have? No dialup support yet though.
2.) when I moved some windows around the desktop, than some artifacts remain of the older window, and they need a few seconds to be overdrawn (deleted). This looks really ugly. Tryed the same with ‘Morphix LightGUI’ and had no problems at all.
What video card do you have? If your video card does not have an accelerated driver, you will be using the unaccelerated Vesa driver. On a P200 you won’t even be able to take advantage of the MMX acceleration with the Vesa driver. So yes, that will be very slow!
X is probably faster because it is either using an accelerated video card for your display, or it is using a lower bit depth than Syllable (Syllable can only go as low as a 15bit display, by design)
I’m wondering, how much work is involved in converting Linux drivers to work on Syllable?
Generally very little work is needed to port drivers from Linux. Things like NIC and Soundcard drivers are the easiest to port, but if you know what you are doing even X drivers can be ported to Syllable (Which has a widly different driver API to that of XFree86) Other types of drivers may be more difficult.
Maybe I should bring up all your posts, OH! sorry, I can’t because YOU don’t have the guts to stick with *A* nickname and stand behind what you say.
Also, nice to see you do the simply troll tactic, take the quotations *COMPLETELY* out of context *AND* not fully quoting what was posted.
Interesting that you quote:
CooCooCaChoo (IP: — – Posted on 2003-06-07 04:49:02
Are you really living up to your name? what the hell do you think is going to run on the server which these applications will need to interact with? think about that sunshine before making such stupid remarks.
Solaris and Sparc aren’t dying, Scott just needs a right royal kick up the ass and realise he is there to serve the shareholder through creating more wealth. He isn’t there to “bash Microsoft”, have a temper trantrum over IBM or blame the voodoo man for a plumet in sales.
A thin client is absolutely bloody useless if there is nothing running on the server. I might as well try and hook up a thin client to a toaster if I went with your way of thinking.
Considering that I have *NEVER* owned a Optus ISP account. My posts are either from * or *
CooCooCaChoo (IP: — – Posted on 2003-06-20 03:00:27
Classic mini. Nothing is worse than a company b*astardising a great design for the yuppy generation who have more dollars than sense or style.
Completely out of context. It was a humourous reply in a thread relating to old designs “revamped” for generation X.
[/i]CooCooCaChoo (IP: — – Posted on 2003-07-08 12:28:47
It is pretty self explanitory. You pay $100 per user and you get access to all of SUN’s software line up. Once Project Orion is ready, you’ll see Staroffice 6.1, GNOME, Evolution, the whole iPlanet line up etc etc.
You pay $100 per-user, per year. That pays for everything. From the server access to the client software.
As for Word, are you joking? are you really that stupid? you actually realise Word is made by Microsoft and Microsoft has NOTHING to do with SUN or this whole article?
but you only posted:
As for Word, are you joking? are you really that stupid?
Why are you such a clueless moron.
Please, someone buy this lady a clue
where have you been? hiding under a rock?
By another clue lady (jeepers, two clue orders within one post, must be a record).
I really couldn’t believe someone would be as stupid Ana O´Neemus unless they were a troll.
Interesting that you also didn’t post my final follow up:
CooCooCaChoo (IP: — – Posted on 2003-07-09 03:28:15
RE: DoctorPepper (IP: —
Thanks for clearing that up. I really couldn’t believe someone would be as stupid Ana O´Neemus unless they were a troll. The strange thing is that my troll-o-metre didn’t register any activity. Maybe I need to replace it.
RE: Steve P (IP: —
Having talked to a person at SUN, project Orion includes the whole SUN product line up plus Project Madhatter. The idea is to sell a complete solution “in a box” so that rather than the customer hunt around for various bits ‘n pieces, it is all “there” in the one box. Project Orion also includes Oracle DB IIRC as well.
RE: Bascule (IP: —
IMHO, Microsoft is really going to feel pressure in the server market when you take into consideration that no only will the stack be available on SPARC but x86 as well, meaning, if one wanted to move, they would just have to purchase the software and run it ontop of Solaris x86 once the x86 versions of the stack are ready. From what I have heard, they are getting “there” very fast.
Interesting that you also took the time to post:
then grab your wallet and buy the bloody commercial solution that is apparently superior or would that actuallt require moving out of your parents basement, get a job and actually be responsible for something once in your misserable and pathetic little life.
Submitt stories from Kuro5hin? I might as well post the latest issue of the North Korean Daily times relating to the “great leaders” attitude to the west.
But couldn’t be bothered posting the follow up:
CooCooCaChoo (IP: — – Posted on 2003-08-10 16:36:47
I never said the article was crap, I just can’t work out why someone would write an article for such a third rate site. Sure, has its own trolls but atleast they are shot out of the sky very quickly.
The article is VERY good quality and I would much rather see it here or maybe on the editorial they have.
This trollery makes me think about a recent article about why not to convert to Linux, saying that he would love to switch, but that he did not want to try OpenOffice, as he didn’t trust it’s file compatibility *because* it wasn’t made by MS. Well, do you get that?
Besides, Windows has a really bad sound system, now that even Syllable can play two sounds at the time!
And yes, this is true, don’t say that you can play two MP3’s at the same time with Windows Media Player, or that you can play an MP3 with Winamp and a CD with the cdrom-drive at the same time, while that is indeed true, you still *can’t* play one MP3 using WinAmp and one using WMP at the same time!
Besides, Windows has a really bad sound system, now that even Syllable can play two sounds at the time!
And yes, this is true, don’t say that you can play two MP3’s at the same time with Windows Media Player, or that you can play an MP3 with Winamp and a CD with the cdrom-drive at the same time, while that is indeed true, you still *can’t* play one MP3 using WinAmp and one using WMP at the same time!
Well I just did it! I even played 2 streams of the same file simultaniously! I’m runinng Windows XP, I can’t tell about other WIndows versions.
Need to get a life. All this OS bashing is terribly annoying. What are you doing on OSNews if all you have to say is “every OS sucks”? Go fuck a tree or something you bunch of morons. Head back to slashdot. Fuckfaces. You need to get some respect.
The point is, you said you were never intentionally inflammatory, when in fact, that’s about all you do consistently (except for being wrong). And you can try and justify those quotes all you want, but they speak for themselves. Nice work also with the < i > tags.
It’s really interesting will Syllable be able to play several divx movies simultaniously as BeOS did at it’s time with MPEG’s…? Tried it today with my WinXP and it wasn’t sucsessful but my machine is really weak, I can play divx’s only thanks to the highly optimized FFDshow codec.