editor and Amiga supporter James Russell has written a synopsis of the current questionable situation with Amiga Incorporated. editor and Amiga supporter James Russell has written a synopsis of the current questionable situation with Amiga Incorporated.
But I still wanna try out Amiga OS 4. Though I might try out the other Amiga OS, MorphOS.
Amiga? yeah… OBOS has a better chance of being released tomorrow than Amiga ever becomming a viable brand name again.
This once again hilights the problems of Amiga Inc. going back to 2000. Its really tragic that these clowns have run the business once again into the ground, and made so many basic business mistakes (don’t diversify a niche product, don’t split a niche product, …). When my last Amiga died in 1992, I had hoped someone would finally pick up the ball. I had not expected to see so much slap stick business comedy as has taken place over the last decade.
Perhaps it is time to implement a potential buyer’s business test (akin to a driver’s license test) for the next bunch of clowns to buy the rights to the Amiga name. Household appliance manufacturers, cows, and people who couldn’t sell a glass of lemonade at a stand for 5c on a hot summer day, need not apply.
…all the amiga / alt-beos posts here. talk about esoteric interests.
when you think about the fact that with all commodore’s problems…. at least they provided the product… which is more than the rest of these people have done….
This story provided me with my best laugh of the day.
It’s like watching some 6O year old derelict talking – between gulps from a pint bottle – about getting his life together after 2O years on skid row.
Sad, but amusing in its predictable folly.
Does anyone expect anything serious from the clowns who own the Amiga name?
The only remaining products are by specialist firms and the only ones still using the O.S. or the old computers also have modern equipment and O.S.s.
I think it’s time to consign the whole matter to the realm of the Betamax owners’ clubs and steam locomotive fans.
I hope they go bust v.soon. Genesi buys Amiga Inc?
At least the Amiga brand would be in “capable” hands with Genesi. It sounds fishy when other companies are doing all your products.
OS 4 is that the nonexcisting os on nonexcisting hw that was shown last saturday/sunday in italy.
<< Many in the community were trepedatious about the auction and what it meant to the company and its future. Bill McEwen reassured the community that Amiga Inc. was not in any trouble, that they had in fact moved to Seattle to be closer to key partners. >>
I’m sorry, but this whole article is desperately funny– it reads like an Onion article. “Be closer to key partners?” Please.
It’s sad, because Amiga was a great platform back in the day, but people need to move on.
less expensive than G5, standard, and the 64-bit extension is clean,
OS 4 is that the nonexcisting os on nonexcisting hw that was shown last saturday/sunday in italy.
Yeah, funny isn’t it, how a round of bad news always follows good news, almost deliberately. ๐ None of this article is actually news. I’m not saying the article shouldn’t have been written; it’s quite a good summary in fact. Rather, the article’s timing is really, really odd… as well as the timing of some other recent articles.
“less expensive than G5, standard, and the 64-bit extension is clean”
Who currently sells full AMD64 systems and solutions?
Just want to know so that we can quantify your first statement or if its just a generalization.
Cheaper is not always better in my book especially if you’ve read a previous OSNews article contributed by someone attempting a linux installing on an AMD64 processor.
Standard? In what context?
64 bit extension clean? Where are the AMD64 apps? Photoshop plugins?
“At least the Amiga brand would be in “capable” hands with Genesi”
eh? Are you joking? Bill Buck (from Viscorp) a capable hands? OMG
I used to own an Atari Jaguar, the last piece of kit Atari made before going belly-up…then I almost bought a 3DO…I used to use BeOS, and loved it…now I find myself lusting after a new Amiga…I own a Handspring Visor as well…
If a full AmigaOne system comes out I’ll probably get one, but man, with my track record maybe I should hold off for the sake of the poor Amigans!
Yeah, funny isn’t it, how a round of bad news always follows good news, almost deliberately. ๐
Agree, the timing seems quite good. You know: new hardware (AmigaOne Lite) gets good response, OS4 already running on AmigaOne, must be ticking some people off.
Who currently sells full AMD64 systems and solutions?
eh? Are you joking? Bill Buck (from Viscorp) a capable hands? OMG
At least Genesi as an Amiga product (Pegasus/MorphOS) out. Whereas Amiga Inc still as screenshots and a motherboard.
The AMIGA died in a much worse way then BEOS, or NEXT. I can’t stand watching it suffer. I love the AMIGA but I think we should just shoot it like a horse. Just build the API’s on LINUX with a UAE emuator A la OS X sytle or something.
Apple is the last of its kind.
this was “amiga” as far as I’m concerned
An “amiga” that doesn’t do DV is just another PC with the amiga name.
> The AMIGA died in a much worse way then BEOS, or NEXT.
> I can’t stand watching it suffer. I love the AMIGA but
> I think we should just shoot it like a horse.
This comment made me laugh!
<stuff clipped>
> Apple is the last of its kind.
Ah, and MorphOS is the first of its.
Any company that can’t honestly make its payroll should tell the employees to go get a job elsewhere and close shop. If the company has a board of directors, then they should start the process. Working for a ghost company is too difficult unless you don’t need a paycheck.
Been there done that, still waiting for my last company to pay up.
Difference between BeOS & Amiga
No special HW being designed when x86 stuff is plenty good enough.
No payroll to meet for opensource (excepting Zeta).
I thinks Amiga community would have done better to do same!
The AMIGA died in a much worse way then BEOS, or NEXT. I can’t stand watching it suffer. I love the AMIGA but I think we should just shoot it like a horse. Just build the API’s on LINUX with a UAE emuator A la OS X sytle or something.
You mean like Amithlon (x86 Linux with built in emulator), MorphOS (PPC OS with compatible APIs and built in emulation), or AROS (open source AmigaOS clone with compatible APIs, though it doesn’t have emulation)?
Even if AmigaOS 4 never appears (although it’s actually another company, Hyperion, who are doing the work), there are still other modern Amiga derivatives around, which is a good thing. You don’t hear people crying about MacOS dying when it did – because as you say, OS X was there to carry on.
Dude, let me know what you buy next so I don’t. What a trail of tears.
How can you compare those two things?
I could also say this:
Amiga has a better chance of being released tomorrow than Amiga becoming a viable platform.
I dont see your point. You might have thought BEOS was a viable platform, but is a platform with little software and hardware support viable? personal opinion. I think AmigaOS has a fantastic future, with or without (maybe even more so without) Amiga inc.
An “amiga” that doesn’t do DV is just another PC with the amiga name.
The original Toaster boards were just analog switchers with a genlock, titler, matted transitions, and a 3D package.
The video that passed through the board, either live or from tape, was always analog. There was no ability to digitize the footage and do NLE on it. Any editting had to happen on A/B roll decks and recorders with time & frame logging and edit control lists.
It wasn’t until the VT Flyer (very late ’90s) that the Video Toaster got any DV (and rudimentary at that) features.
1. Its not an Amiga.
2. It is only compatible with an outdated version of Workbench and then incompatible with many Amiga applications.
3. It is Pegasos, not Pegasus.
4. You sir, are a troll.
1. It’s a perfect replacement for an Amiga.
2. It runs many Amiga applications.
3. A typo.
4. You sir, are a fanboy. Reviens quand tu auras quelque chose d’intelligent a dire.
What’s the deal with the Amiga fanboys and MorphOS/Pegasos. Did I miss something here?
“Whereas Amiga Inc still as screenshots and a motherboard.”
Right, of course, you missed all the demonstrations that went on in the
states and Europe. You missed the AVIs of it running last weekend
on AmigaONE.
Genesi do not even have a motherboard at the moment, they sold out
after selling a few hundred and giving away the rest – and the reason
they sold out is because they fell out with one of the suppliers for
their off the shelf parts motherboard!
MorphOS is still in beta, public beta, is incomplete and too buggy
for you to be able to use both IDE channels.
Right, of course, you missed all the demonstrations that went on in the states and Europe. You missed the AVIs of it running last weekend on AmigaONE.
But still I still can’t purchase AmigaOS 4. Whereas MorphOS is already available. BTW Genesi is also going around showing off MorphOS/Pegasos.
Genesi do not even have a motherboard at the moment, they sold out after selling a few hundred and giving away the rest – and the reason they sold out is because they fell out with one of the suppliers for their off the shelf parts motherboard!
It says that the online store is out. But it also says on their web site that their resellers have some.
MorphOS is still in beta, public beta, is incomplete and too buggy for you to be able to use both IDE channels.
Amiga OS 4 is still at least 1 year away. They still have a lot of work to do before it’s completed for the AmigaOne. MorphOS, while not fully fonctional, is up and running.
And in the users hands. <— this counts a lot.
One question: What’s with the resentment towards Genesi? If they can pull off a better Amiga than Amiga Inc then more power to them! You Amiga folks are very strange.
Who’s Roland?
1. You dont know if MorphOS is better than AmigaOS4.
2. You cannot substantiate this or claim it with any authority ” Amiga OS 4 is still at least 1 year away.”
3. You would buy beta quality hardware and software from anyone else?
You are still trolling.
Pot calling the Kettle Black? I see that you are trolling (samface?) and won’t answer my question. I won’t feed the fanboy/troll any further.
Just here to answer your FUD spreading Ronald.
“What’s the deal with the Amiga fanboys and MorphOS/Pegasos. Did I miss something here?”
You should know, you are one, if you hang around the scene
pushing the anti-Amiga and pro-MorphOS agenda then you are
a MorphOS fanboy by description, and you must have hung around
long enough to have heard of Samface ( for those interested ).
OMG you are insane. Seriously, you need help.
Samface? Yes I read AmigaWorld, and Lemme guess, YOU are Samface?
So don’t come the outsider with me, you are a troll.
You really need help. It’s just a computer. Obsessions are not healthy.
Oh dear, wanadoo, here too?!
“2. It is only compatible with an outdated version of Workbench and then incompatible with many Amiga applications.”
Ony this one shows that you cannot see difference between AmigaOS and Workbench and thus your incompetence. How can you say that others are trolls?
One question: What’s with the resentment towards Genesi?
Two answers: (1) The amazing timing of “good” Genesi news and “bad” Amiga news. (2) The rumor (valid or no) that Genesi is paying people to defame Amiga.
For example, after videos of alpha Amiga OS4 running on AmigaOne hardware, and some questioning of the responsiveness of the GUI, a video appears on this site showing the responsiveness of an OS that runs on Genesi hardware. Coincidence? ๐ Please.
If they can pull off a better Amiga than Amiga Inc then more power to them!
Personally, I agree. I don’t think they can, but if they can, more power to them.
You Amiga folks are very strange.
Yes ๐ Although it’s a shame some of these petty arguments between fanboys are spilling into forums like OSNews. ๐
analog, digital video…well today’s standard is digital. The point is that video and graphics was the strength of amiga in its time and that time has passed. Putting a GUI that looks similar to the old amiga or running old software on something that’s basically a PC or a mac isn’t particularly interesting anymore.
“analog, digital video…well today’s standard is digital. The point is that video and graphics was the strength of Amiga in its time and that time has passed. Putting a GUI that looks similar to the old amiga or running old software on something that’s basically a PC or a mac isn’t particularly interesting anymore.”
The Amiga did have digital non-linear editing, using the program Movieshop with the VLab-motion board. This program also ran on an Amiga clone called the Draco, which was used by professional editors.
However, I don’t think that was the only strength of the Amiga. The main strength is the tight, modular OS and its clear directory structure.
The PPC boards that are being marketed by Genesi and Eyetech are not very like Macs – they have far more ports, which IMO makes them much more useful.
wait . . . you mean they’ve been in buisiness all this time?! Wow, didn’t even notice.
“The PPC boards that are being marketed by Genesi and Eyetech are not very like Macs – they have far more ports, which IMO makes them much more useful.”
You’ve fallen for the hype again Don. Remember, in a small “community based” market like Amiga it’s worth lying to your customers, because most of them WANT to believe your lies. They can tell their friends, just as you are, and convert more people to “the cause”.
Alan’s “Power System G4” costs ยฃ1400 including tax. For ยฃ300 LESS you can buy a PowerMac G4 with 1.25GHz G4, 333MHz DDR RAM, with more 64-bit PCI slots, a faster AGP bus, more USB2 and Firewire connections, etc. from Apple UK
Not to mention that the PowerMac G4 will ship to you, complete with OS and applications, the same week, not in a few weeks, or months, or years…
Oh, and yes, that PowerMac will have all the usual sound ports and onboard 10/100 Ethernet, in fact it probably has working wireless Ethernet as well, depending on the base configuration Apple UK are shipping ATM, I haven’t looked.
Wow, I heard the Amigan’s had escaped from the asylum and were mild curiosities over at slashdot and this website, whose name I can’t recall.
Well, I decided to poke my head out of my punishment cell over in amigaland and see what was going on.
Well, let me say this about Amigaland, it has no chance of ever being a mainstream computer again, but that isn’t the point. The point is, will it ever be a useful computer again, and the answer is still out on that one.
its a hard addiction to drop…it’s not about the computer anymore, like most Amigan’s I don’t even own any Amiga hardware anymore, I can’t even be bothered to load OS 3.9 on an emulator. I’m not interested in the AmigaONE, or really, Genesi for that matter.
But like Rincewind knew he was a ‘WIZZARD’, so too does a person know when they are called to Amiga fantasy land.
I’ll be the first to let ya know if there is anything interesting going on, mostly we are just a bunch of clubbers who spend our days lying to ourselves, but then again, there is some talent here too. And btw, as much as I’m deriding this club, its fun, you should try it too.
It doesn’t hurt after a while.
Watch out, it only takes one moron to hit the lottery and you’ve got yourself another infusion of cash.
I gotta get back to finishing a book I’m translating, but it was nice to get out in the air for a bit.
Speaking as one of the crazy Amiga People, who cares about Amiga International. What have they done? Nothing. To be honest, I had given up on the Amiga myself about 4 years ago. Well, I have an AmigaOne that will be here Tuesday, and I am confident that OS 4.0 will be released (hopefully without Amiga International!). Say what you want, but no computer responds like an Amiga. Not to mention you have so much more control over the operating system. I realized this and I am back!