Hyperion Entertainment announced the availability of the fourth update to the AmigaOS4.0 developer prerelease for all A1 owners. Major new features in this update includes a fast transparent JIT 68k Amiga software emulator, screen dragging in any direction, improved Warp3D/input support, and much more. A first impressions review is already available.
A user review is available here:
Where’s the hardware?
on my desk ! ๐
If you meant new hardware, your question is completely OT. The news item says “there is a new update of AmigaOS 4”. “update” so you should already have hardware to run it.
For hardware for new users, they will get it when it’s available.
Wish I had a boxen to run this, I have a MacMini that would just love Amiga. I’m tired of PCs and the spyware and the viruses and the pointlessness of Windows. What happened to that Golden Era of computing, a friendly, family computer, for everybody? That died out when MS paved over the 80’s with Windows. I’d love to run Amiga OS to get back to that era when computing was actually fun, and not a stressache.
FYI Kroc, PC’s run more than Windows. Try getting a nicely set up ubuntu/kubuntu box, there is some ‘stressache’ in that too if that’s what you make of the experience. Hell, even getting a nicely done Workbench disk on my Amiga back in the 80s was a seemingly never ending tweak job. That can be fun or stressful, depending on how you accept it as part of the computing experience.
I like to “use” my computer, not spend forever making it run. Using an Amiga like many 80’s/early 90’s OSes was a matter of switching the computer on and that was it. Linux however, is a Joke compared to OSX.
As an ex-Amigan this is great news, I’d love to run the machine, but the price is way-way too high for old hardware.
Come out with a cheap box, ยฃ400 including everything except monitor and I will be tempted.
Edited 2006-02-09 13:46
This is what a few companies are aiming to now.
But keep in mind that a hardware sold in a few thousand copies cannot be as cheap as a hardware sold in millions (PCs).
I know, but a reasonably priced system would be nice. One around the pegasos price.
Is it possible to run the Amiga OS one a PPC Mac? Has anyone ever tried hacking it? Why is this not supported by the company that owns Amiga in the first place, since it seems that would be the most viable way of getting a larger user-base running the Amiga, short of porting it to x86 or the like. The OS looks really interesting, and as someone said, if it could be run on a Mac Mini I’m sure more people would pick it up (hell, I’d love to try it out, it looks snappy and I love the idea that I can reboot in a few seconds, but no way can I drop hard cash on a computer that only runs one, non-maimstream OS).
@ AdrianRyan
> looks snappy and I love the idea that I can reboot in a
> few seconds, but no way can I drop hard cash on a
> computer that only runs one, non-maimstream OS).
I understand your point of view, just wanted to point out that A1 hardware also runs (more ‘mainstream’) Linux and MacOnLinux. Lots of Amigans are waiting for the full release consumer products powered by AmigaOS4.0 final, however many people don’t seem to care too much about alternative OSes being supported by Amiga hardware or not, I believe maybe because most already seem to own a PC as well. They just want AmigaOS4 for fun/hobby as the main OS on a hobby box.
I follow you here, but I’m not sure if I completely agree. So far, almost every post on this subject, and many old OS New Amiga news items, is “I’d love to run it, but can’t get the hardware.” I guess my point isn’t so much that I’d like to dual boot and think many people would, I just think that if Amiga sticks with their and Apple’s philosophy of “our OS, our hardware,” then such a small company isn’t going to make it. Imagine this campaign instead:
“Have an old Mac? Too slow to run 10.4? Pick up the AmigaOS and run all types of software, at a quicker speed than you ever imagined OS X running.”
I think that would be a killer marketing campaign, especially since it is geared towards those who already have some alternate OS experience. It isn’t so much about other OS’s being supported on the same hardware, as AmigaOS being supported on hardware that is already easy and cheap (relatively) to come by, which for AmigaOS would be PPC Macs.
That being said, if the final, consumer grade Amiga computers that are released are cheap, powerful, easy to come by, and are a hit, I’ll eat my words; however, I doubt, as unfortunate as it is, that it will happen.
> just wanted to point out that A1 hardware also runs (more ‘mainstream’) Linux and MacOnLinux.
Before readers take this suggestion seriously, they should read what AmigaOne owners themselves have written at Amigaworld.net about trying to run Linux. Summary: many problems, no official support, not much joy.
— gary_c
@ gary
> Before readers take this suggestion seriously, they
> should read what AmigaOne owners themselves have
> written at Amigaworld.net about trying to run Linux.
> Summary: many problems, no official support, not much
> joy.
Well IMO Linux distros have significant different approaches compared to AmigaOS, so I don’t consider this strange. Personally I don’t even have Linux installed on my PC anymore, despite that the x86 PC platform is probably the best and most widely supported Linux platform.
IMO everything I want to do is accomplished in WinXP with far less hassle, WinXP has by far wider industry support, fewer isssues to run into, etc. Having said that IMO Linux runs as well on A1 hardware as can be expected from a 800 PPC Mhz system.
Edited 2006-02-10 10:05
>Well IMO Linux distros have significant different >approaches compared to AmigaOS, so I don’t consider >this strange. Personally I don’t even have Linux >installed on my PC anymore, despite that the x86 PC >platform is probably the best and most widely >supported Linux platform.
There are well documented reasons why Linux ‘out of the box’ does not, and will not, run of AmigaOne hardware. You’re aware of that as well. *sheesh*
>IMO everything I want to do is accomplished in WinXP >with far less hassle, WinXP has by far wider >industry support, fewer isssues to run into, etc.
Ok, then why are you discussing Linux from a standpoint of knowledge or advocacy here?
>Having said that IMO Linux runs as well on A1 >hardware as can be expected from a 800 PPC Mhz >system.
Sorry Mike, no it does not, period. Sorry, but this is pure fluff and wishful thinking. It runs adequately if you’re willing to roll your own kernel and installer, and even then there are limitations due to the hardware.
AmigaOnes are fine for running OS4, as the OS works around known hardware issues, and it was fine to run Linux on as a standby until the first OS4 pre-release was made available. If someone really wants to run Linux on PPC, for whatever reason, you don’t intentionally do it on an AmigaOne. Get a Mac or a Pegasos for that.
This may well change if/when the upcoming Troika board arrives, as it’s likely/possible it will run Linux out of the box using standard components, and will hopefully see more testing than the AmigaOne/MAI Teron line did with respect to Linux (mostly MAI’s fault IMO). If you really claim ‘it runs Linux as well as any 800MHz system,’ would you care to explain why TerraSoft dropped the Terons, or see my Mac benchmarks?
There’s nothing wrong with OS4 running on this hardware, and I do actually own one, but let’s call reality as it is, and avoid ‘fluff’ statements, shall we? Want to run Linux PPC? Buy a different board. Want to run OS4? Pick up a used A1 or wait until something is available. Yes, you can also run Linux on the A1, with some limitations in performance and some pain, so don’t choose it if running PPC Linux is your primary concern or need.
@ wegster
> Ok, then why are you discussing Linux from a
> standpoint of knowledge or advocacy here?
No like I said from the standpoint of hassle. The amount of effort needed for maintaining, installing software, etc does not outweigh the “benefits” for *me* when I already have WinXP installed & paid for on my PC.
> *sheesh*
Cool down please…
> It runs adequately if you’re willing to roll your own kernel and installer
That’s exactly what I stated, it *runs* as well as can be expected. I did not say anything specificly about being as easy to install as one may expect.
>> Ok, then why are you discussing Linux from a
>> standpoint of knowledge or advocacy here?
>No like I said from the standpoint of hassle. The >amount of effort needed for maintaining, installing >software, etc does not outweigh the “benefits” for >*me* when I already have WinXP installed & paid for >on my PC.
Great. News item about OS4. You bring up Linux, now you’re talking about Windows, which certainly won’t run on an A1.
>> *sheesh*
>Cool down please…
I’m cool, just dislike misleading information, which the statements you made can be taken as.
>> It runs adequately if you’re willing to roll your >>own kernel and installer
>That’s exactly what I stated, it *runs* as well as >can be expected. I did not say anything specificly >about being as easy to install as one may expect.
Ok, except again, it doesn’t, unless you expect it (Linux on A1s) to underperform and be more problematic than other PPC systems.
>No if I would claim this I would have written this. >I won’t as that would IMO be too much an >over-simplification. Comparing just any Mac @ 800 Mhz directly would IMO be useless if you don’t take into account other differences, like different graphics chips, different RAM modules, different southbridge and other chips, etc used.
Mike, this is getting silly, and it seems you’re playing word games on semantics here.
The fact of the matter is:
– don’t buy an A1 to run Linux. For anyone remotely serious about ‘needing’ a Linux PPC machine, other options work out of the box, where the A1 doesn’t, and will NOT ever run a modern distro from an original install CD/DVD, costs more, and simply underperforms. Basically, forget about Linux being of real value on this system. If you’d really like, I can back this up with benchmarks, a list of problems under Linux, etc. This IS about OS4, so I’d prefer we just leave it at that instead of playing semantics.
– Buy one if you want to run OS4. It’s the only option (used) right now, and OS4 runs nicely on it.
PS – Yes, I get annoyed with misinformation or when it seems someone’s only giving a ‘partial truth.’
@ wegster
IMO get a x86 PC for running Linux. If you also want to use MacOSX, maybe get a x86 Mac (haven’t testet Linux on those myself yet).
> If you really claim ‘it runs Linux as well as any 800MHz system
No if I would claim this I would have written this. I won’t as that would IMO be too much an over-simplification. Comparing just any Mac @ 800 Mhz directly would IMO be useless if you don’t take into account other differences, like different graphics chips, different RAM modules, different southbridge and other chips, etc used.
> read what AmigaOne owners themselves have written at
> Amigaworld.net about trying to run Linux. Summary:
> many problems, no official support, not much joy.
Hum, what I see on AmigaWorld.net is :
– I have a problem
– did you do this ?
– oh no, you’re right. Now it works. Thanks.
and other :
wow, it’s cool, it’s fast. Many thanks…. etc.
Edited 2006-02-10 14:29
“and other :
wow, it’s cool, it’s fast. Many thanks…. etc. ”
But that’s about OS4, not linux…!
Imagine how fast AOS4 would be on a quad-powermac g5! Wowserz!
Mr. Adrian Ryan wrote:
>Is it possible to run the Amiga OS one a PPC Mac?
AmigaOS 4.0 and MorphOS can’t run on PPC Mac due to the fact that Apple does not release important infos to run other OSes native on their hardware.
However you can run E-UAE Emulator (version of UAE for PPC computers like Macintosh and Pegasos II) and run AmigaOS 3.9.
With the right software like Object-Oriented based GUI’s (MUI, Classact or Feelin), Picasso96 Libraries to enable 24bit and 32bit graphics, and AHI 16bit audio system, then you could enjoy a very good experience of Amiga nearby to actual system.
You can’t have all of new system (PPC speed capabilities, new OS and new programs) but you can really enjoy Amiga and run good programs in graphics and audio.
argh!! I’d just love to run this one, but no Aone ;-(
I wish the Powervixxen for the A1200 will be available soooon ! (Ack said it would be sphipped with update4; so…)
Saying “I would have buy it but the hardware is so old” doesn’t help, it wasn’t THAT old when released, you could have bought it now. Since the market is so small releasing new machines all the time isn’t a viable option. Regarding price the Pegasos where very reasonable priced from the begining, and it’s still not that bad, althought it’s the same as it was say 3 years ago.
Regarding the OS and “final release” this probably is even more than the final release where going to be. It’s just that they don’t release final since they want to release it together with some hardware and Eyetech is gone it seems (I don’t know for sure, but I guess since people says you can’t get an AmigaOne.)
They could run it on the Pegasos but then someone would have to pay for the port. Neither of Hyperion or Genesi want to.
As always Amiga Inc screwed it up by not leting the Pegasos become an AmigaOne computer in the first place.
Also if the Pegasos had been the AmigaOne system we would have had:
1) More AmigaOnes
2) AmigaOS released
3) MorphOS on the same machines
4) All the oses which runs on the Pegasos, and maybe more.
Plus Bill Buck and Rachael seems to have a clue about what they do and then can stir up some attention, something the Amiga would have needed. It’s just so sad morons have had the Amiga brand for so long.
If only Phase5 whould have released the ABox, or Gateway the AmigaMMC + QNX Neutrino based OS. The last one would be awesome.
I don’t care about ports and updated versions of AmigaOS so much, sure it was good, then, but it’s old new. It would require a lot of work to get it up to date. A neutrino based AmigaOS like OS would have been so much better.
The reason for it not getting ported to Apple hardware are probably something like this:
1) They don’t have docs.
2) Who pays for the port?
3) How will they prevent piracy?
4) They can’t bundle machines with it.
5) What if Apple decides to change the game field so the OS doesn’t run longer?
And so on.
I have a A1200T with BlizzardPPC. I have money to buy OS4. Why won’t Hyperion sell it to me?
MorphOS is free for the same hardware, but I don’t want MorphOS on my A1200 I want OS4.
Someone give me a straight answer please.
> I have a A1200T with BlizzardPPC. I have money to buy OS4. Why won’t Hyperion sell it to me?
How about because it isn’t done yet?
“How about because it isn’t done yet?”
That excuse is load of crap, as I’ve seen it running with my own eyes on my friends BPPC who is a betatester/developer.
I had OS4 on the AmigaOne 1 year before the PreRelease update. Did it mean OS4 was finished?
Obviously the A1 version was more interesting financially than the version for Classic. If you ever wanted OS4 without waiting, you would have bought an A1 when they were available.
“I had OS4 on the AmigaOne 1 year before the PreRelease update. Did it mean OS4 was finished?”
OS4 on BPPC is identical to OS4 on an AmigaONE, apart from a few things in the kernel and rivers.
These are the words of the Frieden twins not mine.
I just want to buy it.
“OS4 on BPPC is identical to OS4 on an AmigaONE, apart from a few things in the kernel and rivers.”
Trouble is, the hardware is far from identical.
> “How about because it isn’t done yet?”
> That excuse is load of crap, as I’ve seen it running with my own eyes on my friends BPPC who is a betatester/developer.
Yes, so am I (betatester, not developer, at least in relation to OS4).
I know it runs. Often, even. But it has not been tested (and therefore bugfixed) as much as the A1 version lately because that one was the first priority. This has been mentioned several times by Hyperion on e.g. AmigaWorld.net. In short, it is not done yet — done as in fit for sale. But it has also not been abandoned, so just do the proper Amigan thing and get yourself some patience ๐
Of course, the other option is to approach Hyperion about becoming a beta tester yourself.
same old thing. Great OS…Fast… only you can’t get your hands on hardware to run it. What a total shame.
The people behind OS4 may be brilliant coders, but they couldn’t run a pissup in a brewery.
Drop the PPC. Partner with Intel/AMD on the cpu and Dell/HP/etc. on the box. Stop wasting time on hardware concerns and start focusing on rebuilding the brand, through innovative software and marketing.
Yes, many markets were lost due to past mistakes: Desktop video production, Music, DTP, Graphic Design, etc..
….But that can change!
I agree completely. Amiga Inc need to accept what is possible, and running on expensive custom ppc motherboards isn’t an option.
We crying out here, give us sane hardware to run the the darn thing! Amigans are never going to break out into new territory by trying to sell people both the hardware and software. At least genesi can market themselves! There should be some build up, a climax to release day of AOS4!
I’m annoyed because I’ve watched the situation for a good while, and all I see is ever-decreasing circles.
I say to those companies whose business is or would be the Amiga, great technology is nothing more then that. With no leadership, no vision, no marketing, little third-party support, few partners,…in otherwords, no business machine behind the machine you’ve got just another computer museum artifact.
Hear this and hear it well, stop the crap and build a business for this thing. Go after the nostalgic base. Adults like myself who got an Amiga in my tweens and still long for one even today. Only now I have the money to buy the best possible confiugration. Show the new generation why Amiga was and still is a great platform.
Damn-it!, this is a call to action…now EXECUTE!!
It’s got Screen Dragging! SCREEN DRAGING!! and not just down too!! Oooh!!
But Seriously, OS4 has been a usable OS for sometime now, certainly better than 3.9, not perfect, of course, but it’s cerainly my drug of choice.
In a nutshell, it runs better. The JIT speeds things up significantly for old 68k code, the system is overall more stable, but as it comes without a full ChangeLog, so we’re all sort of ‘digging’ to see what’s there/different from ud3. Enough additional info can be had by browsing threads at http://www.amigaworld.net or the news item there itself.
It’s unfortunate there is currently no hardware for purchase for potential new users, but hopefully, and supposedly, that will be cleared up ‘soon.’ What people often seem to misunderstand is that Hyperion was contracted to produce OS4, and there are still some questions as to if they are able to port to anything they like, require approval from Amiga, Inc, or exactly what the situation is there. There’s lots of speculation over that, but we’ll leave it at ‘no one has shared the actual facts, so we’re all guessing.’
From an outside standpoint, Amiga Inc. seems to have done very little in the project, yet Hyperion is not unemcumbred to do ‘as they wish’ with the OS, which is unfortunate, as they have done a good job with the OS. Regardless, hopefully some of this can be put behind moving forward, but be aware there certainly is not a large budget involved here, so expectations of custom ‘uber hardware’ are pretty insane and unrealistic. The best it seems that can be hoped for is Hyperion manages to get sane licensing from AInc to port as they see fit, and move it to semi-commodity hardware at least, which in this case, would seem to be used or remaining PPC Macs. Failing that, the Troika board (G3 800MHz) is basically seen as a micro-A1 at a cheaper cost (hopefully) and without some of the issues of the AmigaOne lineup of hardware. And yes, even at 800MHz, OS4 works quite nicely.
As no one knows when/if this new hardware will be available, in the meantime, if you have an interest in OS4, you can occasionally pick up a used AmigaOne.
> someone’s only giving a ‘partial truth.’
I am giving my personal opinions. If you can’t handle those, that’s not my problem…