In advance of the official release announcement, the MandrakeSoft web site maintainers have uploaded the images for the 9.2 Feature Presentation. Tux Reports now has copies of most of these images, and can view them in the Screenshots Gallery. Click here to view the images.
Hey, I can’t wait ’till the release!
Mandrake will always be my favourite ditro
anyone know when abouts? I cant wait either
One to two weeks, for club members and one month to packs and download edition avaiability.
Very cool! I am getting one of the SFF boxes for x-mas this year. Not sure which yet though.
Get Mandrake 9.2 rc2:…
(site only in english -google will help you
If it is a must to have mdk 9.2 now, you may try to get it from cooker. I did it, ’cause I know once ISO’s are released, it would take a couple of weeks for the mirrors to calm the traffic.
And later buy the CD’s to support company if you like it.
sorry I mean german
Why is Mandrake 9.2 almost ready when 9.1 just came out? This seems very strange.
Who would buy 9.1 if 9.2 is just around the corner?
9.2 does look very nice though. The Mandrake Control Center looks very complete.
Yeah, I have to admit that the release cycle for Mandrake is very short. I mean, on the cooker list, people are already talking about what to include in Mandrake 10 (I guess no one is considering going to 9.3…)
oh yes, and it should be available for club members
in a matter of days.
Subject says it all – does anyone know what kernel it comes with? (Or should I say: DOES IT COME WITH THE NEW 2.6 KERNEL?)
Who cares about your friend? Mandrake Linux 9.2 will be downloadable through Bittorrent, so the more people download, the better the bandwidth (to a degree).
Unfortunately, it comes with kernel 2.4.22. Kernel 2.6 isn’t out yet, but you can download the 2.6-test5 kernel from the contrib sites.
2.6 is not official, still en test versions, so I’m 100% percent it does not come with it.
Latest kernel version in cooker is 2.4.22 (with mandrake patches and in several variants), so I bet oficial 9.2 will have 2.4.22
Clue for you. If you want a serious reply you don’t end your post with ‘Suck it Linux bitches!’
Instead of offering solutions to help me fix the modem connectivity issues,
Perhaps if you had actually asked for help, or even mention that you had modem connectivity issues, instead of trolling like a maniac, people would have responded differently…
look pretty nice, but it won’t drag me away from that new fedora release that will be here in three weeks odd. ill prolly recommend this release to my n00b brothers though. good luck mandrake.
In early november so I can get 3 Mandrake releases and all the privelages and bonuses of Mandrake Club for only $60
This is going to eb the best deal I’ve ever made
viciuos – haven’t seen a review of that one on osnews yet.
Ah! There’s that snobby side of the Linux user that we all love!
Awesome. I look forward to your future works of trollerism.
If you have more, I’m listening. But, beware of the Linux censor folks, they push that Report Abuse button like there is no tomorrow.
The biggest problem with this is as follows:
It would be nice if you could have more functionality in Linux. Like for example, some decent applications PLEASE.
What happened to a decent web brower, Moz is ‘ok’ but it needs some work. It is slow on start up and sometimes has a difficult time rendering pages.
MULTI-MEDIA–Truely lacking in all distro’s. This is truely a sore point and with all the legal mumbo jumbo going on ‘sue this, sue that’ it will only get worse. You MS haters are wanting MS to have more lawsuits, all it will do is cause the existing prices off ALL software to increase. Because, other software vendors have to hire MORE lawyers to make sure they are protected, GEEZZ!
I like Linux, but it is so fragmented. In order for anything on the desktop to even come close to having the functionality of Windows and for example Microsoft Outlook they will have to COST money. Evolution is not a Office Outlook threat, I use it not even close. It has several years to go, and it has some bugs in it to.
Plus, I thought mandrake had or was having big-time finacial money problems. When it comes down to doing serious computing WinXP Pro and Office come into play. For playing around Linux is kinda fun. I am a Unix/linux admin and I can say that it is not ready for the average user, it is geared towards a IT Professional such as myself.
I’m not a fan of Mozilla either, but Konqueror is (in my opinion anyways) far and away the best web browser I’ve ever used. Only Opera comes close.
As far as multimedia, I just use Mplayer and it plays just about every file format I’ve ever thrown at it.
I personally don’t use/need a program like MS Outlook, but from what I was told, Kontact, a new program that should be included in KDE 3.2, integrates stuff like KAddressBook and Kmail and other KDE utilities to basically be an Outlook-style program/replacement.
Yeah, Linux is fragmented, but I find that to be a strength, not a weakness. I personally don’t think you have to force people to pay money for a program to make it as good as others.
Just my opinion.
Hear, hear. Konqueror is indeed the best browser out there – I can’t wait for the Safari contributions in KDE 3.2.
Mplayer is, IMO, the best media player around – on any console – with Xine a close second. Mplayer plays quicktime movies better than the official quicktime player! Just install the Windows codecs and it can read any video format out there (well, I can’t player Realaudio with it for some reason, but I’ve got the native Realplayer for Linux anyway).
Other Linux apps that are as good if not better than their Windows counterpart includes K3B, a cd burner, and the Quanta web editor.
I can’t think of which functionalities Evolution lacks with regards to MS Outlook (apart from the security issues). Personally, since I use KDE, my mail client is KMail, which is more on the level of Outlook Express, except that it’s got more functionalities – I don’t use much PIM software much. But I’ve also heard great things about Kontact. The screenshots look good.
Fragmentation is a false problem – there’s enough cooperation to even out the rough edges.
As for Mandrake, the company is doing much better now – and the community is more alive than ever.
9.1 was released six months ago. MDK runs a regular six month release schedule.
The main kernel in 9.2 is based on version 2.4.22. A 2.6.0-test5 based kernel is available in contrib, along with the necessary software to support it (in the package module-init-tools). The two are parallel installable.
If you need help with something on linux and aren’t able to find, or don’t want to find it in the Linux Documentation Project’s homepage,
post your question on
both are very good resources, if you’re going to get help, you will likely get it there.
people not being nice to you about linux? SURPRISE, this sites audience caters to more experienced users.
you would get the same reply asking a NASA engineer about the aerodynamics of kites. Engineers aren’t teachers, help desk people are (except when they’re outsourced.)
I guess different users have different experiences and opinions.
>>Moz is ‘ok’ but it needs some work. It is slow on start up and sometimes has a difficult time rendering pages. <<
I have less trouble with Moz than with MSIE, a lot less. For example, msie often won’t post to a news group such as this one. I have to close the browser, and delete cookies, histories, and tempory internet files. Moz also has some nice features that msie lacks.
>>MULTI-MEDIA–Truely lacking in all distro’s. <<
mplayer does the job for me.
>>I like Linux, but it is so fragmented.<<
That may be a real problem for the typical desktop users. Of course the geeks love to try out every distro out there, but to the causual user, it may just be confusing.
>>Microsoft Outlook they will have to COST money<<
Ugh. You can have msft outlook. I wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole. I don’t like evolution either.
All JMHO, of course.