RISCOS Ltd., the developers of RISC OS, have this week released a freely available patch for RISC OS 4 and users are recommended to install it. According to RISCOS Ltd., the patch corrects a “long standing” bug in the !Boot sequence that affects the recently released Toolbox upgrade. In addition to this, it also corrects a fault that prevents RISC OS 4.02 users from easily switching to a softloading Select version of RISC OS. More RISC OS news at Drobe and IconBar.
OK, I’ll bite. Can some one tell me what the motivation is for using RISCOS? What runs on it that’s so compelling? What’s different about its processor?
The fact that it is running off a ROM and no virus can touch it. Its pure RISC ARM processor also kicks sweet merciful ass
. Other than that…its kinda like why BeOS user use BeOS, and OS/2 users use OS/2…..it suits them
You’d think that everyone would of grasped the simple concept of why some people use less known Operating Systems already.
Clearly not.
#AmigaIRC Xnet
#AmigaOne Undernet
#AmigaOne EFNet
Actually, it’s fairly different. BeOS runs on your average computer, and BeOS itself has well-explained advantages over other OSes. With this, you have to purchase a specialty computer (not cheap) in order to run it. What is it about this system that motivates people to use it?
Humans aren’t rational beings. That’s why people do different things.
Nostalgia maybe? I’d love a RISC OS machine, I have fond memories of them at school, but I’m just a poor student…
There’s some pretty unique software for them too. I’d give examples, but I can’t remember any names.
The comment was about the motivation of use of an OS, because it suits there personoality.
I would kill for an Iynoix
Because it has the most fantastically productive, efficient and responsive desktop found anywhere. Full drag and drop, consistently implemented for everything, including saving.
The best font rendering seen anywhere. It can anti-alias fonts at 6pt and below and still keep them readable.
It boots quickly, in just a few seconds, and shuts down almost instantly.
Applications are packaged as application directories, so they can be installed and moved anywhere on the disk by drag and drop. This makes rearranging your disks simple, no need for uninstalling and reinstalling. Applications are launched from the filer without the need for extra icons or application menus. They can be uninstalled by deleting them from the filer window.
The O.S is in ROM, so it is difficult to corrupt. You can always boot your system.
Low power processor that runs without even a heat sink, never mind a fan. This means that modern RISC OS systems run virtually silently, which is much more pleasant.
Don’t be fooled by the low clock speed of the processor. With an OS that is coded mainly in assembler, the performance is still lightning fast.
In short, a productive system that lets the user do what s/he wants to and doesn’t give the headaches that many other systems do. It’s down to personal taste.