FreeBSD 4.5 Release Candidate 2 was released today. The fvwm2, unzip, and Gnome-Sawfish packages are not included on the ISO image due to build failures. This will be solved for the third (and hopefully final) release candidate. The final version is expected in 1-2 weeks from now. Testing guide is available.
How the heck could they screw up the unzip build?! That builds on anything!
– chrish
Ah, the unzip master…
Maybe they did not have the time to build it or test it…
> Ah, the unzip master…
Eugenia, do you and Chris have some kind of history that the rest of us don’t know about?
Sorry, just couldn’t resist that one…
>Eugenia, do you and Chris have some kind of history that the rest of us don’t know about?
Chris is the person who“>ported to BeOS and added BFS attributes support in it.
hehe unzip builds in dos with djgpp yet they broke it on fbsd? heh. hmm time to cvsup and makeworld and see how it goes!
Does this one boot from cd ?
I’m not a big fan of floppies.
Oh, I see that the RC1 has a bootable ISO.
I’ll wait until it turns up on the local mirror.
I don’t know wtf is going on, I’ve never seen a problem with the“>un… []. It has not been updated in the ports tree for 5 months, 19 months for the only minor patch:
— unix/Makefile.orig Sun Apr 16 12:27:18 2000
+++ unix/Makefile Wed May 31 03:30:22 2000
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
# such as -DDOSWILD).
# UnZip flags
-CC = cc# try using “gcc” target rather than changing this (CC and LD
+CC ?= cc# try using “gcc” target rather than changing this (CC and LD
LD = $(CC)# must match, else “unresolved symbol: ___main” is possible)
AS = as
@@ -679,8 +679,8 @@
# FreeBSD on Intel:
freebsd: unix_make
@echo ‘NOTE: use bsd target for non-Intel FreeBSD compiles (if any).’
– $(MAKE) unzips CC=gcc LD=gcc AS=gcc
– CF=”-O3 -Wall -I. -DASM_CRC -DBSD $(LOC)”
+ $(MAKE) unzips CC=$(CC) LD=$(CC) AS=$(CC)
AF=”-Di386 $(AF)” CRC32=crc_gcc
# Generic BSDish Unix gcc. “The -O3 only works with later versions of gcc;