Dillo 0.8 Released; Opera Goes Public; New OSNews Mobile front-end

The Dillo web browser is a very fast, extremely small Web browser that’s completely written in C. The source and binary are less than 400 kilobytes each. It is a graphical browser built upon GTK+, and it renders a good subset of HTML, excluding frames, JavaScript, and JVM support. On version 0.8, the dpi framework was redesigned. Communications are now done with a daemon: dpid. Some new plugins are included: downloads, ftp, hello. On other browser news……Opera is set to go public at the end of March, while we, here at OSNews, have designed a (static for now) test page of the next generation front-end of OSNews for mobile/text web browsers. Please visit it with your mobile browser and send us feedback and/or screenshots of how it renders on your device. Minimum requirements for the new mobile version of OSNews is 120×120 pixels and an HTML 3.x web browser (though most mobile phones fail to provide even that unfortunately). WAP is here, just in case.


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