What is FreeSBIE? It is a live system on CD, or an operating system that is able to load directly from a bootable CD, without any installation process, without any hard disk. It’s based on the FreeBSD OS.FreeSBIE project goals are mainly two:
– To develop a suite of programs to be used to create your own CD, with all the personalizations you like
– To make various ISO images available, maybe each one with its different goals and possible uses.
Anyone have a link on how to customize this baby, would I have to build it from cvs? There aren’t really any instructions at Freesbies homepage.
It appears that in face one must build his/her own cd from cvs. Sorry for that nonsense.
I like how they have it setup. Alot of thought has gone into it.
You build it using a set of scripts… the port is sysutils/freesbie
@troll … It’s much better than linux as it’s a real OS.
We have heavily modified FreeSBIE’s scripts to allow for apache mysql and many other programs to run.
Watch this space as we plan on hopefully competing with Knoppix
Which one is easier for beginners?
ahh a live cd cool
FreeBSD is a *lot* easier for newbies and experienced users alike.
I downloaded and burnt it to cd but my cdrom drive won’t boot it
Maybe I’ll try it in another computer or the lappytop.
FreeBSD is a *lot* easier for newbies and experienced users alike.
GUI config tools aside I would have to agree. FreeBSD’s configuration files and statup scripts are far easier to figure out and modify than any init system I’ve seen on Linux.
I would say, gentoo’s rc-update is a pretty good init script.
I was really wanting to try this live-cd. I burnt it, and then I tried to load it. Well when it begins to boot(I press enter for default load) and then dies after reading my hdd, floppy, and CD-ROM. Then I press a random key and it reboots. I tried every mode and it does the same thing.
Oh well I guess I’ll wait til another version comes out.
This is great, BSD is moving right along.
For the linux vs. bsd fight.. let me say somethin 😉
1) Linux has stolen code from BSD and removed copyrights before (According to ESR and Perens)
2) Linux uses ALOT of BSD code, more BSD code than the “GPL’d packages” that bsd has. BSD has some GPL’d software packages it comes with. No GPL in the kernel. Linux has BSD in the kernel.
3) Linux would be dead if BSD wasnt here.
4) Linux was built by torvalds to be an open source free unix-compatible system. BSD and linux are more alike then different. Both use alot of the same code, especially linux using BSD ALOT. Linux distros had been doing this long ago. Glade BSD is catching up.
So, theres no use in bashing FreeBSD you should be glade BSD is alive. And you people shouldn’t bash Linux as much as you do. Sure BSD might have been faster way before linux met up with it with 2.6 .. Sure FreeBSD might run the most reliable sites in the world. But it’s all about personal preference. I run bsd and linux systems. I like BSD because it can handle load well, its a d@mn stable system and does what I want and. I like Linux on the desktop. Linux is much easier for newbies.
Ok, so stop the fighting. We have are personal preferences and it really depends on what you are wanting to do. If you want to have maximum customization use BSD, you can close it open it do whatever. If you want ease of use and more big time software packages for it (rpms) then use linux. I think FreeBSD is catching up to linux in the user-base wise. It’s increasing greatly..As for FreeBSD being more technically advanced than linux.. Well It probably is. It all depends on what your using it for and how new you are to UNIX. (Linux is really a unix-based OS anyway, they should just go pass the unix-trademark test)
Not sure… generally as long as they are not created in a brain dead way, the stuff will generally work as long as you have all the needed dependencies installed.
I think some of the bashing is over the trolling and some of the annoying whinging that a chunk of linux users take part in… such as the X bashing and the like… general everything needs to be GPL… brain dead linux centric wordings and ect… ect… basically a chunk of the various BSD user groups getting annoyed and bashing back…
“4) Linux was built by torvalds to be an open source free unix-compatible system. BSD and linux are more alike then different. Both use alot of the same code, especially linux using BSD ALOT. Linux distros had been doing this long ago. Glade BSD is catching up.”
What is Glade BSD? Not getting any hits on google for it…
Actually, there is some GPLed code in the FreeBSD kernel tree. None of it is compiled in by default, but it is there.
For example, there are two floating point emulators, one BSDed, one GPLed.
The Linux HoMM3 by Loki is just the “Restoration of Erathia”, which kinda sucks. We need more recent versions of HoMM3!
I think he didn’t know how to spell glad………….
Read his comments, substitute glad for glade………
The live CD works well enough, I’m impressed.
Found video, USB mouse, DHCP, but no sound..
Now wouldn’t it really be great if you could install to a hd from this CD!!!! Maybe you can, I DUNNO……
Another thing that would really be great for these live CD’s, would be to have the ability to use a CDRW as active, so it could save your bootup detected system settings/configs and additional programs ( space allowing)
for your attention,
your ideas will be used to release a better product.
The next one
is that they never did enough to hype themselves. They’ve always been more than good enough but were too ready to sit on the sidelines. I’m not a “BSD is dying” troll but, if it weren’t for MacOS X, they may very well have ended up in the OS toilet.
At least, FreeBSD seems to have come out of the BSDi fiasco none the worse for wear ( and with better SMP technology).
on a i815 — neither IDE nor Adaptec 39160, it hangs itself upon SCSI recognition, it seams. This system otherwise boots Knoppix on full Linux installs of various flavours + W2K.
PS: Don’t ask me for md5.
Try with acpi disabled.
If still problems,
send your pciconf -lv to me or freesbie mailing list.
what is my “pciconf -lv”..?
It gives me a load of:
bla-bla…: parity error detected in data in phase.. bla-bla.. SCSIRATE
CRC Value Mismatch
Auto sense failed
got CAM status 0x50
fatal error, failed to attach device
lost device
@V. Velox:
I don’t know, it’s just somewhat odd when you enter a forum and one of the first things you notice is someone’s bashing Linux without reason. Back to topic: I will look more deeply into that Linux compatibility thingie since I want to run my games and a couple of commercial office applications. Too bad I have no space left on the hard drive so I’d need to take the plunge.
I am still fond of “Restoration of Erathia” but yeah, playing it over and over again doesn’t cut it.
“Linux has stolen code from BSD and removed copyrights before (According to ESR and Perens)”
Do you have a citation for this?
Here is one instance (no mention from Perens or Rrayomd, though)
Does anyone know where to get the themes in this screenshot? I’m interested in the GTK and Firefox themes only. Thanks.
The GTK theme can be seen in Firefox by looking at it’s scrollbar or by looking at this additional screenshot.
/me too! =)
And i want those Desktop Icons in xfce4…at least if it isn’t nautilus drawing them…
Try iDdesk http://idesk.timmfin.net
Also I wish that the package chooser would auto select all dependencies, a la sysinstall. Other than that good job
That GTK theme is called ‘Aluminium Alloy (smog)’ and you can find it here : http://www.users.monornet.hu/linux/index2.html
replace Knoppix not likely!!
1 the md5 sums dont match the one posted on the main site this usually means you better buy a condom for that Trojan you just downloaded.
2 the iso at wormulon is a Text file not an iso image.
I like the idea of a live cd please keep trying.
What kind of n00b-talk is this..?! I love it already ! If you get a different md5, the reason is because it got corrupted during downloading, wow ! So, try again, super-brain… the md5 is just fine.
check out the posting completely. copyright headers were left off and subsequently added by the developer
stop the craziness
All this competition between FreeBSD and Linux needs to stop. We are brothers. We all know that FreeBSD is a wonderful Linux clone.
Nice troll.. but seriously, competition drives innovation. If there were just one OS it would be.. well most likely even worse than windows can be. I certainly dont encourage code theft and those who did it should be ashamed but whether there was an issue with the code (on either side) this rivalry would continue. And it should.
Now, actually on topic. FreeSBIE looks great.. I’m downloading the iso now and cant wait to try it out.
Thank You, I thought that one out thouroughly. Actually I think FreeBSD rocks…I use it all the time as Mac OS X. All the nonsense about FreeBSD declining is nonsense as it is considered the top server platform as far as reliability goes. OS X is based on it for this reason as well. I prefer linux because of the diversity. As far as competition goes we all need to pool our resources until the Empire is defeated, then tear each other apart until only one is left…then we’ll have another Microsoft to dog out. Removing my post was petty though as a serious Linux slam was alowed to remain.