IMO ReactOS is one of those small unknown projects that will suddenly hit the big time although by the time it is fully compatible with Windows 95 most Windows applications will probably be 64Bit and running on Windows Longhorn.
I really do hope this project works out.
Keep up the good work.
Re:Nice to see
I think it is still quite a bit away, There is no TCP/IP stack as far as I know and it can only run the very basics. I believe their plan is have it capable of running Mozilla and OpenOffice by the end of this year.
“although by the time it is fully compatible with Windows 95”
They’re cloning NT; by the time they reach a somewhat usable status, they’ll have a Windows NT 4.0-alike operating system. Which looks quite a bit like Windows 95 but is far more advanced, really.
“most Windows applications will probably be 64Bit and running on Windows Longhorn.”
Why would a normal application be 64-bit? That would only slow it down. I see your point about applications relying on Longhorn APIs though; that would be rather problematic for ReactOS.
When ReactOS does get to a stable biuld, and will flawlessly have the level of compatibility that NT4 does, I will kiss Windows good-bye. The only thing that NT4 needs that it does not have is USB support. If ReactOS adds USB support, and works correctly with all of my hardware, I will 100% use it. After all, when all the applications on my computer are Free or free, why not the OS also? I know Linux exists, but I do not like the command structure. I am used to c:documents and settings\%user%Application DataMozilla.orgMozilla 1.6usrprefs*.*..
> I hope to see some “OpenOS/2” releases from the basis of this project…
I want more to see an OpenSource Java. And I think that a petition directed to Sun, to make Java OpenSource, makes a lot of more sence.
An other point is, that it can be possible, that ReactOS can run OS/2 programs in future. It is planned, that it can – like WinNT – run beside WinNT-programs DOS and Win16-programs.
And at the main-page of stand:
We are already looking at subsystems for: Java, OS/2 and DOS and possibly others in the future.
So you can now integrate yourself in the ReactOS-project and make it more OS/2-like ๐
> Note: have u signed my OS/2 petition ?
No, I haven’t, because OS/2 don’t interested me.
But your petition is adressed to IBM. Haven’t IBM sold the rights of OS/2 to Serenity Systems International, who now sell eComStation (aka OS/2) ?
Hope they can keep up the good work.
I’m glad to see this project advancing finally. How long before this project can run popular software (not that minesweeper isn’t popular
IMO ReactOS is one of those small unknown projects that will suddenly hit the big time although by the time it is fully compatible with Windows 95 most Windows applications will probably be 64Bit and running on Windows Longhorn.
I really do hope this project works out.
Keep up the good work.
Re:Nice to see
I think it is still quite a bit away, There is no TCP/IP stack as far as I know and it can only run the very basics. I believe their plan is have it capable of running Mozilla and OpenOffice by the end of this year.
“although by the time it is fully compatible with Windows 95”
They’re cloning NT; by the time they reach a somewhat usable status, they’ll have a Windows NT 4.0-alike operating system. Which looks quite a bit like Windows 95 but is far more advanced, really.
“most Windows applications will probably be 64Bit and running on Windows Longhorn.”
Why would a normal application be 64-bit? That would only slow it down. I see your point about applications relying on Longhorn APIs though; that would be rather problematic for ReactOS.
True. But think of the thousands+ of software titles that will run on it. Why by windows longhorn when mom and dad just need to use webe-mail.
When ReactOS does get to a stable biuld, and will flawlessly have the level of compatibility that NT4 does, I will kiss Windows good-bye. The only thing that NT4 needs that it does not have is USB support. If ReactOS adds USB support, and works correctly with all of my hardware, I will 100% use it. After all, when all the applications on my computer are Free or free, why not the OS also? I know Linux exists, but I do not like the command structure. I am used to c:documents and settings\%user%Application DataMozilla.orgMozilla 1.6usrprefs*.*..
it looks very similar to NT
i wonder why they are doing that
>>it looks very similar to NT<<
>>i wonder why they are doing that<<
Duh, visit the freakin website before you open your mouth. It’s an NT clone.
Windows NT is not just 4.0
Windows 200 = Windows NT 5.0
Windows XP = Windows NT 5.1
Duh, visit the freakin website before you open your mouth. It’s an NT clone.
‘me (IP: —’ is a troll around here, pay no attention to it.
Windows NT is not just 4.0
Windows 200 = Windows NT 5.0
Windows XP = Windows NT 5.1
They are going to support somthing things that 4.0+ versions support, like USB
what are they? How much more light-weight is it than Windows?
You know, for a site that is supposedly unbiased, OSNews sure doesn’t like Windows-style pathnames!
Eh, just more proof that forward slashes are the One True Path Seperator (TM).
> Why would a normal application be 64-bit? That would only slow it down.
umm, 64bit applications send instructions in short mode, not long mode which means they tend to be faster, not slower.
“umm, 64bit applications send instructions in short mode, not long mode which means they tend to be faster, not slower.”
I honestly don’t know what you want to say, but in the case of x86-64/AMD64/IA32e 64-bit mode should generally be as fast or faster than 32-bit mode.
I think, there existing already a lot of ReactOS-News (giving in “ReactOS” in the OSNews-Search-engine).
But when becomes ReactOS its own icon?
When can I find ReactOS at ?
Hehe. Full ACK. ๐
I hope to see some “OpenOS/2” releases from the basis of this project…
Note: have u signed my OS/2 petition ?
ReactOS is still pretty small and its GUI doesn’t work fully as let’s say, MorphOS, Syllable or SkyOS, sorry. Maybe in the future.
> I hope to see some “OpenOS/2” releases from the basis of this project…
I want more to see an OpenSource Java. And I think that a petition directed to Sun, to make Java OpenSource, makes a lot of more sence.
An other point is, that it can be possible, that ReactOS can run OS/2 programs in future. It is planned, that it can – like WinNT – run beside WinNT-programs DOS and Win16-programs.
And at the main-page of stand:
We are already looking at subsystems for: Java, OS/2 and DOS and possibly others in the future.
So you can now integrate yourself in the ReactOS-project and make it more OS/2-like ๐
> Note: have u signed my OS/2 petition ?
No, I haven’t, because OS/2 don’t interested me.
But your petition is adressed to IBM. Haven’t IBM sold the rights of OS/2 to Serenity Systems International, who now sell eComStation (aka OS/2) ?