In a release that marks the fruit of six months of hard work from hackers, maintainers, translators, testers, usability team and the accessibility team, GNOME 2.6.0 continues the high standards in the areas of usability, accessibility and internationalisation with this release.
I’d like to thank
all you people
who decided to wait with this release untill now,
for your responsibility and reliability.
Just love it!
take a look:
there are also pngs (just change the extention, but watch out! the bandwich is low).
As a gnome user at home and work, THANKS to the team.
Its nice to see a new file selector obviously.
Still a lot of work to do with multimedia (not everyone on the gstreamer bandwagon yet), device integration (Project Utopia looks promising though), etc
That said this is a great step forward.
to Gnome, FLOSS, and GNU!
Well, 6 months and a week, but who’s counting. I hope the gnome team will still post their findings on last week’s server compromise. If it was a server admin fault, I’d still like to know (for peace of mind).
I’ve been using the latest development releases, so I can’t say this is all new to me, but the impact it will have on commercial entities which are shopping around for DEs will definitely appreciate this.
Congratulations and keep up the good work!
Nice screenshots. What up with the window drop shadows? Is that a patched gtk-2.4 or something? Share the goods!
Gnome is such a beautiful DE, I really wish more big distros would use it as their default desktop. All of them seem to focus on KDE, which is a shame. I personally find KDE to be so much more messy than GNOME.
He’s probably using FreeDesktop’s new X Server:
I was afraid of that. If my understanding is correct, xserver will work on my GeForce 4 Ti4600-based graphics card, but won’t work with the nvidia drivers that NVidia provides for hardware 3D-acceleration.
You’re right that the NVIDIA drivers won’t work on the new X server. In fact, to get even 2D acceleration, you need to edit the Xnvidia server and supply the right PCI-ID for your card.
but I’ve read on xserver list,
that nvidia will probably release drivers for xserver before others
Gnome is a great desktop and a real competitor. Thanks for everyone who has contributed time and effort to make a fully functional alternative (and my favourite
to other desktops. My computer would not be the same without Gnome!
The Gnome team has done a wonderful job with this release! I can’t wait for Gnome 2.8 which will rock from what the current development plan looks like! Thanks to breakmygentoo for supplying gnome ebuilds through the development series….those guys really deserve to be commended for all the hard work they put in to deliver high quality ebuilds!
Anyone know where i can find some SUSE rpm’s or know when the SUSE apt repository will be updated?
What is that theme called? Where can I get it.
Can anyone guide me to Binary RPM for Gnome 2.6 coz I don’t want to go through pain for compiling it???:-)
Screen shots look great and I hope it’s better than KDE 3.4
<quote>What is that theme called? Where can I get it.</quote>
This is Anianian theme,
not released yet
grab it from here:
Is anyone using cvsgnonme[ ]?
I think all I have to do is “world CVS” and then edit my xinitrc right?
<quote>”world CVS”</quote>
rather try “world” for cvd build
or “world stable” for tarballs
“I hope it’s better than KDE 3.4”
No Way! KDE 3.4 is gonna have hyper-active restart filters and built-in speech recognition and pre-emptive productivity boosters and…. Really, how can you say you hope its better than a product that hasn’t even come out yet (3.3 just went into development!) But the way it is going 3.4 is going to be awesome! Personally, I prefer KDE, but I think GNOME does have more pollish and there are some other nice things about GNOME as well. KDE isn’t really dedicated to pollish, though it is getting better with each release.
I can’t wait for KDE 3.3, I wan’t that fuzzier/funnier fuzzy clock! (scroll down to kicker)
I am happy with Fedora Core 2 – Test 2 and the GNOME that comes with it. But thanks to some comments around here I was fast to reinstall it and disable SELinux because with it enabled I wasn’t able to use some programs that required root right from the menu. I had to call them as root from the terminal. Quite boring to install it (had a snap or 2 during it. lol).
Overall I am very pleased. But I still have work ahead to finish the setup (sound and videocard).
The taskbar is really awesome. It’s the way all GNOME users should use. Panel + Taskbar integrated.
Previously I was running Kanotix which is a Knoppix remaster and, of couse, based on Debian. I hope I won’t miss too much KDE and apt-get. 🙂
What engine is it using… I got the theme from that tar.gz but it’s not really displaying properly, I’m making the assumption I don’t have the right engine installed for it.
Check out the development branch of Fedora: They’ve had the development packages of Gnome 2.5 a few days after they came out. It should have Gnome 2.6 shortly if it doesn’t already.
SUSE has decided to discontinue including Gnome in their personal editions according for a LinuxToday article.
This is probably a sign of what to expect of Novell/SUSE in the future in terms of their commitment to their desktop of choice. If you carefully read SUSE remarks regarding the “integration” of KDE and Gnome, you’ll see clearly that the DE will be KDE along with some elements from Ximian. To quote SUSE’s own Stone:
Novell is now working on a new desktop, which will bring together elements of the existing SUSE Linux desktop, the Evolution desktop obtained through Novell’s Ximian acquisition, and the Mozilla browser, Stone said during the Q&A. “HP will use this desktop, too,” Stone noted.
GNOME seriously needs the work of someone with artistic abilities.
‘GNOME’ and ‘polish’ are two words that cannot be used in the same sentence when describing GNOME favourably.
Congrats to all those who contributed to Gnome 2.6!! This release is so good it’s bananas! Gnome 2.8 is going to rock too. I think all the FUD surrounding Gnome as of late (I admit, I got a little FUD attack myself too) is unfounded. If Gnome continues to move forward with simplicity as its basic philosophy, all issues will work themselves eventually. Keep up the good work Gnome team!
<quote>What engine is it using</quote>
This theme requires an industrial engine from gnome-themes-extras package.
Thanks for all the hard work.
The only thing I think is a mistake is the spacial file manager. Read the following from the release notes and tell me how it couldn’t be a mistake:
“Continued use should show that a great deal of thought has gone into this new user interface, though at first you might notice only that new folders are opened in new windows instead of changing the existing window. As you navigate to a folder, you might find that there are too many folders open on your screen. You can:
Hold down the shift key when double-clicking, or double-click the middle mouse button. This closes the current folder when opening the new folder.
Choose “Close Parent Folders” from the File menu, or press Shift-Control-W.”
Choose “Open Location” from the File menu, or press Control-L.”
I mainly use KDE, but Gnome looks very nice. Especialy the screenshots
Very nice work. Respect
Does the menu at the top have rounded corners like GNOME 2.2 ….
And I’m not too sure about this “spatial” thing ….. Holding a key down to close the parent folder is not on … IMHO.
This could get messy pretty fast.
Anyways … like I said thats just my opinion.
>> Holding a key down to close the parent folder is not on … IMHO.
You can also just use the middle mouse button and double click a folder.
>> To quote SUSE’s own Stone:
>> which will bring together elements of the existing
>> SUSE Linux desktop, the Evolution desktop obtained
>> through Novell’s Ximian acquisition, and the Mozilla
>> browser, Stone said during the Q&A.
Oh boy… Where can i get those “SUSE Linux desktop” and most of all “Evolution desktop”?!? lol!
Can’t wait for Gnome 2.6 to be in Debian unstable.
I looooove apt-get dist-upgrade 🙂
Try with Scud then,
it’s partialy 2.6
I think the NVidia drivers should work with Xizzle (Xserver’s compatibility layer for Xorg/XFree86).
it’s depressing to see where Gnome is going..
i think i’ll stay with gnome 2.4 until api breaks
it’s depressing to see where Gnome is going..
i think i’ll stay with gnome 2.4 until api breaks
Elaborate. Why do you find it depressing?
>>> Holding a key down to close the parent folder is not on
>>> … IMHO.
>> You can also just use the middle mouse button and double
>> click a folder.
On a similar note, you can disable the spacial view and revert to 2.4-like behaviour by setting the gconf key /apps/nautilus/preferences/always_use_browser. Unfortunately, I’m not aware of any key to handle the exact situation mentioned above (as a default). Perhaps the developers would consider adding the option at some point, if there is no such feature.
In any case, I’m very pleased with this release! Kudos to the Gnome development team.
BeOS used to have multiple windows courtesy of how Tracker used to operate. Then they updated it with the option to switch that off and only have one window if you so chose.
Most people use Tracker with that option and Nautilus should be similarly configurable.
It took me a while to get used to the way Nautilus worked in 2.2 and 2.4 and i can’t say that i really like the spacial look and feel. I’ll give it a workout over the weekend and see if i change my mind or not.
Overall though i thinks it’s quite snappy and responsive. I’m running Mandrake 10 Community Edition with kernel 2.6.3-7mdk.
This Gnome 2.6 install killed audio (ALSA) which i havent been able to fix yet. It also modified /etc/modprobe.conf and i lost my hardware accelerated graphics. Luckily i backed all that up and was able to get HWOGL working again.
Now on to fix the sound problem
anonymous gorge has done a good job.