Now the C# compiler will properly flag errors in CLS-compliance while it gets Basic support. Marek Safar has been working for a few months on adding support to the C# Mono compiler to support the various checks required by the Common Language Specification (CLS). Marek Safar has been working for a few months on adding support to the C# Mono compiler to support the various checks required by the Common Language Specification (CLS).
In the past the C# compiler was unable to flag any problems related to the creation of cross-language libraries. Today with this patch the compiler will properly flag errors in CLS compliance. Tests for all of the errors have also been included on CVS.
Mainsoft has contributed an implementation of their Basic runtime to the project. The runtime they wrote is written in Java and we are translating this into C# code. The code will reach CVS within the next few weeks.
Mainsoft also contributed an extensive regression test suite for the Basic runtime, a port of the NIST XML tests and their own in-house developed XML tests.
Read more at Mono’s site and mailing lists.
Does that mean I can run Basic script (vbscript) code on linux?
You already could run vb code on Linux.
CLS compliance means that developers building libraries
would be notified of libraries that would not be possible
to wrap from other languages.
Microsoft contributed to the mono project? Is that really what it says? Wow
I guess Microsoft likes mono, then? Maybe they could contribute future changes to mono, so mono will be able to keep up better.
Crap, it’s Mainsoft! They should be sued for having a name that’s so similar. Especially when you’ve just got out of bed
Screw Mainsoft!
wasn’t it mainsoft that leaked the source code of Win2k and NT4
I hope this code becomes a excuse for M$ to say there is M$ code in mono
“Does that mean I can run Basic script (vbscript) code on linux?”
No it should have said Visual Basic. Unless Mono is implimenting something that Microsoft doesn’t even feel is nessisary to impliment. My guess is that it is Visual Basic .Net.
Yes, it is VB.NET. It’s MBas, MonoBasic.
leaked source
By lupusBE (IP: — – Posted on 2004-04-04 12:54:47
wasn’t it mainsoft that leaked the source code of Win2k and NT4
I hope this code becomes a excuse for M$ to say there is M$ code in mono
I meant I hope it doesn’t becomes an excuse. sorry
What you guys fail to realize is that Mono is doing the work that Microsoft hoped to have done, and for Free. If you look at their future servers they all run off the .Net framework, and if somebody comes along and makes apps that support those servers and software applications for another OS.
The real winner is Microsoft, because now it can exapnd it’s server software to Linux. Ideally they would like to keep it all on Windows, but they know that is not realistic. So if they can suddenly sell software to the Linux people, because of a freeware project that they paid no money for that is great for them.
Then down the line when enough people have switched over to Mono, sort of like what happened to J2EE on Linux. Microsoft will pull the rug out, and thus cripple Linux for a little while, because companies will scramble to keep their expensive license still so they will but Windows Servers.
I know this is a long shot but do you really think that Microsoft wouldn’t do that. I feel in 5-10 years when Mono catchs on to Linux, you will see SCO like actions against Mono.
If you don’t like Mono, don’t use it. It’s that simple.
The obligatory “and in the future, MS will pull the plug…” has been posted.
Good work, guys!
wasn’t it mainsoft that leaked the source code of Win2k and NT4
I hope this code becomes a excuse for M$ to say there is M$ code in mono
You are so closed-minded. It is this kind of attitude that makes folks shy away from linux, and is the very thing that will keep linux from becoming more widely used and accepted. Zealotry accomplishes nothing. Believe me… I used to be an Amiga Zealot… some 7 years ago or so, and it does nothing but cause one to show his/her ignorance of things.
Mono is a great project, and I for one have been contributing to the mono community in what ways I can.
Sorry for the blast…. Just noticed your correction… The idiot in me surfaces once more