The company announced that its Windows Advanced Server, Limited Edition, is now available for computers based on Intel’s 64-bit Itanium chip. Microsoft said that Compaq Computer, Dell Computer, HP and IBM will start shipping servers running the new operating system within 30 days. The OS is based on the Win2000 codebase, while its 64-bit WindowsXP version will be available next year. In the meantime, Internet Explorer 6 was made available for download yesterday, and it includes several new features. Our Take: While most of the new IE6 features are pretty reduntant for me, the new version fixes an important crashing bug I had with the browser when browsing specific sites (Sourceforge and even Apple to mention a few) that utilized, through javascript, the PC clock. The bug was only reproducible when some special ASP server software was also installed in the same PC (which I had installed). Glad to see at least that specific bug (DLL-hell, to be more specific) go away!
Who would want Windows running a computer that will probably be critical (if it’s 64-bit)?
My friend downloaded IE6 beta, and it has a new icon. Unimportant – except that this icon is pale and weak. It looks especially bad in the QuickLaunch.
>>Who would want Windows running a computer that will probably be critical (if it’s 64-bit)?
Win2K/XP is not Win9x. I have said that lots of times and I will say it again. DO NOT compare the (shitty indeed) Win9x codebase with NT, 2K and XP. In 1 year of running 2k, I had never, ever, seen a crash. (ok, except once, which was all my fault, I installed completely wrong drivers for my TV card resulting to a blue screen).
Why when someone say that XP or 2k is actually pretty good have to be shoot down as a “microsoft wheenie”? I mean, I worked PROFESSIONALLY for 2 years in an ISP, where I was the webmaster. Our servers were all ran NT (not my choice, but that was the way it was). We had never seen crashes. While we had problems out of nowhere sometimes, with the Frontpage extensions not working properly, OS-wise, we had never seen a single crash. And 2k and XP is reportedly better than NT. Therefore, I trust that the latest offerings from Microsoft are NOT as bad as their old, Win9x/ME offerings. They are getting better too you know. It is not only Linux that gets better with time.
Totally agree Eugenia… Should have modup moddown as benews but I Guess you
are working hard already on this site Continue the good job with good
information !!!
“While we had problems out of nowhere sometimes, with the Frontpage extensions not working properly, ”
I agree that Win NT is pretty stable, but that doesn’t mean it’s reliable. Our NT servers (and workstations) at work aren’t at all.
2K/XP could be better, but time will tell, not Microsoft.
I run 2K at home and didn’t have a problem yet, but that doesn’t count cause I rarely ever use it.
Refute accepted, Eugenia. I apologize.
However, given the bad reputation of the Windows name, I think my comment still stands.
64 bits huh?! You can get alot more done at 128 bits, hey but at least Intel is moving up in the world;)
What the heck do they mean, “Limited Edition”?
please ignore. testing the forum