“My” in Visual Basic 2005 provides a quick and easy method for accessing some of the deeper areas of functionality in the .NET Framework without preventing you from using the Framework directly in any way you choose. In addition to exposing Framework functionality, some areas of My, such as the Forms collection, bring back familiar and convenient programming concepts from earlier versions of VB.
not everybody is developing an OS or a FPS …. VB is a good language to get things done with a lot less effort … to each one his own..
According to the article, default instances of forms in the program can be accessed via My.Forms.Form2 etc.. I wonder how this has been implemented. Does the compiler convert the syntax just to an indexer call My.Forms(“Form2”), in which case there would presumably be no compile-time warnings about missing forms? Or does VB.NET actually generate a different My.Forms class for each executable?
Does that mean if I create such a form that it is “My” form? How very interesting. I think this is another proof that Microsoft is indeed a great technological asset in the future of the base issues we currently face.
It looks like MS is stepping away from the Java frameworks it used as a base for .Net and is innovating. Looks good to me.
This looks uber-cool. Is My something new in VB.NET 2005? If so, that would be reason enough for me to upgrade from 2003.