– get a second hard drive and mount /home there. this way you don’t lose your precious data every time you fresh install Fedora, which seems to be the recommended upgrade path
– forget about firewire, even in the 2.6.6 kernels
– use apt for rpm to update your programs instead of up2date, which is basically useless
– do not use clock*.redhat.com as your NTP servers. they are dog slow. go find a list of public NTP servers and pick a college near you…you will be able to update your time seamlessly instead of waiting on the overused clock*.redhat servers
– shut off most of the services Fedora turns on even in “Personal Desktop” installation mode. Chances are you do not need to run sendmail.
You can go nuts trying to get Firewire working on FC2, but for $19 you can get the USB2 adapter. FC1 had “iffy” Firewire support (rescan-scsi-bush.sh etc) and in FC2 you need to get a custom kernel (not the release one) to get Firewire at all. I spent some time going this route and finally just went with the USB2 adapter.
Yes, i am aware of the yum and apt method. What i am providing is an alternative way. Imagine people who does not always have internet connection. How are they suppose to use yum and apt?
Anyway, i’ll be adding that in since quite a number of feedbacks regarding that issue.
Btw, will be moving soon to http://fedoraguide.org once i finish up a few more topics. Should be up by next week
“You’ll find them FAR superior to what’s in the article.”
btw, just to let you all know. i’ve only started using linux since april 2004. very new. so please be kind with me and keep criticisms aside doing this for free in hope to the help young newbies like me
currently yes, i have to admit it’s still FAR superior from many experts out there, but heck experts starts from somewhere.
“choose a hosting company which provides virtual min then?”
my friend is doing hosting and is willing to give me free hosting (have to pay for domain, though). so since it’s free hosting might as well use it. right?
“my friend is doing hosting and is willing to give me free hosting (have to pay for domain, though). so since it’s free hosting might as well use it. right?
fine but do ask him to check out virtualmin and ispman. its not about the cost factor but i am sure you are already aware of this
You can go nuts trying to get Firewire working on FC2, but for $19 you can get the USB2 adapter. FC1 had “iffy” Firewire support (rescan-scsi-bush.sh etc) and in FC2 you need to get a custom kernel (not the release one) to get Firewire at all. I spent some time going this route and finally just went with the USB2 adapter.
I can relate to that. I did an http install of FC2 on a Sony VAIO because the firewire DVD drive would not get detected.
However, FC2 was not my cup of tea and I am now running FreeBSD 5.2.1 on the notebook. Incidentally, the DVD drive works out of the box in FreeBSD 5.2.1.
Disclaimer: I am not bashing Fedora here. I prefer FreeBSD because that’s what I am used to and am comfortable with. It’s just a personal preference.
For those with USB problems, when pluging new usb device on the fly, and the system does not detect, use in the grub.conf the acpi_os_name=xxxxxyyyyyzzzzzxxxxx
Now all the new devices can be detected on the fly by the hotplug.
Is there a configuration tip to make Linux not suck as a desktop? No installation/uninstallation API, 23 different APIs to develop for, the need to install TWO ENTIRE DESKTOP ENVIRONMENT to be able to run each other’s apps…
Linux is a curmudgeon of incompatibility. Someday it will catch up to Windows 98 in desktop usability, but in the meantime it is strictly a server/embedded device OS and nothing more.
Here’s some better Fedora post-install FAQs.
You’ll find them FAR superior to what’s in the article.
– get a second hard drive and mount /home there. this way you don’t lose your precious data every time you fresh install Fedora, which seems to be the recommended upgrade path
– forget about firewire, even in the 2.6.6 kernels
– use apt for rpm to update your programs instead of up2date, which is basically useless
– do not use clock*.redhat.com as your NTP servers. they are dog slow. go find a list of public NTP servers and pick a college near you…you will be able to update your time seamlessly instead of waiting on the overused clock*.redhat servers
– shut off most of the services Fedora turns on even in “Personal Desktop” installation mode. Chances are you do not need to run sendmail.
To get oracle 9i working on fedora core 2, after an
upgrade from redhat 9,
I had to compile and install a new kernel from kernel.org
, 2.6.7rc3 and disable highmem 4G.
You can go nuts trying to get Firewire working on FC2, but for $19 you can get the USB2 adapter. FC1 had “iffy” Firewire support (rescan-scsi-bush.sh etc) and in FC2 you need to get a custom kernel (not the release one) to get Firewire at all. I spent some time going this route and finally just went with the USB2 adapter.
Replace your /etc/yum.conf with this one:
name=Fedora Linux $releasever – $basearch – core
name=Fedora Linux $releasever – $basearch – updates
name=Fedora Linux $releasever – $basearch – freshrpms
name=Flash Player
name=Livna.org Fedora Compatible Packages (stable)
baseurl= http://rpm.livna.org/fedora/$releasever/$basearch/yum/stable
name=Dag RPM Repository for Fedora Core
Then run the following commands:
> yum update
> yum install xmms-mp3 flash-plugin mozilla-j2re gstreamer-plugins-extra-audio galeon
add any other programs you may want to the list.
i read many of FC reviews, faqs, etc but i have not found some basic option: switch user (like XP). I think it’s very impotrant part of OS.
There are a million and one ways to do this in Linux, but this is the coolest, IMHO:
using kernel 2.6.6 (or higher). Free solution preferably.
Use Mandrake for switch user!!
Thanks for the feedback and suggestion.
Yes, i am aware of the yum and apt method. What i am providing is an alternative way. Imagine people who does not always have internet connection. How are they suppose to use yum and apt?
Anyway, i’ll be adding that in since quite a number of feedbacks regarding that issue.
Btw, will be moving soon to http://fedoraguide.org once i finish up a few more topics. Should be up by next week
Chua Wen Kiat
“Btw, will be moving soon to http://fedoraguide.org once i finish up a few more topics. Should be up by next week
notice that you are using hsphere. would be better if you use ispman.sf.net or webmin and virtualmin
” Imagine people who does not always have internet connection. How are they suppose to use yum and apt? ”
both yum and apt can work with local rpms. you should probably be aware of this. look inside /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources for example of this
“notice that you are using hsphere. would be better if you use ispman.sf.net or webmin and virtualmin”
hsphere is provided by my hosting. i don’t think i can change em. correct me if i am wrong
“hsphere is provided by my hosting. i don’t think i can change em. correct me if i am wrong”
choose a hosting company which provides virtual min then?
those guys who are primary developers are hosting providers themselves. there is also self managed options provided by many people
thanks for the tip. i’ll check it out
“You’ll find them FAR superior to what’s in the article.”
btw, just to let you all know. i’ve only started using linux since april 2004. very new. so please be kind with me and keep criticisms aside
doing this for free in hope to the help young newbies like me
currently yes, i have to admit it’s still FAR superior from many experts out there, but heck experts starts from somewhere.
“choose a hosting company which provides virtual min then?”
my friend is doing hosting and is willing to give me free hosting (have to pay for domain, though). so since it’s free hosting might as well use it. right?
“my friend is doing hosting and is willing to give me free hosting (have to pay for domain, though). so since it’s free hosting might as well use it. right?
fine but do ask him to check out virtualmin and ispman. its not about the cost factor but i am sure you are already aware of this
You can go nuts trying to get Firewire working on FC2, but for $19 you can get the USB2 adapter. FC1 had “iffy” Firewire support (rescan-scsi-bush.sh etc) and in FC2 you need to get a custom kernel (not the release one) to get Firewire at all. I spent some time going this route and finally just went with the USB2 adapter.
I can relate to that. I did an http install of FC2 on a Sony VAIO because the firewire DVD drive would not get detected.
However, FC2 was not my cup of tea and I am now running FreeBSD 5.2.1 on the notebook. Incidentally, the DVD drive works out of the box in FreeBSD 5.2.1.
Disclaimer: I am not bashing Fedora here. I prefer FreeBSD because that’s what I am used to and am comfortable with. It’s just a personal preference.
Any post install guide for FC2 that does not cover apt or yum should be disregarded.
“Any post install guide for FC2 that does not cover apt or yum should be disregarded.”
yes, will add it in soon
For those with USB problems, when pluging new usb device on the fly, and the system does not detect, use in the grub.conf the acpi_os_name=xxxxxyyyyyzzzzzxxxxx
Now all the new devices can be detected on the fly by the hotplug.
See bugs
That was enlightening. Thank you
I just keep ACPI off since I’m on a desktop, but I’m almost wondering if turning it on and then playing with it wouldn’t solve a couple issues.
I have a ipod/firewire connection that works fine with 2.6.6 rhythmbox 8.4 & gtkpod.
You people sure you know how to configure them?>
Is there a configuration tip to make Linux not suck as a desktop? No installation/uninstallation API, 23 different APIs to develop for, the need to install TWO ENTIRE DESKTOP ENVIRONMENT to be able to run each other’s apps…
Linux is a curmudgeon of incompatibility. Someday it will catch up to Windows 98 in desktop usability, but in the meantime it is strictly a server/embedded device OS and nothing more.
hey Chua, i think your article was great ! don’t mind the bashers,
ive mirrored it here fyi
fc2 ships with firewire disabled due to problems with it in the kernel version they used as a base.
im sure they will release a new fw supporting kernel soon now that the issues are fixed within the mainline kernel tree.
“hey Chua, i think your article was great ! don’t mind the bashers”
glad someone out there likes it.
btw, fedoraguide.org should be up by end of this week. you can try mirror it by next week.