WinFS makes searching and manipulating WinFS objects very straightforward. Learn how to specify a very simple syntax for most cases, but also how the WinFS API supports a rich search syntax to perform complicated searches.
WinFS makes searching and manipulating WinFS objects very straightforward. Learn how to specify a very simple syntax for most cases, but also how the WinFS API supports a rich search syntax to perform complicated searches.
It looks nice and all.
But what rock has this guy been living under if he thinks that this is something new?
For a desktop OS I prefer storing the data in the actual filesystem (like BeFS does), but for a server I would prefer the WinFS style. However, these kind of database layers has been used for a very long time, so it’s not really something new. Well from the developers point of view perhaps but not for the user.
I read the version of WinFS going into Longhorn is a stripped down version of what it was originally supposed to be. Anyone have some links to what features they’re leaving out? The real version is first due in Blackcomb in year 20xx.
I wonder where ReiserFS will be when Longhorn ships in 2+ years. ReiserFS 4 will be out by then and completely tested/debugged and stable. With its plugin architecture it can be extended to do alot of things. Its also tremendously secure, and comes with some features even OpenBSD people would love
WinFS is basically just NTFS+SQL. I dont really see the innovation here.
I would like to apply labels to my images, to classify them. Like by people’s names, where they were taken, what kind of photos they are, etc. Then I would just like to be able to view them selectively by labels.. Boolean searching is nice, but not necessary.
Are there any third-party tools for Windows available today that would let me do this? Sadly, the easiest way may be to send them to gmail as inline images and then apply labels that way for easier sorting.
For things like that i use a database, i dont have windows but , the solution i use, will most likely work on windows too:
Apache –
Surf over to – theres alot of scripts that does similar things. I already run a local webserver on my boxes for coding php, so it might not be such a cool thing to do on a windows box just for the sake of keeping inventory.
But im sure there are shareware apps that can keep inventory for you, the problem is that the integration with the OS is not possible as it is with Linux. Like adding the application to window search. So, no luck untill longhorn (or longoverdue if you prefer)
Wildcard searches uses the LIKE operator (much like in SQL) to do approximate searching. These searches use the % and _ characters to represent wildcards. The % represents one or more characters and the _ represents exactly one character:
Was it not possible for them to build a better string matching system than SQLs? At least regex, please, if not something more advanced.
Was it not possible for them to build a better string matching system than SQLs? At least regex, please, if not something more advanced.
Of course you can use regex matches, this is just a simple tutorial and that’s what any simple SQL query book will show first, the % and _. And these will perform better so it’s a good idea to use them whenever you can.
I read the version of WinFS going into Longhorn is a stripped down version of what it was originally supposed to be. Anyone have some links to what features they’re leaving out? The real version is first due in Blackcomb in year 20xx
Important people at Microosft have debunked that rumor. Please stop spreading it.
Actually WinFS is going to be lacking features that were going to be shipped. it has been told repeatedly. What is missing though is minor for most users and don’t worry about it today.
Want to know what’s missing, is the ability to search shared drives as local ones, to cross search network componets with the same way you can search local stuff.
All they stripped out were ‘Enterprise’ class features: essentially, the ability to build a WinFS drive over a network, and do file relations over a network. That’s it. You can google for a blog post on it by the WinFS guys, of which there have been numerous ones trying to clear up the confusion.
What they decided not to ship and things they never said they were going to ship. OMG teh horror!
All the stuff you write, have nothing to do with the actual article. Get a clue.
Why would I want to store all my metadata in a fork that can’t be transfered using HTTP, FTP, SCP, AIM or over any other internet service? Or even backed up in a zip/gzip file?
I suppose if the database is simply populated with metadata that already exists within a file then it is a good idea. The second you make the resource fork the primary storage place for metadata however, you’re begging for trouble. Look at all the hassle Mac users had to go through with silly encoding formats like hqx.