From the press release: “MandrakeSoft is proud to introduce Mandrake Linux 8.2 as the most feature-rich, multi-purpose Linux operating system ever made available to the public. […]New server features include the ability to use an encrypted filesystem for protecting sensitive data; “kernel-secure” adds important security features to the default Linux kernel; and an “Enterprise” kernel delivers SMP and Hi-memory support (above 1024 MB) for high-end servers. Mandrake Linux 8.2 also introduces a quick and efficient way to set up printers and scanners; a new file sharing feature for easily sharing files and directories in a networked environment; and improved “hot-plug” support that lets users install new devices quickly and painlessly without having to reboot the system. A new remote desktop utility, RFBdrake, is extremely useful for controlling machines remotely within a LAN or securely through the Internet.”
IMHO Mandrake should finally decide, which user group should buy their products. They were the members of the first wave of LInux distributors, competitiors of RedHat, Suse, Turbolinux and others. All these companies focused on LInux as a server OS. The second wave of Luinux distributors like Lycoris, Lindows and Redmond Linux clearly say they are targed on desktop. Mandrake seems to be for both but both user groups are served only suboptimal. There is absolutely no consitency on the desktop, several programms doing exactly the same and there are no services for server. So it´s no wonder, that Mandrake is in financial troubles.
Although not my favourite desktop enviroment, if there is a distro I want to check out with KDE3 that’s Mandrake. They have a nice starter in the Download Edition, $5 (CD1)+$5(CD2)+$10 (shipping)+ $5 (minmimum tip) =$25
Oddly you cannot pre-order the 8.2 download edition CDs (only the power pack and the pro suite) but you can freely download the ISOs!!!
They have to stop with that philosophy of free willing tips, and just charge everyone for their work, starting with $20 for a 2CDs download edition (shipping included) or $12 (some plus for bandwidth added) for downloading the two ISOs, $5 or $7 for downloading just one.
Is it just me or there is some curious resemblance between“>Mandrakesoft Apple” rel=”nofollow”>”>Apple fronts?
it’s just you. can’t you tell the difference between dark-bluish purple and gray???!?? =)
seriously though, it’s a nice enough design. maybe their web designers cost too much, and that’s why they’re in financial trouble? hahaha.
just kidding folks.
mandrake is the best of both worlds… simple to use, with all the tools you’d need. unlike lycoris, where extra tools are an extra download, and redhat, where its just plain ugly by default.
go buy mandrake.
I wasn’t thinking of color but of the lined aqua buttons. Anyway Mandrake has one of the best Linux websites out there.
go tip ’em.
I will buy it, eyes closed, Mandrake led me trough Linux with one good thing; simplicity
There isn’t really that much of a second wave, Lycoris and Redmond are the same afterall.
I’m personally sticking with SuSE for my middle ground. Decent desktop and server.
I’m sticking with Slackware.
I’ve been using it for years (since version 2.3). It may not be the flashiest around, but it is rock solid as a server OS and makes a damn fine desktop OS as well.
I’ve tried RedHat, Mandrake, and Caldera….I’ve always gone back to slackware since it is the only one that works with my hardware combination.
the press release / product specs list a server configrator as one of the new features.
I really don’t understand this. It comes out of the box with the wrong permissions relating to truetype files. A simple wander around the distro would see such a thing. I’m very dissapointed.
When I was exploring the available Lienucks distributions I really wanted to try Suse, but I couldn’t find any where to download their latest ISOs. I could have downloaded the individual files and made my own, but I’m lazy.
Considering Linux as a whole as well as the distributions I did try, Mandrake was the easiest to install and configure. I had problems and gripes, but it worked and seemed to be mostly complete.
Should I get a job sometime soon I will be buying a copy of 8.2 (even though BeOS is my primary system) and registering for their User Club, for a least a couple months. They deserve it. should have Suse
they have it, h_ank
I have to admit, Mandrake is too kind… too much free download. They give away too much work too easly. I am running Mdk 8.1 and I find it wonderfull… Fast, stable, easy to configure (20 minutes from scratch to be on the internet with ADSL, dual screen, sound, HP deskjet and watching Divx with xine
Evolution is also GREAT…. I was not using Outlook because it was too risky for viruses but evolution is simply as good.
My win2k took me a lot longer to setup and I had more troubles..
That sure I am going to download the 8.2 MDK. Btw MDK club is a nice thing for the download and it is an easy way to pay the value the soft deserve.
Go for it, you will LOVE it!
– if you try to remove some packages with a larger dependency, unchecking the package also unchecks the dependency. don’t want efax? hope you werent thinking of using kdevelop. I dont have a fax modem, so there isnt much use installing this, esp since i want to save space. :/ (at least you get warned)
– getting a bit bloated, but if linux doesnt get easier to configure, they are going to lose a lot of potential customers. there is no way in hell the average home/office user7 is going to pay money for an OS for which they need to run a CVS update so they can burn a CD. Config tools=bloat. I hate it, you hate it. How much do you hate it is what you need to ask yourself.
time to see how it runs.
I loved mandrake 8.1, it was so easy to install (even compared to caldera) and had so much useful software included in the isos (I downloaded all 3) that you really wouldn’t have to add more software. I did notice though that its driver support out of the box isn’t quite as good as caldera, but if you could add the driver support from caldera I think it would be the most popular distro for newbs (If I wasn’t so annoyed with linux as a whole right now I’d install 8.2).
From their interweb sight:
“SuSE has chosen to not make freely available an installable i386/Intel version of their Linux distribution. They do, however, make an installable version available for the Sparc architecture, meaning Sun computers. The i386 version is a demo, uninstallable, evaluation Linux OS.”
OK, I haven’t yet tried 8.2 (8.1 is mostly working for me now, & I don’t want to break it) but for several versions now you have had the option to automate dependancies under individual package selection. Try un-checking that if you want to preserve dependant files when removing a package from the install list.