Nemerle is a hybrid (functional, object-oriented and imperative) programming language for the .NET platform. The key features of the language include C#-like syntax, easy access to functional, object-oriented, and imperative features, powerful code-generating macros, variants, pattern matching, static and on-demand dynamic typing, and type inference. This version makes the Nemerle language full CLS consumer and producer. A number of non-CLS features are also in place, for C# compatibility, but CLSCompliant attribute checking is not yet supported. Any lack in CLS compliance is a bug now.
The language ancestry is going to be as complicated as the geaneology found within the Holy Bible one of these days
Fortran begat…
Algol begat…
Smalltalk begat…
C begat…
C++ begat…
Java begat…
C# begat…
Nermele begat…
OK, I can’t remember where it is, but I’m sure someone can link us the Programming Tree that showed the geneology of all the languages. Of course, Fortran rulz…and my gmail address says so.
I hope you’re not implying that C, C++, Java and C# are more advanced than Smalltalk!
Here is the link
More on topic, it is nice to see Nemerle making steady progress. Along with IronPython and C# (and if you really want), .Net/Mono is becoming a really attractive development platform.
Here is the nice changegraph:
archmage of earthsea?
Anyway, I like how nemerle used macros.
It is nice to see a bracket based^W^Wa c-like language with this cool featureset, even if nemerle looks quit too much complex in respect to stuff like scala.
Dynamic typing, yippie.
No! It just happens that in the programming world Smalltalk is “The beast from 20,000 fathoms”.
I hope you’re not implying that C, C++, Java and C# are more advanced than Smalltalk!
No, I would have said something more like, “C++ is more advanced than Smalltalk.”
How did you get “advanced” from “begat” anyhow? Are Abraham’s ancestors more advanced than he? Well, not all of them, no.
…I am currently writing a programming language (of sorts) which compiles to C, and is a strict C superset somewhat like Objective-C. In fact the internals are quite similar, but the syntax looks more like C++ or Java, but allows for runtime class manipulation (adding methods on-the-fly).
It is being developed in my spare time, which is very little as I get about an hour or 2 a day on the computer (my gf is strict), and is in the very early stages, the parser still not written but the runtime coming along nicely. I will make some kind of announcement on osnews when I get things to a more interesting state.
It is tentatively called “Spaceballs: The Programming Language”, and no that is not a joke 🙂
FastL aka Pycs aka Prothon
Of course, Fortran rulz…and my gmail address says so.
Boo-yah! And it’ll rule even more as the Fortran 2003 compilers start getting released in the near future. Also, gfortran, the gcc F90/95 compiler is to be included with gcc 3.5.
Things are looking good in the Fortran world
I’ve read the “Quick summary of differences between Nemerle and C#” and from what I’ve read I don’t see anything that is easier in Nemerle than in C# – it’s just different, neither better nor worse…
And if you have coded in (C), C++ or Java the basics like object creation, type casts, exception handling or array declaration (…) are similar or even identical – Nemerle breaks with these basics.
I think you’re just falling in a case of blub paradox. You don’t understand how to use that stuff cause you’ve never been able (and trained ) to use it. So you think it’s useless.
It’s like saying “well, I can’t see how using that crappy c# is better than assembly, goto is almost identical to my BRANCH instruction”
Kamil Skalski: Here is the nice changegraph:
Many of those changes, the reasons behind them and the ancestry are either incomplete or just plain wrong. Take with a grain of salt.
Not your fault though – you didn’t write the linked page.
it’s a wiki, feel free to notice them