This update helps resolve an issue on computers running Windows XP Service Pack 2. Programs that connect to IP addresses in the loopback address range may not work as expected and you may receive an error message indicating you cannot establish a connection. After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer. Elsewhere, this download installs Microsoft Windows Script containing Visual Basic Script Edition (VBScript.) Version 5.6, JScript Version 5.6, Windows Script Components, Windows Script Host 5.6, and Windows Script Runtime Version 5.6.
I was hoping that it would be possible to remove outlook after sp2 but I was wrong. Has anyone succeeded in getting rid of outlook in Windows XP?
If you want to remove Microsoft Outlook (which comes with MS Office) then you can go to ad/remove program & selec MS Office & choose add or remove program
If you want to get rid of MS Outlook express then you can do it from set program access and defaults or else go here
Latest version supports XP SP2
So how do you remove outlook express using set program access and defaults?
I wonder why my brand new laptop (installed from the OEM’s rescue disks that were delivered with it) can’t be validated by that activeX control.
I’m 100% sure the soft is legit
@charlie: Use this tool to remove outlook and other tools you aren’t needing
It creates you a new install cd from your original install cd. also it integrates sp2
have fun. i used it also on my cd.
Not flaming or anything, but why should anyone want to install scripting capabilities: isnt stuff like VBscript the main culprit behind most MS Outlook hosted viruses/worms?
“I wonder why my brand new laptop (installed from the OEM’s rescue disks that were delivered with it) can’t be validated by that activeX control.
I’m 100% sure the soft is legit”
Try this link…
Isn’t this related to the Windows Scripting Host that we were once suppose to uninstall it for safety due to virus?
Windows Script 5.6 is ages old, so you are probably right. I quite like the scripting cabapilities, though the javascript binding is far from perfect…
Microsoft Knowledge Base atricle to remove Outlook Express manually:;EN-US;q263837
Um, then don’t validate
Just select, no, and proceed to the d/l.
windows scripting options
the number of tools is immense and ms provides tons of scripts to download and many training resources as well:
training and resources with the scripting guys:…
script center…
Microsoft Windows Script Downloads…
adsi scriptomatic…
log parser 2.0…
Windows Script 5.6 for Windows 2000 and XP…
Windows Script Host overview…
“You can use Windows Script Host to run scripts by clicking a script file on the Windows desktop or by typing the name of a script file at the command prompt. Similar to Microsoft Internet Explorer, Windows Script Host serves as a controller of Windows Script-compliant scripting engines. Unlike Internet Explorer, Windows Script Host has very low memory requirements and is ideal for both interactive and non-interactive scripting, such as logon scripting and administrative scripting.
There are two versions of the Windows Script Host: a Windows-based version (Wscript.exe), which provides a property sheet for setting script properties, and a command-prompt-based version (Cscript.exe), which provides command-line switches for setting script properties. You can run either of these by typing Wscript.exe or Cscript.exe at the command prompt.
Previously, the only native scripting language supported by the Windows operating system was the MS-DOS command language. Although MS-DOS is fast and small, its features are limited compared to VBScript and JScript. For example, the ability to control program flow was not built into the language. Today, the Windows Script Host architecture allows you to take advantage of these powerful scripting languages, although support is still provided for MS-DOS command scripts.
Windows Script Host supports scripts that are written in Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) or JScript. When a script is started from the Windows desktop or from the command prompt, the script host reads and passes the contents of the specified script file to the registered script engine. The script engine uses file name extensions (.vbs for VBScript; .js for JScript) to identify the script instead of using the SCRIPT tag (used in HTML). Because of this, you do not have to be familiar with the exact programmatic identifier (ProgID) of the script engines. The script host itself maintains a mapping of script extensions to ProgIDs, and uses the Windows association model to start the appropriate engine for a given script.”
this is just a drop in the bucket really…use search tools on ms site and find even more to your hearts content.
free upcoming web seminars on scripting
ms scripting guys do lots of online seminars for training