FiringSquad takes a look at nVidia’s first offering of motherboard chipsets, the nForce, which reportedly has some interesting features including 3D capabilities. The reviewer concludes that “Now that you’ve seen everything NVIDIA is offering with nForce, you see why we feel this is a groundbreaking product — quite literally there isn’t anything else on the market with such powerful features! Even if you don’t like them, you’ve got to give NVIDIA a lot of respect […] With nForce, NVIDIA has turned itself into a powerful competitor in a little over a year!”
nVidia swallowed 3Dfx whole, in one gulp, and it’s going off in every direction looking to conquor and devour! Go, nVidia, go!
Though I may hate Microsoft, I love the Xbox… but only because… guess who made the graphics chip inside that polygon-pushing beast… yup… nVidia! YEAH!
If nVidia becomes the “Microsoft” of the graphics chip industry, more power to them! I love ’em, just like Apple! Always have.. always will.
I would say that nVidia is already the Microsoft of the desktop gfx chipsets. ATi does not sell much anymore, while Matrox does not even pursue the 3D users anymore. nVidia has cool hardware. But I feel sorry for the rest of the companies. And heck, I need more companies to bring more competition in the graphics arena, so I can report on.
As for the nForce chipset, it will mostly “kill” the small glue manufactures, like SiS or ALi. Not Intel or VIA or AMD. Which is a shame to see companies with large history like SiS to fade away from their own business because the monster called nVidia just entered their market.
/me is very romantic. Be warned.
I agree with Eugenia (mostly because i fear her wrath is i would disagree
) I think nVidia has already become the MS of graphic world, in size and in practice. Being a AsusTNT owner, and a full time BeOS user, it makes it sad to see that nVidia is so tight fisted with there drivers. The diversity in the ibm clone market has always been part of its selling point. I must say that if I ever purchased another card it would most likely be a Matrox, they tend to be nice to us small people. I also moarn the passing of SiS and other small companys that are beeing kicked out of there own playgrounds.
With progress always comes distruction i gess, thats life …
nVidia is going to be the Intel standard of graphics. This will be great in one respect that OS’s need only support x86 instructions and nVidia chipset. This support would get you everything from modems, graphics, NIC, sound, etc.
Buy nVidia stock. Just wait to it drops a little and then jump in and BUY BUY BUY.
nforce is gonna kill other chipset companies? Oh puhleeeeeeeeez. Let’s be realistic now. They are going for relatively hi-end stuff here. If anything, it will do some damange to sound card manufacturers and add-on vid card manufacturers. nforce will be relatively expensive and won’t compete on the price level of current integrated chipsets.
I’m quite satisfied with my NVidia card, but I wish there would be more drivers.
Well, at least they have a (somewhat terrible to install, but that’s more Linux’ fault than NVidia’s) Linux driver.
I don’t know any other 3D card of that quality with very good Linux drivers. Matrox is much better in delivering (or supporting) 2D accellerated drivers for all kind of alternative systems. AFAIK there is not even an accellerated NVidia driver for DirectFB.
You can’t blame the systems for not supporting any hardware, it’s the manufactorers duty to deliver the drivers.
I don’t think that Nvidia has more than 30% – 40% of the desktop market. ATI will have the Radeon 8500 ready quite soon, Img Tech supposedly will have the Kyro 3 ready early next year, Matrox has some high-end stuff in development as well, even if they don’t say it. And finally – even if this generates some scornful remarks – even Bitboys Oy plan to release a product, though they’re not saying much about when they plan to have it out.
You see, we’ll probably end up with more competition next year than we had in some time.
I forgot that VIA (remember, they have bought S3) plans to release a graphics chip (Columbia) as well…
It was just a little while ago that NVIDIA was this tiny little company that was worried about being swallowed up by Intel or SGI. Actually, it was like 1998! I still remember the NV1, and the reeking pile that was. They seem to have done quite well for themselves, haven’t they?
it would be interesting if they stick a geforce 3 in the nforce. However I’m still looking at the latest Radeon all in wonder because of its video capabilities in addition to great 3D technology such as Truform
please…please …..could anyone give me given a glue how much the new nforce is going to be ? thanks
30 gallons of glue
i have heard about $200