a few people on other threads have complained how even redhat ES does not provide long enough release and support cycles… and developers complaining that they don’t have a stable framework to build upon. i suggest netbsd not just for the long-life of each official release, but your code will be encouraged to be portable.
mainframe .. in operation 25 years in the energy sector in the UK. still supported. for a fee, of course. but software maintained and hardware supported.
Some news regarding the NeyBSD logo competition is here http://www.feyrer.de/NetBSD/blog.html#20040928 .
a few people on other threads have complained how even redhat ES does not provide long enough release and support cycles… and developers complaining that they don’t have a stable framework to build upon. i suggest netbsd not just for the long-life of each official release, but your code will be encouraged to be portable.
a few people on other threads have complained how even redhat ES does not provide long enough release and support cycles
7 years for a product isnt enough. stop kidding
>7 years for a product isnt enough. stop kidding
You implying noone would need more than 7 years ?
You are wrong. Sorry.
mainframe .. in operation 25 years in the energy sector in the UK. still supported. for a fee, of course. but software maintained and hardware supported.
Is there a summary of the new changes somewhere?