Finally Terrasoft released YellowDog Linux 4.0. Six months in development, Yellow Dog Linux v4.0 is built upon Fedora Core 2, offering both KDE 3.3 and GNOME 2.6.0 desktops with an all new presentation for both the Installer and post-installed desktop environment. Included apps are OpenOffice 1.1.1, Rhythmbox 0.8.3, Mozilla 1.7 and development tools glibc 2.3.3 and gcc 3.3.3 built upon the 32-bit kernel 2.6.8. A lot of new hardware is supported including G5. Mac-on-linux is also supported. More.
expect public release in a month.
I can’t wait for it to hit their store.
.. but no Airport Extreme support makes it useless on my powerbook
When will the ISOS hit mirrors?
ubuntu rules my iBook at the moment… but there is place for YDL also… 🙂
Why not Gnome 2.8 ?
Because it’s basically FC 2.
But it does contain KDE 3.3?
Does anybody know if this offers advantage over Debian PPC on an iBook G4?
Something like reliable hibernate or even sleep support?
Would Gnome2.6 be easily upgradable by a package manager or something? Gnome2.6 is a show stopper since 2.8 is out 🙂
I used a older version of yellow dog 3.0 it was good but I didnt stick with it. Then I tried debian sarge for ppc and liked that better. I do hope though this new version is better than the 3.0.1 version I tried. Being redhat underneath I never for some reason liked redhat all to much but I know it would of worked just fine. I guess I preferred debian on the ppc.
Wish they would make a YDL based Live CD for ppc that worked with Mac laptops. I can’t find a live cd that will boot into X11 correctly on my powerbook
Have you tried Gentoo LiveCD? It runs fine on G4. I’m not sure on powerbook.
Anyone tried out YDL 4.0 on PowerMac G5 yet. How much optimized is YDL 4.0 for G5, what are the performance boosts if any.