OpenBSD Works To Open Wireless Chipsets

In order to better understand why OpenBSD has decided this is important, KernelTrap approached Theo de Raadt with a few questions. In reply he fully explains the issue, talking about how successful this form of activism has been for OpenBSD in the past, and offering specifics on exactly what they are trying to accomplish. He summarizes, “the open source community has support for all the ethernet chipsets, all the scsi chipsets, all the raid chipsets, so why should we not have support for all the wireless chipsets?”


  1. 2004-11-03 9:20 pm
  2. 2004-11-04 1:05 am
  3. 2004-11-04 3:17 am
  4. 2004-11-04 5:18 am
  5. 2004-11-04 12:31 pm
  6. 2004-11-04 1:18 pm
  7. 2004-11-04 9:24 pm
  8. 2004-11-04 9:41 pm