Learn how to write better connected apps with System.Net in Visual Studio 2005. Since VS 2003, we’ve significantly enhanced the System.Net class libraries to make writing connected apps easier with added support for FTP, SMTP protocols, and the ability to listen and respond to HTTP requests.
Blargh ! When I tred to view this video within Mozilla/Linux:
“We’re sorry, the page you are viewing requires a media player plug-in that is not available for this browser. Plug-ins are available for Netscape 4.7x and the latest version of Microsoft(R) Internet Explorer.Internet Explorer”
Only works if you have M$ Windows…
Way to go .NET libraries. You’re finally starting to catch up to the network libraries for java, python, ruby, perl etc.
Unbelievable. Truly.
Well, it’s good news for the MS developers who don’t know any better I guess.
“Way to go .NET libraries. You’re finally starting to catch up to the network libraries for java, python, ruby, perl etc.
Unbelievable. Truly.
Well, it’s good news for the MS developers who don’t know any better I guess.”
You make yourself sound like an idiot when you make comments without knowing what you are talking about… Why don’t you learn a little about .Net before you go making stupid and untruthful statements like this…
So if we non-ie-users want to download the prez instead of viewing it, then they push us a zip embedded in an exefile…
Downloading exe-files from an unsigned insecure website, are we?
“Do as we say, not as we do”?
They said they are sorry, what more do you pushy Linux advocates want?