Have you had your Java Heap looked at lately, well maybe you should. It could be oozing something nasty. Why walk around wondering if you’re Heap has a leak? Use the free HeapAnalyzer graphical tool and check yourself before your wreck yourself. Version 1.3 now includes the capacity to support the .phd format.
Does there anything that HeapAnalyzer can do
but NetBeans Profiler (JFluid) can’t ?
check yourself before your wreck yourself
That’s one of the best quotes I’ve seen on an OSNews headline so far!
still brewing. –: )))))))).
what kind of shit registration on ibm.com is this?! […] your request is beeing reviewed […] bla bla
Eugenia, do you need someone to proofread article abstracts before you print them? I’ll do it for free, if the situation is as desperate as this one suggests. “Have you had your Java Heap looked at lately, well maybe you should.” – where’s the question mark? Why is heap capitalised? “Why walk around wondering if you’re Heap has a leak?” Why mix up you’re and your? Why randomly capitalise the word heap in the middle of a sentence? Sheesh.
Once you get passed the daft US export restriction on download, you can finally try and use it. Unfortunately it doesn’t tell you how to actually create a useful heap log on Linux that it understands.
You’re better off using IDEA+YourKit or JProbe