Monthly Archive:: September 2003

Windows Server Reference Guide & UI Changes; XP’s System Restore

InformIT's new Windows Server Reference Guide debuts this week, and to lead you through the mysteries is Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols. This week he talks about a little concept called presence. This sample chapter touches on some of the new interface changes and features in Windows Server 2003. It isn't a backup program. It isn't an OS re-install. But the System Restore built into Windows XP can save you from a world of hurt.

Editorial: The Challenges of Open Source Software

Linux will become ubiquitous in the year 3000. Okay, that was a horrible joke. Linux is just a kernel, the engine that runs an operating system. By itself, it is essentially useless. Kernels shouldn't be discussed or noticed by normal users. And as such when providing these users with reviews, previews and "professional" opinions, computer consultants, computer reviewers and computer journalists should not spew headlines like "Linux is not ready for prime time", "Linux on the desktop by XXX", "Linux to takeover Windows", "Linux is not ready for desktop" and so on.

Building Secure Sun Servers; Guide to Linux for Solaris Users

This article describes how to install and deploy the Sun Fire Link product so that it can be securely managed and operated. This is the second article in a two-part series, this article provides recommendations for securing the Sun Linux 5.0 operating system. This article provides a technical overview of the Linux operating environment and compares and contrasts it with the Solaris OE.

New Version of Gobe Productive Office Suite: 3.0.4

In the spark of the upcoming MS Office, OO.o, KOffice and the recent release of Gnome Office 1.0, Gobe has released a new demo version to their office suite, Gobe Productive, version 3.0.4. However purchasers of the full version haven't seen the actual free upgrade to 3.0.4 from 3.0.3, which fixes a number of bugs (this update has apparently stack in testing for more than a year).

Linux 2.6.0-test6 Development Kernel

Linus Torvalds released the 2.6-test6 development kernel with a number of exciting changes. Most notably this includes some impressive performance enhancements written by an Australian doctor, Con Kolivas. Additionally, it includes Al Viro's "32-bit dev_t" patch, bumping up the number of device types that can be allocated by the Linux kernel.

Sun’s Software Revolution

"The news is a credible, coherent Linux desktop from a major player. Despite their big bets on Linux, neither HP or IBM has ventured into this territory. The combination of the desktop, the pricing model, and Sun's promise to gut the middleware market is bad news for Microsoft, IBM, and anyone else that makes money from the complexity of enterprise systems. If this strategy gains even a little traction, it will start a pricing downdraft through the whole industry." Read the article at NewsForge.

yellowTab Now Sells Complete Hardware Systems with Zeta

yellowTab announced the "Complete Zeta Solution": Both in laptop (Centrino) and desktop form (P4 and AthlonXP), yellowTab will sell, to Europe only, complete and compatible hardware systems. All systems come with a 2 year warranty and estimated delivery is 10-14 days. The systems will ship with YellowTAB Zeta 1.0-RC1, and buyers will be able to upgrade to 1.0-Final for free (only shipping will be paid extra). Also, as a launching promotion, and for a limited time only, you can order the Deluxe Edition Special Bundle, where along with Zeta Deluxe Edition 1.0-RC1, you also receive a free Zeta t-shirt. UPDATE: YellowTAB sent us a screenshot of Zeta. Font rendering is much improved since the betas.

Linux in the Enterprise: Novell, UnitedLinux News

Novell is looking to Microsoft's biggest enemy - the open-source software movement - for renewal and profits. In its latest strategic shift, Novell is focused on developing software for the Linux operating system. In the meantime, the UnitedLinux consortium - unveiled with much fanfare last year as a unified effort to create a standard Linux distribution - has been awfully quiet of late in an industry segment that has been anything but quiet.

OS/2 Server Transition from IBM

OS/2 Servers have been a stable and powerful platform more many years and are depended upon by many businesses. This is especially true in the banking industry where OS/2 Servers are trusted to run the software that supports the branch office environment. However, as the industry looks to renew its branch office operations, many banks are looking to make a transition from there OS/2 Servers to a platform with wider industry support.

“MS: Security Risk” Paper Criticised By Industry Group

The recent paper that claimed that Microsoft's dominance poses a risk to US national security has come under fire by the groups Americans for Technology Leadership as being a shameless attempt by Microsoft's business rivals to promote their own products. Interestingly enough, Microsoft is one of the founding members of Americans for Technology Leadership, so this looks like this may be a bit of a "Battle of the Trade Groups."