FreeBSD Archive

New BSD Development Company

SilverOS is a stable version of FreeBSD 4.x based on an early preview of the upcoming DragonFly BSD 1.0 release. SilverOS exists to be the convergence point of stablity and innovative design, drawing from successful research collaborations including IBM's K42 Research Project. SilverOS is a commercially supported BSD system from a company that has a proven track record in innovative BSD design, development, and deployment.

FreeBSD: Revamp of Kernel Debugging Code w/ Thread Awareness

Marcel Moolenaar has been very busy with GDB code as of late, having imported gdb version 6.1.1 in late June and now supplying a patch to freebsd-arch@ that adds kernel debugging and helpful features to FreeBSD's gdb and ddb code, including thread awareness. Other interesting additions include optimizations for the 64-bit platforms, compression for remote gdb, and improved symbol handling.

Debian GNU/kFreeBSD

Millan has released a LiveCD of GNU/kFreeBSD. You can try it out directly booting the CD. The software can also be very easily installed to harddisk. You can find more about the GNU C Library with FreeBSD kernel here. Please read the 00README and INSTALL for additional notes. If you have questions, suggestions or any feedback, please direct it to the [email protected] mailing list or through IRC (#gnu-kbsd).

Siberian coal mine digs out FreeBSD funding

From ZDNet: A Danish developer of the popular FreeBSD operating system, who was seeking sponsorship to support him while he works on the filesystem and disk-I/O subsystem, says he has been successful in his search (OSNews was among the first to post about it). Donations came in from firms as far afield as Siberia. The funding is significant for those who develop and use FreeBSD because it illustrates that the users are willing to support full-time development at least of parts of the OS.

FreeBSD Drops Alpha Port Status to Tier-2

After a (somewhat) long discussion in the FreeBSD 'current@' and 'hackers@' mailing lists concerning the status of KSE in -CURRENT, the FreeBSD Release Engineering Team have decided to drop tier-ness of the alpha port to Tier-2 before 5.3 hits the road. This means, among other things, that 4-STABLE will be the last FreeBSD -STABLE branch for the alpha platform.

FreeBSD 4.10 Released

FreeBSD 4.10 has been released and is now available on the master ftp. It should be showing up on mirrors shortly. Changes include the addition of USB2 support, a "dumb console" driver, a host of security fixes and many other tweaks. Userland utilities such as ifconfig, killall and rtld have also been updated. This release is very much an incremental one and contains no major new features. The current plans are for one more FreeBSD 4.X release which will be FreeBSD 4.11-RELEASE. After that, it's expected that FreeBSD 5.3 release will have reached the maturity level necessary for most users to be able to migrate to 5.X.

FreeBSD 4.10-RC3 Available

FreeBSD 4.10-RC3 is available. Changes from RC2 include a full package set for Alpha, fixes for the twe(4) driver under load, fixes for the twa drives not being seen by sysintall, along with various other bug fixes. i386 ISO images are available now, Alpha ISO images are still uploading.