FreeBSD Archive

FreeBSD Tips and Tricks for 2005; Points of FreeBSD

"By the time you read this, the 2004 holiday season will have dissolved into memory. I spent the last days of the year going through my list of "things I want to check out if I ever get the chance." As usual, I found some interesting tidbits." Read more here. Elsewhere, Scott Long of FreeBSD release engineering team describes some of the finer points where FreeBSD continues to innovate and display its mature development environment.

ZoneBSD Announced

I've started a project in anticipation of the upcoming release of OpenSolaris called ZoneBSD. The goal of the project will be to factor as much code from OpenSolaris as necessary into FreeBSD in order to support running FreeBSD from within a Solaris Zone, allowing virtualized FreeBSD instances to be run atop a host instance of Solaris.

FreeBSD logo design competition

Unfortunately, the cute FreeBSD daemon is sometimes treated with misunderstanding in the religious and cultural context. That's why The FreeBSD Project is announcing a public competition for the new logo design. You can find the rules of the competition in this document. Update: There is now a petition to keep Beastie, however FreeBSD's own Robert Watson emailed us to inform us that they are "seeking a new logo, but not a new mascot", so that petition is really reduntant. Update 2: Rob Watson writes:

FreeBSD Foundation Needs Donations

The law that governs nonprofit foundations requires that during its probationary period, at least 1/3 of its donations must be in the form of smaller donations from individuals, or it risks losing its tax-exempt status. Ironically, because of some very-generous donations, it now must make up for that with $30,400 in smaller donations by 12/31/2004. More info on their predicament an info on making donations are available on their web site.

FreeBSD: ULE Scheduler Status

Since the decision to demote ULE in favor of the 4BSD scheduler as the default for FreeBSD's 5.3-Release, many improvements to both schedulers have been committed. At the time it was marked broken, ULE was especially needy in light of the status of its maintainership, performance issues, and its unreliable nature in conjunction with threading and kernel preemption. Having resolved these problems, Jeff Roberson announces to -current that the ULE code is now in working order: More information can be found on