General Development Archive

SciTech MGL 5.0 R10 Released; Removes Need for X on Linux

SciTech Software, Inc. announced it has released SciTech MGL 5.0 R10 for multiple operating systems including Linux, under a dual-license structure. Developers can now use SciTech MGL under the LGPL, or through SciTech’s commercial software license for those seeking to offer closed source solutions. Both versions come complete with source code and more than 1600 pages of online documentation. SciTech MGL comes with direct support for VGA, VESA VBE and DirectX compatible graphics cards out of the box via the SciTech SNAP Graphics device driver architecture.

Understanding C++ Program Structure

Learn how C++ program structure works, from the perspective of functions and data. This sample chapter covers function definitions, inline functions, recursion, pointers to functions, and functions with default arguments. It also describes structures and unions, member functions, and passing structures and unions as arguments. Additionally, you'll learn about C++ storage classes, exceptions, namespaces, and free store memory. Another dev article, named "Using Java Development Tools in Eclipse" is also available.

Inside Microsoft’s New F# Language

"Rumors of a new .NET language have been circulating around the cyber-grapevine for the last year or so, but have picked up speed as of late. The fire was fed by Mary Jo Foley's (columnist, Microsoft Watch) recent news story Add F# To the Alphabet Soup. Strangely enough, there hasn't been a peep from Microsoft. The only published information I can find is hosted on the Microsoft Research (MR) site. So, I donned my thinking cap, and proceeded with reckless abandon. Here begins the tale…" Read the article at ExtremeTech.

Microsoft Sells Visual Studio.Net 2003 Upgrade for 29 USD

Microsoft is offering to Visual Studio .NET 2002 Professional, Enterprise Developer, and Enterprise Architect customers a corresponding upgrade to a Visual Studio .NET 2003 product for only $29 USD. This offer is open until September 30, 2003 and is indeed one of the first signs of yesterday's news that Microsoft is cutting down the prices like crazy in order to beat the rising competition. The original price for the PRO upgrade was about $480 USD (Enterprise and Architect upgrade versions were even pricier).

Use Visual Studio .NET 2003 Enterprise Architect Via Remote Display

Complete the sign-up form to experience Visual Studio .NET 2003 running on Windows Server 2003 in a completely hosted environment. No complex setup or installation needed. You will receive a three-hour trial to: Test drive and take a guided tour of Visual Studio .NET 2003 Enterprise Architect. Take a look at the new Windows Server 2003. Access 100+ code samples and other resources to quickly evaluate Visual Studio .NET.

Cocoa 101: Object-Oriented Programming for the Masses – Part 1

There are two major varieties of Cocoa available. The first variety, possibly the more well known of the two, is the kind that you can use to make a nice warm cup of chocolate milk. While tasty, it's hardly proper subject matter for an operating systems information site. The second variety is far more on-topic: a programming environment for Apple Mac OS X that is the modern evolution of of the original NeXTSTEP frameworks. That's what I'm here to talk about today.