General Development Archive

Reiser4 Benchmarks Available

From Slashdot: "Hans Reiser has benchmarked Reiser4 against ext3 and Reiserfs 3. Reiser4 turns out to be way faster than V3, and for ext3, why don't you check out the results yourself ? Han's Reiser states, "these benchmarks mean to me that our performance is now good enough to ship V4 to users", and he will be probably sending in a patch within the next couple of weeks to be included in the 2.6/2.5 kernel." Benchmarks against XFS would be most interesting too.

REAL Software Announces Linux, VB Strategy

REAL Software announced that the next version of REALbasic will generate native applications for Linux (in addition to Mac Classic, Mac OS X and Windows). The IDE is not ported, you will have to cross-compile a Linux binary. And they now have a Visual Basic migration tool that will help developers port their VB applications to these other platforms.

Best Practices for Programming in C

Although the C language has been around for close to 30 years, its appeal has not yet worn off. It continues to attract a large number of people who must develop new skills for writing new applications, or for porting or maintaining existing applications. This article has been written with the needs of the developer in mind, and offers suggestions that may help them in their job.

Should your Application be on the Grid?

A Grid computing environment provides the virtual computing resource that will be used to execute applications. The functional components(security, resource managament, informations services, and data managament)of a grid environment, as well as non-functional considerations such as performance requirements or operating system requirements, must be well understood when considering enabling an application to execute in a grid environment. This article helps you determine whether an application is a good candidate to execute in a grid environment.

New Advances in the Filesystem Space, PDF File

The filesystem is a database, but it has always been unsuitable as the computer's primary one. Programmers have to write specialized programs to get the functionality they need. Now, new advances in software like Plan 9, the Reiser 4 filesystem and Linux are making the improvements the filesystem needs to become viable. Plan 9 is using the filesystem as the integral system interface, and the Reiser filesystem is unifying pointlessly different but equivalent namespaces. For operating systems to improve for users (that always includes programmers), they need to incorporate these new ideas.

Linux Development: Back to BASIC

"Few languages have been as popular over the years as BASIC. Until about a decade ago, almost every programmer cut his teeth learning BASIC. Indeed, the name itself came from Beginner's All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. If you've had BASIC training, can you find a familiar flavor that runs under Linux? Because it is not enough to find a good BASIC language implementation for Linux; one must find a BASIC language variant that approximates the style of BASIC to which you are accustomed." Read the article at DevChannel by Russell Pavlicek.

REBOL/View Desktop Now Open Source

REBOL Technologies recently released the source code for the REBOL/View Desktop to promote open source development of future versions. The Desktop module is the default user interface displayed when REBOL/View is started. The Desktop is essentially a non-web-based Internet browser that provides a simple method for users to execute REBOL applications distributed across systems the world over.

Developer Alert: 800×600 Resolution Still Strong on the Web today reported that more and more internet users choose for screen resolution 1024x768 which is the most popular screen resolution for exploring the internet. Users with monitors set to the most common resolution 800x600 for web sites have an approximate 31.7 percent global usage share. Seeing these numbers, both web designers and also application and OS developers should take into account that their projects (not counting specialized 3D/CAD/DTP apps etc) should be designed in a way that they totally fit and are usable on 800 pixels wide.

Interview with XP Founder Kent Beck on Working Smarter, Not Harder

Extreme Programming (XP) founder Kent Beck likes to say he made up XP's fundamentals during a particularly troubled project in 1996. While strictly true, from talking to him you sense he'd really been formulating the process for quite some time. Find out what Kent thinks about the contribution of the Java platform to software development's success (or lack thereof). In this interview he explains how better applications can arise from the ashes of failure.